Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1334: Seventh floor, breakthrough

"Are there any requests, do you agree to everything?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Not bad." The main hall master nodded, but frowned.

He clearly saw a trace of greed in Xiao Yi's excited eyes.

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded fiercely, "Go to the tomb of the ancient emperor, the kid will try his best to break the situation, and then investigate."

"It's just that the main hall master's answer, I hope I can keep my promise."

"Relax." The main hall master nodded, "The old man guarantees in his name that as long as he can retrieve the first 7 floors of the Asura battle body, even if there is only news or whereabouts, the old man will never break his promise today."

"All requests are met."

"Are you satisfied?"

"Deal." Xiao Yi nodded, the greed in his eyes became more intense.

This matter seemed to be a deal.

"Okay, it's okay, you can go out." The main hall master frowned and looked at Xiao Yi, and suddenly a trace of disgust flashed.

"Oh, right."

"Diyue Immortal Body is one of the strongest body cultivation methods in the main hall."

"The Shura wild stone and the things for cultivation I gave you, take it as soon as possible."

"Only with sufficient strength, you have a greater chance of breaking the game in the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"Boy knows." Xiao Yi nodded.

Just about to turn around and leave, there was a sudden stop in his footsteps.

"Dare to ask the main hall master, can you take a look at the 5th floor behind the Shura battle body with the help of a kid?"

Xiao Yi's words are very flat, far more flat than the excitement when he heard "What are your requirements, everything is answered".

It seems that I was just talking about a simple thing.

Hearing this, the main hall nodded, "The 5th floor behind the Shura battle body has been in the main hall treasury."

"Normally, only the title of the top ten hall masters is authorized to spend a lot of task points to check."

"This time, the old man made an exception to let you check out."

"Once, you probably know the content of the exercises on the Shura battle body, which will help you enter the tomb of the ancient emperor a year later."

"Secondly, the Immortal Diyue Body you have cultivated is derived from the 5th floor of the Shura battle body."

"If you observe it, it will be beneficial to your cultivation of the Emperor Yue Immortal Body."

After all, the main hall master took out a token and handed it to Xiao Yi.

"Hallmaster Xie." Xiao Yi took it and thanked him.

The token is the authority token of the main hall master, holding it, you can enter and leave at will in the main hall’s major treasure vaults and even some forbidden places.

"Okay, let's go out." In the majestic tone of the main hall master, with a little impatience.

"Yes." Xiao Yi replied, bowed, turned and left.


Leaving the room, Xiao Yi went straight to the treasure house.

At this time, his face returned to normal.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly.

Looking at the palm of the hand, there was already a cold sweat.

I just talked with the main hall master, and it seemed calm, but in fact, I was not sure at all, even with a trace of fear.

Fortunately, everything is unpredictable.

Not long after, came to the treasure house.

Xiao Yi took out the token of the main hall master, opened the restriction, and entered by himself.

The treasure vault of the main hall is not much different from the treasure vaults of other branch halls.

The only difference is that the prohibition in the main hall is extremely tyrannical.

If there is no authority, even the martial arts might not want to shake the prohibition here.

Xiao Yi held the token and entered easily.

After checking, he stopped before a ban in the depths of the treasure house.

"The 5th floor of Shura battle body, found it." Xiao Yi was surprised.

Taking out the token, breaking the prohibition, Xiao Yi took out the exercises.

Do everything well, Xiao Yi turned and left, and returned to the closed room.

The authority granted to him by the main hall master is for lending, not merely for consulting.

So he can take away.

Of course, you can't take it away from the main hall.


Go back to the closed room.

Xiao Yi laid down barriers one after another, and even laid down several formations carefully.

Confirm that everything is correct, then sit down cross-legged.

Taking out the exercises, the joy on Xiao Yi's face was extremely rich.

He has searched for the exercises after the seventh level of the Asura battle body for a long time, and has never found anything.

Unexpectedly, it was actually in the main hall of the Asura Hall.

It's no wonder that he used to wander around, but he didn't have a chance to fall.

Xiao Yi frowned with the technique in his hand.

In fact, the first 7 floors of the Shura battle body are in his hands, and there is no need to go to the tomb of the ancient emperor.

However, he did not hand it over.

After talking with the main hall master, he clearly understood that the main hall values ​​this exercise.

In particular, the phrase ‘what’s your request, all answers’ from the Chief Palace Master made Xiao Yi completely dispel the thought of surrendering.

If you can find the first 7 floors, even if you just find the news, you will accept all your requests.

This means that the main hall master can do whatever it takes to complement the Asura battle body.

But at the same time, this also means that the main hall master can do nothing to get the first 7 floors of the Asura battle body.

For Xiao Yi, this is definitely an unknown consequence.

He has the first 7 floors of the Shura battle body, whether it is a blessing or a curse, is unknown.

Furthermore, he did not know the main hall master.

If it is a disaster, then he will have no power to fight back in front of such a person, or even a certain death.

As for him specifically asking the main hall master to take the 5th floor, it seemed a little strange, but in fact, it seemed more calm.

In the eyes of outsiders, unless it is a fool, how can it be possible to hold the first 7 floors of the Asura battle body and deliberately ask about the last 5 floors.

Such suspicious things can only be done by fools.

Xiao Yi did it deliberately, but was much more calm.

"If there is a chance in the future, give it back." Xiao Yi frowned and muttered to himself.

If he understands the main hall master enough in the future, in other words, the strength of his body is enough.

Handing over the first 7 floors of the Shura battle body is not a bad idea.

Now, he will not do such dangerous things that are unpredictable.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath again, put away distracting thoughts, and began to comprehend the exercises.

On the first 7 floors of the Shura battle body, he had already cultivated to the peak.

The level of a physical body has already reached the peak of the celestial realm.

After that, because there is no follow-up exercise, the physical power has been stagnated at this stage.

Now, it is time to make a breakthrough.

Xiao Yi quickly comprehended the techniques of the 8th floor of the Asura battle body.

He already understood the first 7 levels, so cultivating the 8th level is just a matter of course.

Moreover, with his strength, it is not difficult to comprehend it.

While comprehending, a bottle of monster blood appeared out of thin air in his hand.

"Suck." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

The palm is empty, and strands of blood from the beast are coming out of thin air.

Under countless bottles of demon beast essence blood, they all sucked in, and gradually turned into a **** river, rushing into Xiao Yi's palm.

After a few hours.

After waiting, the densely packed bottles of monster blood on the ground were already empty.


On Xiao Yi's body, there was a burst of momentum.

This is a sign of breakthrough.

It was another half an hour later.

Xiao Yi smiled with joy, "The seventh peak of Shura's battle body has broken through."


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