Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1338: Xiejun Mansion

"So strong."

Xie Xiu headed, his body trembled and looked at Xiao Yi in shock.

"Jianxiu? Boy, who are you?"

Xie Xiu stared directly at Xiao Yi with his cold eyes.

"I would like to ask, who are you?" Xiao Yi asked coldly.

There was only one person headed by the evil repair in the audience.

"This is the boundary area between the Fengcha area and the Shura area. A group of evil cultivators dare to slaughter here?"

You know, although the Eight Palaces of the Ancient Times did not intervene in the disputes of major forces.

But evil cultivation is definitely not included.

The temples have never softened their attitude towards evil repairs.

This group of evil cultivators appeared here, and they dared to chase and kill them, it would be too arrogant.

"We?" The evil Xiu headed by him was suddenly full of confidence, "Boy, I'm afraid to say it out will scare you to death, Jiejie."

"Don't tell me, then die." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

He didn't really want to know the identity of this group of evil cultivators, he was just curious to ask.

If you don't say it, then kill it directly.

Whoosh... a sword air burst out of the sky, pointing directly at Xie Xiu's throat.

"So fast." Xie Xiu's pupils shrank.

Intuition told him that this sword aura that was casually shot was enough to kill him in an instant.

"Elder, save me."

Xie Xiu only had time to slap it out, blocking him, and then instantly exclaimed.


The sword energy instantly penetrated Xie Xiu's palm.

Xie Xiu's full palm can only block this sword energy for half a second.

It was exactly half a second, and from a distance, a rapid momentum broke through the air.

Under the momentum, there is an inexplicable black aura.

The moment the black energy collided with the sword energy, both collapsed at the same time.

Whoosh... a figure appeared beside Xie Xiu in an instant.

Coming man is a skinny old man.

"The martial arts emperor?" Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the old man who appeared suddenly.

"Sixth Layer of the Holy Emperor Realm."

Xiao Yi could see through this old man's cultivation at a glance.

"Sixth Level of Saint King Realm?" The old man also saw through Xiao Yi's cultivation level at a glance.

"Although the cultivation base is low, the strength is above the Holy Emperor Realm."

"At a young age, with such strength, he must be one of the famous Tianjiao in Zhongyu."

The old man said like this, taking out a stack of files from his arms.

The old man turned over the dossier for a long time, then suddenly stopped, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"It turned out to be you, the city lord of Sifang City, the former Tianzang Learning Palace and Heiyun Learning Abandoned, the deputy lord of the double halls of Shura Hall and Fengcha Hall, Xiao Yi.

"No wonder the old man thinks you are so familiar."

"Familiar?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"Elder, this is not..." The evil repairer just looked at the file in the old man's hand with a shocked face.

The old man nodded, "Yes, this is the list of my Evil Monarch Mansion to hunt down."

"In other words, this kid, Xiao Yi, is also one of the goals."

As the old man said, under his thin body, with sharp eyes, he looked directly at Xiao Yi.

And Xiao Yi didn't pay attention to the other words of the old man, but one of the old man's words made his expression slightly changed.

"Evil Monarch Mansion?" Xiao Yi's eyes cold, "Are you from the Evil Monarch Mansion? No wonder it is so arrogant."

The voice just fell.


The old man suddenly blasted out his palm.

The violent palm wind did not blast towards Xiao Yi, but blasted into the sky.

This means that this attack is a signal.

If you guess right, there must be other evil cultivators nearby.

However, Xiao Yiyi was not afraid, but sneered.

"Boy, you are very calm." The old man smiled jokingly.

"Otherwise?" Xiao Yi asked back.

"Boy, wait for you to suffer." Xie Xiu beside the old man showed a grim look.

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled and said nothing.

He happened to be short of a large amount of cultivating materials, but now, someone sent it automatically.

Each of these evil cultivation methods are strange and bloody.

And especially love to use some means to drive monsters.

In other words, these guys have a lot of monster blood.

But for a moment.

In the distance, a group of figures came quickly.

When all the figures fell, there were already dozens of evil cultivators around, surrounding the two of Xiao Yi.

A group of evil cultivators, all of them are above the later stage of the Saint King Realm.

There was another person headed, reaching the sixth level of the Holy Emperor Realm, which was comparable in strength to the old man, but a middle-aged person.

As soon as the middle-aged man arrived, he immediately looked at the old man, "Heihan, what is the signal?"

The old man smiled triumphantly, "I met the goal."

"Oh?" The middle-aged man followed the old man's gaze and looked at Xiao Yi.

"This son?"

The middle-aged man suddenly frowned, "How do I feel that this person is a bit familiar."

The next second, the middle-aged man suddenly reacted, "Is it him? Xiao Yi?"

"not good."

The middle-aged man's face changed suddenly, "Run."

"Want to run? Late." Xiao Yi sneered.

The Leng Yan sword in his hand had already appeared at some point.

Around, the power of starlight has already been deployed.

A powerful Starlight Sword Formation suddenly blocked the surroundings.

Within the Starlight Sword Array, a group of evil cultivators were suppressed and could not move.

Including the old and middle-aged people.

"It's so strong, how could it be possible." The old man's expression changed drastically, "This is at least the strength of the Saint Emperor Realm eightfold or higher."

"Idiot." The middle-aged man was furious. "This kid has a record of defeating the peak of the Holy Emperor by one sword, so you dare to make ideas?"

"Damn, I was killed by you."

This is the last word of the middle-aged man.

Because the Starlight Sword Array has already gone violently.

Stars and sword auras crushed the audience.

When the runaway was over, the Starlight Sword Array turned into a burst of starlight and dissipated.

Half of the evil spirits survived in the audience.

Xiao Yi waved his big hand and took all the rings into his hand.

After feeling it for a while, his face was instantly happy.

"Yes, as I expected." Xiao Yi smiled satisfied.

These evil cultivators, there are a lot of monster blood, inner alchemy, and some evil cultivators, poisons and so on in the universe ring.

"Xiao...Xiao Yi, you..." At this moment, the Jin Yiwei's face was horrified.

When he heard the name, he actually thought of Xiao Yi.

However, he did not expect that the kid who was only in the extreme realm more than two years ago is now a strong man who can kill the holy emperor realm in seconds.

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled faintly.

Jin Yiwei hurriedly folded his hands and said, "I'm going to Jinzhuo, thank you for your help."

The Yanlong Continent respects the strong.

Even if Xiao Yi is much younger than him, he still needs to be honored.

"You are welcome." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Your Ten Thousand Golden Mansion's business objects are all on you."

"Do you have any other matters?"

"Yes." Jin Zhuo nodded, "As for the matter..."

Jin Zhuo's face darkened, "My robe corpses, I still need to bury them."

Although the warrior died outside, it was nothing unusual in this huge middle domain.

However, such a separation of the corpse and a tragic death, if you ignore it, it is impossible.

Xiao Yi nodded, "As soon as possible, I will take you away from here."

"The people in the Evil Monarch Mansion are not simple."

Xiao Yi's expression gradually became serious.


Second more.

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