Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1333: Secrets of Shura Temple

Xiao Yi said respectfully and saluted.

Afterwards, waiting for the approval of the main hall master.

In front of these people, although Xiao Yi refused, he did not dare to be presumptuous.

Furthermore, I don't know what the character of this chief palace master is.

If it is a person with a perverted personality, one is unhappy, afraid that he can slap him out with a slap.

Unexpectedly, the main hall master just smiled slightly.

"Is it too high?"

"Hehe, at a young age, he is the title of deputy head of the double hall main hall, and also the city head of the Sifang City."

"In the battle of the Hundred Colleges, they became famous in World War I, and the chiefs of the colleges did not even dare to play against it."

"If you are too humble, you are arrogant."

Xiao Yi looked at the face of the main hall master without anger and prestige, his face changed slightly, and he quickly arched his hands, "Don't dare."

"Don't dare?" The main hall master smiled again.

"I have read your data file, but there is nothing you dare not see."

"Furthermore, you have obtained one of the strongest physical cultivation methods in my Asura Hall, and you have obtained those precious cultivation objects. Do you think you can still refuse?"

Xiao Yi's face was startled, and he quickly took out a Qiankun Ring and that exercise.

"According to the Chief Hall Master, the things in the Universe Ring, the kid has not moved anything."

"Diyue's immortal body, the kid is just a first glimpse of the way, and he didn't cultivate in detail."

Xiao Yi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he has always been cautious and did not use those Asura stones.

He had long guessed that he and the main hall master were not close to each other, and there was no relationship between them. There must be a reason why the main hall master gave him this great gift.

"You..." The master of the palace frowned as he looked at the Qiankun Commandments and Techniques on the table.

The next second, frowning and loosening, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, but a shrewd kid."

"But." The main hall master's tone sank, "If the old man said, must you help me?"

"This..." Xiao Yi's face was slightly ugly.

Just wanted to say something.

Suddenly, an inexplicable aura fell heavily on him.

The main hall master smiled faintly, "If you don't answer, the old man will assume that you have agreed."

Xiao Yi's face twitched. Now he is not only unable to move, but even unable to speak.

That inexplicable aura, undoubtedly came from the main hall master.

Under the aura of the main hall master, it is strange that he can answer.

"Okay, you have agreed to this matter." A smile flashed across the main hall master's face, and he also withdrew his momentum.

Xiao Yi loosened his body and his face twitched.

The main hall master glanced at Xiao Yi and chuckled, "Boy, you don't need this expression."

"The old man is not asking you to do something too troublesome, but just asking you to find something along the way when you enter the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"Looking for something?" Xiao Yi was puzzled.

Now, he can only agree to it.

"Yeah." The main hall master nodded, his face restored to his usual majesty and seriousness.

"The next thing I want to talk about involves some secrets."

"First of all, the old man asks you first, do you know why the Asura Palace is called the Asura Palace?"

Xiao Yi suppressed his doubts, nodded, and said, "I know it."

"In ancient times, there were the fewest number of martial artists in the Asura Hall."

"But the warriors of the Asura Palace are all brave, and their physical strength is amazing."

"When defending against monsters, they are often not afraid of death, even if they are known for their fierce monsters, they are also fearful."

"Often one person can be a hundred, and fight in blood."

"After every battle, I am alone, stepping on countless monster corpses, covered in blood, just like Shura."

"Asura Hall, so it is called."

Xiao Yi knew better about the Asura Palace.

What's wrong, the main hall master shook his head.

"That's one thing."

"Furthermore, that is what outsiders think of my Asura Hall fighters."

"How can my Asura Palace be named based on the opinions of outsiders."

"That's it?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"From one thing." The main hall master's face was solemn.

"Remember, today's matter, you are the deputy hall master approved by the main hall, so you can know it, but you must not spread it outside."

"Gu." Xiao Yi nodded when he heard the words, his face also slightly ugly.

What can make the main hall master so solemn, no, secret, how could it be ordinary secret.

If you don't know these secrets, it's fine, if you know it, it may be a misfortune or a blessing.

He can only pray now, don't be too troublesome.

"Master Hall Master, please say." Xiao Yi also nodded solemnly.

The main hall master said in a deep voice, "This thing can be traced back to ancient times, or even longer. It was accidentally obtained by one of the founders of my Asura Hall. It is a technique."

"Gong method?" Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something, his expression a little weird.

The main hall master didn't notice Xiao Yi's face, and said to himself, "This is the door body cultivation technique, and the name calls the Shura battle body."

"This practice is against the sky, and it is the strongest practice in the history of my Asura Palace."

"My Shura Temple, hence the name."

With that, the main hall master glanced at Xiao Yi.

"But it's a pity that for countless years, this technique was suddenly lost without knowing when it started."

"What is missing is the most important first few floors."

"The whole exercise has 12 layers in total, layer by layer against the sky."

"The first seven floors are missing."

"Although it has been repaired by the powerful people in the Asura Hall of the past, it will not help.

"However, just passing the last 5 levels of exercises has allowed countless experts in the temple to comprehend and create a unique cultivation technique."

"Your emperor's immortal body is one of them."

When Xiao Yi heard the words, there was a flash in his mind, but the expression on his face was still unstoppably weird.

The main hall master ignored Xiao Yi's face and said directly, "I want to ask you to enter the tomb of the ancient emperor to check if there is any whereabouts on the first 7 floors."

"The tomb of the ancient emperor is unpredictable."

"Although it is opened every 15 years, countless years, countless times, countless opportunities for Tianjiao."

"But, so far, no one has really gotten a glimpse of its mystery."

"The main bureau in the tomb has not yet been defeated by any Tianjiao."

"But in the eyes of the old man, if you are a breaker, there is a glimmer of hope."

Xiao Yi's face was strange, and he didn't listen to the words behind the main hall master in detail.

Just murmured.

"The first 7 floors of the Shura battle body are missing, and the last 5 floors are in the main hall?"

The main hall master nodded.

"If you can really detect whereabouts, you will be a great achievement in establishing the Asura Palace."

"Of course, if you can't, the old man won't care about you."

"The tomb of the ancient emperor is a chance for you. The old man's request is just for you to do it casually."

"If you can't break the game, the old man will not force it."

The main hall master stared at Xiao Yi earnestly.

Xiao Yi was silent for a while, and said, "Dare to ask the Lord, how about the whereabouts of the first 7 floors?"

The main hall master smiled, "If you can find out, what are your requirements, all of the Shura Hall will answer."


Third more.

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