Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1340: Golden Tiger's calculations

Jinhu's voice was a bit harsh.

However, Xiao Yi was too lazy to bother.

Xiao Yi had already seen Jinhu's character and mouth when he was in Tianzang Academy.

Xiao Yi was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of person.

Xiao Yi was slightly surprised to meet this person here.

Of course, that's all.

Xiao Yi's face was indifferent, and he turned and left.

Unexpectedly, the Golden Tiger stepped suddenly, blocking the way forward.

"What? You lose face, can't wait to leave?"

This is outside the headquarter of Wanjin Mansion, and Wanjin City is a prosperous city with people coming and going.

Jin Hu's pretentious high-profile voice immediately caused the martial artists around him to stop, showing expressions of watching the show.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Jin Hu sneered and said loudly, "Why, this way, but very angry?"

"You have to know that you, an abandoned disciple from the Tianzang Academy, an abandoned disciple from the Black Cloud Academy, are being thrown around like a bereaved dog, but it's nothing more than usual.

"In Wanjin Mansion, the distinguished guests are like a cloud, and you can enter it with a bereaved dog?"

Jinhu's voice came out.

There was a sudden uproar around the martial artists.

"Abandoned from Tianzang Academy, Heiyun learns and teaches abandon?"

"I was expelled from two martial arts academies in a row. Is this the Xiao Yi?"

At this time, the Wanjin auction is about to begin; those who come to Wanjin City are naturally all warriors from the major forces.

And these warriors naturally also know some of the more famous things that have happened in the past few months.

After all, when Xiao Yi left the Tianzang Academy, the martial artist of the Hundred Academy saw it in his eyes.

"After being expelled continuously, how bad is this son's character?"

"This kind of person still has the face to appear here?"

"Couldn't it be blasted out by the guards of Wanjin Mansion just now?"

"Yes, people want faces and trees want bark. Wanjin Mansion has the most reputation. I don't want to entertain this kind of thief."


A harsh word resounded all around.

A round of disdainful eyes gathered on Xiao Yi.

At this moment, in the crowd, a middle-aged man smiled boldly.


"This kid, with such a bad reputation, there are two possibilities."

"Either, it's really the worst, character and aptitude, you can choose from the next."

"Either, it's so good that it attracts envy."

"I prefer the latter, hahahaha."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly and glanced at the middle-aged man. He didn't know him.

However, still too lazy to bother about it.

"Get out of the way." Xiao Yi glanced at Jin Hu indifferently.

"You should know the end in my way."

"What?" Jin Hu was not afraid, "In Wanjin City, you still dare to threaten me not?"

In Jin Hu's eyes, there was obviously a trace of fear at first, but this trace of fear, almost in an instant, turned into full of confidence and confidence.

Xiao Yi saw these changes in his expression.

But Xiao Yi was not interested in investigating these reasons.

"It seems that you are not allowed."

"The lesson that the sword taught you last time is not enough."

Xiao Yi said indifferently, a sword aura condensed at his fingertips.

"Oh, still want to commit the crime openly?" Jin Hu sneered, and stepped back.

Behind him, two guards stood in front of him, "Boy, dare to hurt Young Master Golden Tiger in Wanjin City? You are afraid that you are tired of your life."

At the same time, the guard who was originally at the gate of Wanjin Mansion also walked quickly and stared at Xiao Yi coldly.

"This prince, is he going to deceive me in Wanjin Mansion?"

Xiao Yi glanced at the two guards, and his face was stunned.

Think about it, Jinhu is a member of Wanjin Mansion.

The family behind Wanjin Mansion is the Jin family.

But Jinhu's surname is Jin, which is reasonable.

No wonder we will meet him here.

"Since I think I'm deceiving you Wanjin Mansion, then let go." Xiao Yi shook his head indifferently.

On his indifferent face, those cold eyes proved that his temper was not very good.

"After threatening this young man, just leave?" Jin Hu sneered, looking at Xiao Yi, full of joking.

"I am a member of the Jin family. Before this Wanjin Mansion headquarters, you dare to threaten me."

"You can imagine your usual arrogance."

The more Jin Hu said, his momentum became more pressing.

"You little thief, my son doesn't believe you will suddenly appear here for no reason."

"The Wanjin auction will start soon, and VIPs from all major forces are also coming."

"If you, a little thief, suddenly did evil, wouldn't it be the case?"

"Come on, take this piece for me first, and release it after the Wanjin auction ends."

"Yes." The surrounding guards of Wanjin Mansion responded with a cry and looked at Xiao Yi coldly.

Xiao Yi stood indifferently, but the sword energy at his fingertips did not dissipate.

The guards of the Ten Thousand Golden Mansion clearly felt the deadly aura on their sword aura, and suddenly hesitated.

On the contrary, Jin Hu was not afraid, and shouted, "Little Thief Xiao Yi, my Wanjin Mansion is not malicious, just just in case."

"If you have no evil intentions, you don't have to resist."

"Be obediently captured by my Wanjin Mansion, my son promises you won't let you suffer in these days."

"If you insist on resisting, then you have long been miserable, then don't blame my Wanjin Mansion for being rude."

The voice of the Golden Tiger was spread all around in the form of Yuanli.

Even within the headquarters of Wanjin Mansion, a gold-robed guard came out quickly.

This is the headquarters of Wanjin Mansion.

How could the golden guards guarding here be an ordinary generation.

This elite guard is all above the peak of the Saint King Realm, and there are even several Saint King Realm powerhouses.

"Captain Jin Yao, you are here just right." Jin Hu's face was happy.

"Who is clamoring and disturbing outside my Wanjin Mansion?" The leader of the golden clothes guard snorted coldly.

"That's the little thief." Jin Hu looked at Xiao Yi.

"Huh?" Jin Yao looked at Xiao Yi with his unkind cold eyes.

"Get it for me."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I don't want to cause trouble, you have to mess with me."

Xiao Yi's words are very indifferent.

With cold eyes, looking at the martial artists around, it was more like watching a group of clowns.

Sword energy at the fingertips, instantly shot.

The sharp sword aura is extremely sharp and almost reaching the extreme.

"Quite fast, not good." Jin Yao's expression changed, and a palm came out.

In the palm, a golden light emerged.

The golden light instantly blocked the sword energy.

Jin Yao is a strong man in the Holy Emperor Realm, and he can see the strength of sword aura at a glance.

If this sword aura hits an ordinary Jinyiwei, no one can stop it.

Naturally, he shot instantly.

"Huh, can't help but make a move?" Jin Hu sneered.

He didn't make a move, but looking at Xiao Yi, he seemed to be looking at a dead person.

"Shoot at my Wanjin Mansion headquarters, Xiao Yi, let me see what you can do to survive this time." Jin Hu sneered secretly in his heart.

Thinking of the humiliation of the first severe injury on the Wuling Peak of the Tianzang Academy that day, his heart was filled with anger.

Today, this is the place of his Jin Family, and it is also the place where the powerful people of Ten Thousand Jin Mansion gather.

How can you allow a little boy to mess around?

However, at this moment, the golden light in the air suddenly dissipated under the sword aura.

The sword gas hit Jin Yao's palm hard.

"Puff." Jin Yao spewed out blood, and was blasted back ten meters.

"I can't help myself." Xiao Yi glanced indifferently and left for himself.


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