Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1351: If you can't live, it's just empty talk

Gu Lulu...

Jin Xiong's head rolled over for more than ten meters before stopping.

There was still a big smile on that proud face.

However, under the face, the neatly cut neck was still bleeding.

As for the headless corpse, it took quite a while before a burst of blood spurted out.

Behind him, the fog demon held scythes in both hands, as if doing something simpler.

"This... this..." Not far away, Gongsun Huowu glanced at Jin Xiong's head blankly, and then at the headless corpse.

This is almost unacceptable to her.

A holy emperor realm peak, the grand elder of Wanjin Mansion was cut off and died in an instant?

So, those who have already become famous and have a place among the upper-class warriors in the middle domain, are they dead like this?


Suddenly, the figure of the fog demon suddenly disappeared in place.

Before Gongsun Huowu could react, a hideous and terrifying face appeared in front of her.

Those hollow eyes were only a foot away from her beautiful eyes.

At that moment, Gongsun Huowu only had time to shrink his pupils, cold sweat.

That was an inexplicable panic in my heart.

Those pairs of empty and lifeless, like terrifying eyes that ignore everything, are enough to make people fall into fear in an instant.

Next second.

The fog demon raised the sharp sickle in his hand without warning and waved it down.

"Ah..." Gongsun Huowu exclaimed.

The scene of the head splitting and falling to the ground flashed through her mind, forcing her to exclaim from fear.


The sickle swiftly passed through the air, causing a burst of sound.

Such an astonishing speed might be enough to cut off her head neatly.

However, when the sickle came to her neck, the sickle stopped suddenly.


The sharp breath of the sickle cut off a strand of hair between her neck.

The green silk slowly fell.

Gongsun Huowu's graceful posture also fell to the ground instantly.

For a moment, she only felt that she had passed by death.

In front of him, the fog demon turned his face and looked at Xiao Yi.

Only Xiao Yi could make him stop the sickle suddenly.

"Come back." Xiao Yi said.

Whoosh... The fog demon stepped back to Xiao Yi's side without hesitation.

"What did you kill her for?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

He didn't give an order to kill Gongsun Huowu under the fog demon.

"Master... eyes..." The Wu Yao's words were gradually not as clumsy as they used to be, but they were still not fluent.

"Master... hates her... I kill..."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "Come back first."

"Yes." The fog demon nodded, disappeared into the same place in an instant, and returned to the wind holy pot.

Afterwards, Xiao Yi turned around and left.

Behind him, Gongsun Huowu suddenly stood up.

As expected to be the Eighteenth House Tianjiao, he recovered from fear so quickly.

"Little Thief Xiao Yi." Gongsun Huowu's silver teeth clenched.

"Today's shame, my Gongsun Huowu will never forget."

While talking, a trace of shame flashed across Gongsun Huowu's pale face.

"Insult?" Xiao Yi said indifferently without turning around.

"Skills are not as good as people, what else can I say?"

"Humph." Gongsun Huowu snorted coldly, "It sounds good."

"I don't believe you Xiao Yi, the little thief, has never been defeated."

"Failed." Xiao Yi nodded and did not continue.

The figure flashed, and walked away with Jin Xiong's body.

Of course he was also defeated.

It's just that they are all lost in the hands of some old guys.

However, even if he loses, he will not let go of such meaningless ruthless words.

Rather than that, it is better to increase your strength and win in the future instead of losing.


Jinguang is dangerously within.

Xiao Yi flashed for thousands of miles, then suddenly stopped.

Putting down Jin Xiong's body, he felt for a while.

"Purple Wuhun." Xiao Yi's face showed a slight joy.

Sure enough, the characters who can cultivate to the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm are not the general generation.

This Jin Xiong's martial soul is a purple grade, and the color is not light.

Probably at the purple mid-grade level.

Xiao Yi's eyes closed, then opened again the next second.

The eyes that were originally clear and bright suddenly changed.

The left eye is as deep as ink, and the right eye is as hot as fire.

In the center of the two eyes, an invisible vortex appeared out of thin air.

In a breath, Jin Xiong's martial arts power had been absorbed.

At the same time, Xiao Yi stared at the Fire Beast Spirit in his body.

The Fire Control Beast kept its mouth open as usual, ‘eating’ these martial spirit powers.

Obviously, the color of the Fire Control Beast has been slightly darkened.

Do everything well, Xiao Yi is just about to leave.

Suddenly, Qiankun Ring in his hand shook slightly.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Perceiving the Qiankun Ring, what vibrated inside was Leng Yanjian.

Xiao Yi frowned.

He knew the reason for the shaking of Leng Yan's sword.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, a flash of light in his hand.

Leng Yanjian appeared out of thin air.

The sharp point of the sword hit Jin Xiong's body.

The blade of Leng Yan's sword flashed with a cheering rhythm.

The blood on Jin Xiong's corpse continued to flow away.

The essence and blood of a Saint Emperor Realm peak powerhouse is naturally the reason that makes Leng Yanjian cheer and jump.

In fact, in the past, Xiao Yi was unwilling to absorb the blood of the martial artist with Leng Yanjian.

It's not that he thinks Leng Yanjian's move is evil.

In this world, nothing is absolute.

There is no evil or not, it lies in the human heart.

Take evil cultivation as an example, it's not that their cultivation technique is evil cultivation technique, but that they are regarded as evil cultivation technique.

It's that in order to cultivate their own evil cultivation methods, they often massacre and destroy humanity.

It slaughters the city at every turn, and lives on blood, no different from beasts, so it is an evil cultivation.

Xiao Yi's unwillingness mainly stems from Leng Yanjian's every absorption, which will cause the resonance of the blood core in his body.

However, this Leng Yan sword seemed to treat him ‘extremely’, every time he absorbed the essence and blood, it also gave him a portion.

This move made the blood pill in his body grow continuously.

What Xiao Yi was most afraid of was the outbreak of the blood pill one day, causing catastrophe.

But these days, he completely changed his mind.

In particular, being chased and killed by the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect gave him a wake-up call.

Yes, the continuous growth of blood pills is indeed dangerous.

But how does his current situation compare to Xiao Yi?

He walked in the middle of the field, wandering around, is it not like walking on thin ice. ‘

He continued to practice to the limit, in order to improve his cultivation and strength as quickly as possible, and he was doing almost everything.

How many times have been on the front line of life and death, and how many times have erupted in a life of nine deaths.

What is the blood pill in terms of all kinds of battles and circumstances?

Even if the blood pill really broke out, could the situation be worse than his various life and death realms?

In this huge danger zone, only absolute strength is the guarantee.

If you can't live, everything is empty talk.


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