Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1357: Sleepless night

Xiao Yi felt the movement of Leng Yanjian and glanced at the golden light floating in the air.

If the rumors are true, how strong is the ancient powerhouse who founded Wanjin Mansion?

He had perceived these golden lights, and what was contained in them was obviously metallic, which was astonishingly sharp.

These golden lights have survived thousands of years.

But the warrior can't absorb it, and can't touch it, just like air.

Are the warriors of the ancient times so strong that they are so vocal? Really the means are so powerful that it makes people feel incredible?

A trace of yearning flashed across Xiao Yi's face.

But this trace of longing was soon overshadowed by the indifference on his face.

The flame in his hand condensed, quickly refining the inner pill of this golden light wolf into a pill.

In the next second, with a hint of hesitation, he slowly stretched the Leng Yan sword toward the golden light in the air.

The sword body touched the golden light, the golden light that was originally like air, this time, it was not penetrated.

The sword body lies in the golden light.

Gradually, golden light poured into the sword.

But for a moment, the golden light was completely absorbed in front of me.

The entire Leng Yan sword, in addition to the original cold white and different color, also added a layer of golden light.

It looked like a layer of golden light wrapped the sword body.

But this golden light is extremely thin, as if nothing.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "It was really absorbed."

Xiao Yi felt it for a while and found that the blade of Leng Yan's sword at the moment was sharp to the extreme.


Xiao Yi propped the ground with his sword.

With a scoff, the whole sword suddenly sank into the ground.

The hard ground is actually like paper.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath.

If sword aura is invisible sharpness, then these metallic breaths are the ultimate sharpness.

Xiao Yi flashed a thought suddenly.

It seems that these golden lights can not only absorb and borrow the monsters living in this dangerous place all year round, but also weapons.

However, if all weapons can be borrowed, wouldn't it be that idle weapons can become magic weapons?

Xiao Yi tried it, and a sword of the sub-sacred weapon in his hand appeared out of thin air.

This is the spoils of the Universe Ring he harvested in previous battles.

With a sword in his hand, approach these golden lights.

Sure enough, the sword in his hand can absorb these golden lights.

The golden light floating in the air was soon absorbed.

However, only a few seconds later.

Click... Click... Click...

The sword body suddenly shattered.

After a few seconds, the entire sword was broken into pieces.

The fragments of the blade fell to the ground with a rush, but the handle was left in Xiao Yi's hands.

"So that's it." Xiao Yi understood.

Weapons can indeed absorb these golden lights.

It's just that whether this weapon can carry these golden lights is two different things.

The Leng Yan sword is a middle-grade holy artifact and can carry it.

But the sword in his hand just now was just a sub-sacred weapon, unable to withstand the extreme sharpness of the golden light.

Xiao Yi looked back at Leng Yanjian again.

The Leng Yan sword at this time was undoubtedly more powerful than before.

The increase in the power of the sword is also an increase in the strength of the sword repair.

Xiao Yi even believed that even if he held the Leng Yan sword nowadays, even if he did not use one sword to produce dozens of swords, he could only rely on the starlight river to kill a nine-fold Saint Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Xiao Yi thought this way, with joy on his face.

However, this joy only appeared for a few minutes before it suddenly dissipated.

Because the golden light on Leng Yan's sword suddenly dissipated and disappeared.

Xiao Yi was taken aback, and then reacted.

It seems that even if weapons can absorb these golden lights, they will still be like monster inner alchemy, unable to retain these golden lights for too long.

It will dissipate in a few minutes at most.

"What's the use?" Xiao Yi glanced at the golden light and curled his lips.

"Do you still suck?" Xiao Yi looked back at Leng Yanjian.

The body of Leng Yanjian shook slightly, and then there was no abnormality.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but smiled, "Just now, I changed again and again, but now I dislike these golden powers."

"Forget it."

Xiao Yi retracted Leng Yanjian.

Instead of hitting the attention of these golden lights, it is better to hunt more monsters to refine golden light pills.

The entire golden light is extremely vast, and the number of monsters is even more numerous.

Here, I have enough experience for a long time.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi continued to move forward.

However, just at this moment, a beast roar suddenly resounded throughout the forest.

The violent roar and the bloodthirsty roar made people tremble to hear.

At this moment, the entire monster beast in the golden light suddenly began to boil and began to run wild.

Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed.

He didn't just hear the sound of such a monster running away.

Long ago, he kept going deep, no, even earlier, when Jin Guang was dangerously into the night, he could hear these beasts roaring through the forest from time to time.

However, the current roar of the beast is more intense.

The violent breath in the air is also more obvious.

"Beast tide?" A dignified color flashed across Xiao Yi's face.


Xiao Yi suddenly shook his head again.

If it is a wave of beasts, the roar of the beast must be concentrated at one point.

Moreover, it usually erupts from the depths of the monster forest, and the sound is the most intense.

But now the roar of the beast came from all directions.

Rather than saying that this is a tide of beasts, it is better to say that this is the cheering sound of monsters.

Inside that raging roar, there was still a bloodthirsty smell.


Suddenly, a cracking sound came from Xiao Yi's side.

Xiao Yi reacted instantly and stepped back.

Whoosh... a fiery red wind blade passed in front of his eyes.

"Hate Wind Flamingo?" Xiao Yi glanced not far away.

A monster beast with fiery red feathers glowing fiercely.

A pair of fiery red wings, under the violent shaking, the wind is amazing.

The blasting flaming bird, the emperor realm monster.

This is a fire-attribute bird monster, which controls fierce fire.

But it is a bird, and it is born with the power of flying wind.

Therefore, this kind of monster has the means to simultaneously control the wind and fire.

The power of fire increases sharply by the wind, and the speed increases sharply by the outbreak of fire.

Like the fiery red wind blade just now, it was almost the moment Xiao Yi noticed the wind blade, the wind blade had already hit.

If he didn't take a step back at that time, but instead drew his sword to try to resist, I am afraid that this wind blade had already hit him.

In terms of strength, the Gallant Bird is still above the Golden Light Wolf.

"So that's it." Xiao Yi was suddenly stunned.

The night in the golden light was really lively.

A team of humans came out from the nest, slaying monsters and refining precious golden light pills.

However, the excitement not only comes from humans, but also from monsters.

Human beings slay monsters, and monsters also hate humans, eating them quickly.

At night, it is when they absorb the golden light and use the power of golden light, and when their strength greatly increases, it is also the best time to kill human warriors.

The battle between the human warrior and the monster beast was destined to be fierce at night.

The golden night is destined to be a sleepless night.


The first update, updated today, finished.

Ask for a day off.

Occasionally I feel uncomfortable and tired; although I can continue the code word, I don't know when it can be changed.

If so, it is better to make up tomorrow, lest everyone wait.

If you get better tomorrow, you will owe one to make up for two;

If you still feel uncomfortable, you can only apologize, make up for the one you owe, and come back another day.

Hope forgive me, thank you Xiaoba!

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