Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1337: Let me block it for you

Leaving the main hall of Fengchadian, Xiao Yi flew fast all the way.

His journey of experience can't be delayed any longer.

Experience and retreat are both essential experiences on the road of martial arts.

But retreat is meaningless to him now.

Only experience is the way he can quickly improve his strength today.

In addition, the 5th floor of Shura's battle body has been obtained, and he urgently needs a large amount of monster blood.


A day later, Xiao Yi flew away from the Fengcha area at full speed.

A few days later, it crossed multiple regions.

His first choice for experience is naturally dangerous places or monster forests.

But the area around this place is near the main hall of Fengsha Temple, how could there be any dangerous place.

If there are no accidents, it will take at least a few days to fly, away from the vicinity of the main hall, there will be a good danger.

But at this moment, a figure came quickly in the distance.

It's just that, looking at the flying figure, it seems a bit unstable.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Just planning to leave without paying attention.

The figure suddenly weakened and the speed suddenly slowed down.

The weak figure, with inertia, came straight.

Xiao Yi shot out a sword gas with his fingertips.

The sword qi did not hurt the figure, but steadily controlled the figure, and then fell to the ground.

Xiao Yi dashed away.

Within the Central Territory, killing is everywhere, fighting and killing are just commonplace.

Xiao Yi couldn't manage that much, and was not interested in it.

However, the figure that had fallen to the ground suddenly yelled, "Dare to ask my friend, is it a member of the Fengsha Temple or Shura Temple?"

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

This person is looking for Fengchadian or General Hall?

Moreover, why does this voice seem familiar?

No, I can't say familiar; I should say, I seem to have heard it somewhere, but it is obviously a long time ago.


Xiao Yi flashed, fell from a high altitude, and came to the side of the figure.

The figure is a middle-aged man in gold.

"Jinyiwei?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly when he saw this person more seriously.

This person is obviously the golden guard of Wanjin Mansion.

"It's you?" Xiao Yi suddenly remembered.

Isn't this person the captain of the golden guard who met in Star City?

However, at that time, this person was only a holy realm cultivation base, and he blocked the elders of the Wang family for a while.

Nowadays, it is the first rebuild of the Holy King Realm.

A light flashed in Xiao Yi's hand, and he took out a pill and fed it to him.

"What a serious injury, what's going on?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

This person's clothes were mostly tattered, and his whole body was wet with blood.

Therefore, Xiao Yi just looked at it from a distance and did not recognize it as Jin Yiwei at a glance.

It was still close now, and only then saw the sign of Wanjin Mansion on this person's chest, which was mostly broken.

"Are you?" The person frowned and looked at Xiao Yi, but did not recognize Xiao Yi.

However, this person obviously has something urgent, and eagerly said, "Dare to ask my little friend, how long is it from the main hall of the wind brake hall or the main hall of the Shura hall?"

"Seven or eight regions," Xiao Yi replied.

"There is still so far? Suffered." This person's face changed, and he had to stand up forcibly, regardless of his severely injured body.

"Don't worry." Xiao Yi stabilized him, "My medicine has stabilized your injury, but it does not mean that your injury has healed."

"If you force Yukong and even gallop with all your strength, I don't guarantee that your injury will be suppressed."

"Thank you, my little friend, for your help." The person quickly thanked him.

"It's just that I have to go to the two halls immediately."

"Otherwise, not only me, but my companion, will undoubtedly die."

"Who is chasing you?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked.

Looking at the current situation of this person, it is obvious that he is being hunted down.

However, Jinyiwei is the elite guard of Wanjin Mansion.

And Wanjin Mansion is the first commercial family in the Central Region.

Therefore, the task of Jinyiwei is only to **** the goods to ensure the safety of the goods of various firms.

Whether it is Wanjin Mansion or Jinyiwei, there are almost no enemies, let alone provoking enemies.

"Yes..." This person was about to answer when suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Behind, there was an inexplicable black palm print, awe-inspiring.


Just at this moment, a group of figures from afar came quickly.

Almost the moment the figure appeared, it immediately surrounded the surroundings.

"Haha, I got hit by my black palm, and want to escape? A joke."

Among the group of people, a warrior headed by him sneered and looked directly at Jin Yiwei.

Xiao Yi glanced, his eyes narrowed suddenly.

Among this group of people, the head of this group has black objects wrapped around his waist.

On the black object, blood was dripping.

That is the head, one by one.

"Xie Xiu?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"Yes." Jin Yiwei replied, "My Jin Yiwei's **** team was suddenly attacked by this group of evil cultivators, and I escaped alone.

Speaking of the last sentence, this person's face became extremely angry.

The heads wrapped around Xie Xiu's waist were his companions in Jinyiwei.

"Oh? There is actually another kid?" The warrior headed by Xie Xiu sneered.

The warrior headed only glanced at Xiao Yi and ignored it.

Such a young boy has long been ignored by him.

His gaze was placed on Jin Yiwei.

"The Universe Ring for transporting this commercial item is in your hands."

"I thoroughly inspected the bodies of all the other Jinyiwei. No, it could only be on your escaped little mouse."

The so-called thorough inspection is to divide Jin Yiwei's body and inspect it over and over.

"Little friend, go away." Jin Yiwei's expression changed, "I can block them for a while at most."

"Block?" Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "Do you Jinyiwei like to block the enemy for others so much?"

"Of course." Jin Yiwei said with a serious expression, "We are guards. It is our vocation to block the enemy and protect things."

"Little friends, stop talking nonsense, these evil cultivators are cruel, and if caught, they will definitely die."

When the voice fell, a handprint formed in this person's hand, and his momentum suddenly exploded.

However, the explosive momentum suddenly dissipated.

He clearly felt that an inexplicable pressure in the air suppressed his aura.

"Huh? Little friend, you?" The person looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

Because he obviously felt that the inexplicable coercion came from the young man beside him.

Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "I said, you are injured, you are only depressed, you have not healed, you can't fight."

"More than two years ago, you blocked it for me once; this time, I'll block it for you."

The voice fell, but Xiao Yi did not move.

"Smelly boy." The leader Xie Xiu said with a cold face, "The old man is too lazy to talk to you, but are you arrogant?"

"Then kill you first."

Xiao Yi raised his brows, "A group of Saint Kings, but the strongest Saint Kings Seventh Layer, want to kill me?"

"Go on." The evil repair headed by him gave a cold cry.

Xiao Yi did not move.

But at this moment, a surge of sword intent appeared out of thin air.

Chi... Chi... Chi...

In the air, only a sharp sound passed by.

Jinyiwei heard inexplicably, but the next second, his face was horrified.

Around, one by one evil repairs suddenly fell down, and a bloodstain suddenly appeared on the neck, extremely crippling.

The evil cultivators who had originally surrounded the surrounding area were completely devoid of vitality.

"This...this..." Jin Yiwei stared at Xiao Yi in horror.


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