Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1341: Three Elders of the Jin Family

Xiao Yi shook back Jin Yao with a sword gas, then turned and left.

In fact, he knew it was Golden Tiger calculating him.

This is inside the Wanjin City, the Jin Family is the overlord, and this is outside the Wanjin Mansion headquarters.

As long as the Golden Tiger provokes his anger, he is doing his calculations.

Xiao Yi knew, but didn't care.

With absolute strength, these are just jokes.

However, at this time, he turned and left for a few steps.

In the distance, a figure came quickly.

"What a crazy kid, he hurt my Wanjin Mansion and wanted to leave after patted his butt?"

An old loud shout, like a thunder, blasted all around.

The horrible momentum came from the sky.

The faces of the onlookers around have already changed drastically.

"A strong breath, at least a strong person above the Saint Emperor Stage stage."

When the figure fell, an old man stared at Xiao Yi coldly.

"Hiss." The onlookers around, seeing the old man who suddenly appeared, took a breath.

"Isn't this the fourth elder of the Jin family?"

"This is a well-known Saint Emperor Realm powerhouse in Wanjin City, and he has reached the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm in a single body."

"This kid is going to suffer."

"Four elders." Jin Hu shouted in joy at the same time.

"Four elders, you came just right."

"This little thief Xiao Yi dared to commit a crime in front of my Wanjin Mansion. He was deceived and deceived."

"Well, I know." The old man nodded majesticly.

The old man, the fourth elder of the Jin family, had awe-inspiring killing in his eyes.

"Xiao Yi, I know you, the city lord of Sifang City, and an outcast from the Tianzang Academy."

"I really thought that your reputation as the City Lord of the Sifang City would make you lawless?"

"Will you be allowed to act recklessly in my Wanjin City?"

The old man's fists crackled.

In the next second, his fist was clenched to the extreme and a punch was blasted out.

Under the violent fist wind, the onlookers around him were immediately shaken back ten steps.

At the center of the fist wind, that old but powerful fist blasted straight towards Xiao Yi.

Under such madness, it was obvious that he was going to kill him.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Surely I can't kill?"


A cold white sword light flashed across the air suddenly.

At this level of warrior, Xiao Yi could not repel with sword aura alone.

After all, his cultivation is only the sixth layer of the Saint King Realm.

But with the sword in his hand, he was not afraid of the fourth elder of the Jin family.


Stars fell from the sky.

The speed of the starlight was reaching the extreme, and it seemed to come in an instant.

Enriched starlight, encircling the sword.

The sword came out, and the stars followed and rolled over.

The fists of the fourth elders of the Jin family came, and went straight to Xiao Yi's head.

However, the sharp sword that exudes a cold white breath is obviously much faster than him.


There was a loud noise.

The crushed starlight instantly blasted the fist wind away.

The sharp sword light did not stop there, but hit the fist of the fourth elder of the Jin family.

The sharp body of the sword instantly broke the vitality on the fist.

The fourth elders of the Jin family cried out in pain, but had not yet reacted, the fists that had been thrown out aggressively were already bloody.

That is caused by the starlight.

"My hand." The fourth elder of the Jin family retreated ten steps in a row, his face pale, and he cried out in pain.

His fist is dead.

"How is it possible." Jin Hu saw this, his pupils shrank, and his face also paled.


Just at this moment, Leng Bai Jiangong flashed in the air again.

The cold whiteness was originally gorgeous and beautiful.

Coupled with the starlight, it is even more like a sword shadow.

However, in the eyes of the martial artists around, this is undoubtedly a deadly cold light.

Defeated the four elders of the Jin family with one sword and severely injured him.

The strength of this young man is so strong?

"Not good." Jin Yao suddenly yelled and flashed over.

At this time, the cold white Jianmang was heading towards the throat of the fourth elder of the Jin family.

"Ten thousand gold is not broken." Jin Yao roared, his momentum burst out instantly.

Golden light bursts out from his palm.

The golden light, forming its own mark, layered on top of each other, almost turned into a layer of protective mark in a breath.

This is one of Wanjin Mansion's strongest defensive martial arts.

However, Jin Yao still had no idea, the golden light in his hand gushing out like life; the vitality in his body was consumed almost at the limit speed.

This is already the strongest defensive method he can use.


The crisp sound of the sword sounds like a beautiful note in the air.


A soft sound.

The imprint of Jin Yao's full strength, like a palm of a newspaper, broke instantly.

The sharp point of the sword pierced the two directly.

"Captain, elder." A group of golden guards also reacted instantly.

Boom...a loud sound.

Above the cold white sword tip, the starlight exploded suddenly.

Jin Yao and the fourth elders of the Jin family spewed out a mouthful of blood, like two broken kites, they were blasted back in embarrassment.

Jin Yao's chest was already dripping with blood.

The four elders of the Jin family seemed to fall apart.

When the two fell on the ground, they were already seriously injured and no longer able to fight.

Xiao Yi was just a sword, with terrifying power.

The two holy emperors of Wanjin Mansion were seriously injured and lost in an instant.

However, the cold white sword light at this time has not dissipated.

A group of golden guards stood in front of Jin Yao.

The owner of Leng Bai Jianmang, the owner of the sword hand, had extremely cold eyes, and he didn't even glance at the group of golden guards.

An astonishing sword passed by.

Those who dare to take their edge will undoubtedly die.

"Little Thief Xiao Yi, do you dare?" Jin Hu roared.

"Do you really dare to kill people in my Wanjin City?"

Xiao Yi's face was cold and silent.

In Wanjin Mansion, a figure came out quickly.

"What a crazy kid, kill my Jin family in front of my Wanjin Mansion? You are looking for death."

With a loud shout, an old man blasted out with a palm.

The palm of the hand instantly shattered the cold white sword light and the domineering starlight.

"Holy Emperor Realm Eightfold." Xiao Yi glanced at the old man who suddenly appeared, his expression unchanged.

"If I want to kill people, you don't let me go."

"Three elders." Jin Hu looked ecstatic again, "This kid has abolished the fourth elder's hand, and quickly kills this little thief."

The old man nodded and looked at Xiao Yi coldly, "You still dare to argue?"

"The road is heading towards the sky, go to each side, if you want to go, who will stop you?"

"It's clearly an excuse to hurt someone."

"Jinyiwei is ordered to take down this little thief for me and kill him."

"Yes." A group of figures suddenly came quickly from all directions.

A golden light came through the air.

Here is Wanjin City, within Wanjin Mansion's influence, it is like a cloud with golden clothes.

Xiao Yi shook his head, his expression still unchanged.

Leng Yan sword in his hand struck hard.

High in the sky, 80,000 stars descended instantly.

The terrifying sword intent immediately suppressed the audience.

"Humph." The third elder snorted coldly and blasted out a palm.

The strength of the Eightfold Saint Emperor Realm is fully demonstrated.

Xiao Yi's sword has no starlight. Instead, it is a river of starlight.

The river of stars, crushed out.

Two attacks on the eighth level of the Holy Emperor Realm are about to collide.


Second more.

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