Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1358: Starlight Vortex


Two fiery red wind blades came quickly.

Xiao Yi's thinking stopped abruptly.

This time, he had already prepared, so he didn't need to retreat, and he raised the Leng Yan sword in his hand and easily blocked it.

Bang... bang...

The fiery red wind blade hit the sword body and was instantly smashed by the waist.

However, the wind blade shattered, but the power did not dissipate.

Don't forget, Hai Feng Lao Bird is a monster that controls Feng Huo at the same time.

The wind blade shattered, but the flames contained in it would burst out instantly.

Xiao Yiyang's sword stood in front of him, and a wave of heat suddenly broke out on both sides of him.

Xiao Yi is innocent.

But the ground on both sides instantly turned into scorched earth and trees burned into ashes under the heat wave.

Jinguang dangerously, it is an unusual place.

The towering trees, soil, sand and mud here have all existed for countless years, and no more, no less, will absorb some golden light power.

Therefore, the trees and land here are extraordinary.

But even so, these trees and land were still burnt in an instant.

One can imagine the high temperature of this heat wave.


Two fiery red wind blades came quickly.

Xiao Yi did exactly what he had done, using a sword to block it, and these flames could not hurt him.


The offensive of the hurricane flaming bird is obviously increasing.

The number of fiery red wind blades hit continuously increased sharply.

Xiao Yi blocked one by one.

But only a few minutes later, the fiery red wind blades were no longer hitting one after another, but overwhelming, coming in groups.

Xiao Yi's face changed slightly, and such a dense fiery red wind blade could not be blocked by just blocking the sword in front of him.

"Drink." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice, swept out with a sword.

Above the sword body, the cold white sword light suddenly increased, and wisps of sword aura shot out like a storm.

Sword Qi is obviously inferior to these fiery red wind blades.

After all, Xiao Yi's cultivation has only the sixth level of the Saint King Realm.

And this blasting flaming bird is a real Saint Emperor Realm four-tiered monster.

The power of the two is not one level at all.

Sword Qi clashes with these flaming red wind blades, and only a few sword auras can offset a flaming red wind blade.

A few seconds later.

The sword qi collapsed, and the fiery red wind blade was mostly broken.

But the remaining half passed Xiao Yi's sword shadow defense at an extremely fast speed and hit Xiao Yi hard.

Bang... bang...

There were several violent explosions.

Xiao Yi was blasted back tens of meters in an instant.

The clothes on his chest and hands had been burned torn.

There were obvious traces of severe burning on the chest and hands.

A strong burning pain suddenly emerged.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth slightly, his face lightly changed, and the Leng Yan sword in his hand tightened.

"Holy Emperor Realm eight-fold peak strength." Xiao Yi looked at the blasting flaming bird with its head high in the distance with a solemn expression.

The blasting flaming bird was originally the four-tiered monster of the Holy Emperor Realm.

After swallowing the golden light, his strength reached the eight-fold peak of the Holy Emperor Realm, and it was faintly approaching the nine-fold Saint Emperor Realm.

I have to say that the ferocity of the monsters here, as well as the level of cunning and cautiousness, far exceed those that Xiao Yi has seen before.

This blasting flaming bird, even if it was originally a powerful monster.

But when facing Xiao Yi, a young human warrior, he still swallowed the golden light and attacked after reaching the ultimate strength.


At this time, the attacks of the hurricane flaming birds continued to flow.

Xiao Yi still blocked it with the sword, and was not in a hurry.

With the power of 80,000 stars, his combat power was no less than that of the Eightfold Saint Emperor Realm.

These dense and powerful wind blades are definitely an excellent experience for him.

Xiao Yi held the sword in one hand, and the shadow of the sword was heavy.

The footsteps are moving mysteriously and quickly.

Or block, or avoid.

The figure, like a phantom, constantly wanders through it.

Half an hour later, these dense fiery red wind blades did not hurt him at all.

It seems to travel through it easily, but in fact, it is indispensable for Xiao Yi's ability to react, speed, pace, sword manipulation and so on.

Time gradually passed, and Xiao Yi's figure became more and more mysterious.

The speed is getting faster and faster.

Shuttle through the dense fiery red wind blades, and it becomes easier.

An hour later, Xiao Yi grinned from the corner of his mouth.

Shuttle in the fiery red wind blade, like walking in a leisurely garden, simple and natural.


Suddenly, starlight descended high in the sky.

Eighty thousand stars come together, transforming the galaxy.

Xiao Yi's rapidly leaping figure had already stopped.

Instead, it was a heavy blow.

The river of stars came out with the sword and rolled over.

Along the way, all the fiery red wind blades fell apart.

"It's time to end the battle." Xiao Yi smiled faintly.

Holding a sword in one hand, the figure flashed, and went straight to the blasting flaming bird.


A bird song suddenly resounded high in the sky.

The arrogant head of the blast flaming bird looked at Xiao Yi coldly.

In the chirp, there was obviously a trace of disdain.


The fiery red wings of the blasting flaming bird had already opened, and then trembling violently.

Almost for an instant, wisps of violent wind blew out.

Gang wind gradually became a storm.

Xiao Yi's footsteps were immediately blocked.

"Good wind." Xiao Yi's expression changed.

At this moment, he actually felt inside the canyon.

In the gorge, countless winds turned into storms.

His figure and footsteps stopped in an instant under this strong wind, and even kept moving back.


There was a crisp sword cry.

Xiao Yi blocked it with a sword and counteracted the wind in front of him.

But on both sides of his side, the wind still surrounds him, extremely fierce.

Just at this moment, on top of the pair of fiery red wings, flames burst out.

The flame is not much strong.

However, under this violent wind, it suddenly became a prairie fire and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

A large sea of ​​flames came out with the wind and swallowed straight towards Xiao Yi.

"Not good." Xiao Yi's expression changed, and he slashed out quickly.

A huge starlight river, like a stormy wave, emerges one after another.

At the beginning, the confrontation between the starlight river and the sea of ​​fire was in a stalemate.

But when the starlight was endless, the sea of ​​flames was blasted away instantly after blasting layer by layer.

A long river of starlight, crushing all the way with a force of destruction.

Wherever he went, the wind broke and the sea of ​​fire dispersed.

A trace of panic finally flashed across the high head of the hurricane flaming bird.

The flapping of the red wings was over; instead, the wings shook and tried to fly away from the sky.

However, Xiao Yi's sword is so fast.

The speed of the starlight river is amazing.

Before the gusty flaming bird flew up, several streams of starlight had already swallowed it.

Within the long river of starlight, there are countless starlight powers that transform into starlight vortexes autonomously.

Within the whirlpool, the hurricane flaming bird tried to pull away and leaped up, but could not escape the whirlpool's suction.

But for a while, the whirlpool kept spinning, and the strangling power inside was terrifying.

After a few seconds, the vortex stopped and the stars dissipated.

Inside, the hurricane flamingo is already dead.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed out lightly, waved his big hand, and collected the inner alchemy and the blood of the beast.


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