Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1352: The golden light at night

Not long after, Jin Xiong's body was already a dry corpse.

The body of Leng Yanjian shook slightly, as if to declare its satisfaction.

There is a sword spirit in the Leng Yan sword.

Xiao Yi already knew about this.

However, he could hardly communicate with the sword spirit.

At most, he absolutely controls Leng Yanjian himself.

Perhaps, there is something secret in the sword spirit; or, what is the secret in Leng Yanjian itself.

These Xiao Yi didn't know, and couldn't pay attention to it temporarily.

If you have a chance, you may know it or not if you visit Sword Region in the future.

What kind of brilliance did this cold white sword that was once refined for the first time, convinced by the Central Territory Wanjian, and the flames disappeared.

Xiao Yi stopped thinking and glanced inwardly at the blood pill in his body.

The blood pill in his body, he had taken the initiative to break out the last time he was chased by the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong.

However, it did not break out in full.

Counting it all, after escaping from the hunt last time, the entire blood pill's power was consumed by about half.

After that, the blood pill was re-listed by himself.

But now, after absorbing Jin Xiong's blood, the blood pill gradually recovered.

Although it has not returned to its previous heyday, it has reached about 90%.

It is worthy of being the essence of a holy emperor realm peak, and the power is really amazing.

Last time, the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong was helpless and supported his escape. This blood pill was a big factor.

Moreover, if it were not for the power of the blood pill, it was very likely that even if he escaped, the middle-grade spirit veins in the universe ring would have been consumed.

Since this blood pill is one of my own methods now, I don't need to specifically contain it.

Although the existence of the blood pill had once made myself lost, even crazily bloodthirsty.

But that was only when the blood pill first appeared, and his Dao heart was not stable.

If your sword heart is strong enough, why not be afraid of the heart demon of this mere blood pill.

As long as one's own cultivation level can keep up, the blood pill will not be a disaster at all.

This blood pill is also just right, it can be used as one of the tests of whether one's cultivation level has been improved fast enough.

Xiao Yi smiled faintly.

Withdrawing perception and inward vision, Xiao Yi's waist flashed.

The fog demonized into a cloud of white fog, which appeared out of thin air.

"Master." The fog demon called.

Xiao Yi smiled faintly and nodded.

In fact, the fog demon has a terrifying face.

But when he talked, he was so clumsy, but it seemed a bit naive.

"I don't know what level your current strength has reached." Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

The fog demon can kill Jin Xiong, the pinnacle of the holy emperor realm in seconds, and its strength is naturally beyond doubt.

As early as in the previous wind brake prison, after the fog demon absorbed a large amount of terrifying wind power inside, Xiao Yi knew that his strength had risen a great distance.

After all, the spirit of the mist demon is sealed in the wind holy pot.

The strength of the Wind Sacred Pot, to a large extent, also limits the strength of the fog demon.

The wind holy pot has reached the middle-grade holy artifact, even close to the high-grade holy artifact.

Such a level of treasure can absorb those terrifying wind winds, and absorb them so full that they can no longer absorb them.

It is conceivable how much power the Wind Holy Pot absorbed at that time.

Naturally, the power absorbed by the mist demon is similar.

As far as Xiao Yi knew, middle-grade sacred artifacts were extremely rare, and the average holy emperor had never possessed weapons of this level.

And even if you have it, you can't fully exert its power.

At least a martial artist above the Saint Emperor Stage can be fully utilized.

This is just a general middle-grade holy artifact.

If it is stronger, the required strength is also stronger.

Take Star Fantasy Senior for example, in the ancient times, he was a peerless powerhouse who knew everything about the Middle Territory and was able to run across the Middle Territory without hindrance.

But his weapon was nothing more than the mid-level sacred weapon's astral illusion gloves.

At this moment, the fog demon heard Xiao Yi's question and became silent.

The body, which was illusory and foggy, also began to surging violently.

Xiao Yi frowned upon seeing this.

He knew that this was the eagerness of the fog demon thinking about his inquiry, but without an answer.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Forget it, you don't have to think about it, when I didn't ask."

When the fog demon heard this, the surging in his body dissipated.

The fog demon's intelligence is too low after all.

These questions that are accurate to the level of cultivation level are not something it can figure out and answer.

However, in Xiao Yi's guess.

At this moment, the fog demon's strength is absolutely above the peak of the holy emperor realm, whether it can reach the level of martial arts power, but it is unknown.

The strength of the fog demon comes from the huge power contained in it.

Second, it is its illusory figure, and the speed of coming and going freely, just like a ghost.

Finally, it is the sickle in its hand.

Today's sickle is transformed by the evil spirits in the holy pot of wind.

This wind evil is just the seeds of wind evil.

Later, under the Thousand Wind Gorge, it absorbed the power of thousands of gang winds and grew up.

Naturally, after absorbing enough power in the wind brake prison, it also grew to an extremely astonishing power.

The wind attribute breath is already sharp, let alone the wind.

The sharpness of the current wind evil sickle is by no means lower than that of Leng Yan's sword.

With this kind of combination, he had the record of killing Jin Xiong before.

"Go back first." Xiao Yi glanced at the fog demon and said, "If you want to come out, just call me through the Wind Sacred Pot."

"Yes, Master." The fog demon replied and disappeared into the spot out of thin air.

The holy pot of wind is now approaching the high-grade holy artifact stage.

There are a lot of wind attributes inside.

The fog demon stays inside all year round, and it is much better to be warmed by it than to wander outside.


Xiao Yi shot out a sword gas with his fingertips.

The sky was full of frost, suddenly descending.

A radius of hundreds of meters, instantly covered by ice, snow everywhere.

Jin Xiong's body was buried in it.

After a few seconds, the ice and snow melted.

And Jin Xiong's body had disappeared.

After doing everything well, Xiao Yi's figure flashed and left the place again.

His journey of experience begins again.


Jinguang dangerously, somewhere.


A cold white sword light flashed in the air.

In front of Xiao Yi, a holy emperor realm monster was cut under the sword.

Xiao Yi waved a big hand, collected the inner alchemy and blood, and his face was happy.

This is indeed a dangerous place in Jinguang, one of the famous dangerous places in Zhongyu.

The level of the monster beast inside is far from comparable to other dangerous places.

Saint-king monsters can be seen almost everywhere; Saint-king monsters can also be encountered from time to time.

Such a dangerous place is worthy of Xiao Yilai's experience.

After a few hours.

Xiao Yi beheaded dozens of nearly a hundred monsters.

At this time, he was ready to go deep into this dangerous place.

The golden light is a vast and unusual forest, with monsters and beasts in all directions, and the degree of danger is not low.

However, just about to leave.

Xiao Yi raised his head and glanced at the sky, then frowned slightly.

"It's night."

Above the sky, the sunset slowly fell, and a light moon slowly rose from the other side.

Before coming to Jinguang Dangerous Land, he roughly did some investigations.

Jinguang is dangerously dangerous.

However, the golden light after nightfall is the most dangerous time.


Second more.

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