Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1359: Calm early morning, restless heart

The golden light night was filled with fierce fighting almost everywhere.

This vast and boundless forest of monsters and beasts, under the shroud of golden light, is full of beauty.

The night was replaced by golden light; the darkness was broken by light.

But it is exactly the same. The battles here are set off extremely clearly; the roars and even painful wailings here are also extremely clear.


This kind of ‘lively’ lasted until it was lighted the next day.

The golden light gradually dissipated.

The excitement suddenly disappeared.

The monster beasts that could not rely on the power of the golden light fled far and sank into the depths of the forest.

For a team of human warriors, monsters without the power of golden light are not worth killing.

They specially entered the golden light dangerous place late at night, only for those monster inner alchemies that contained the power of golden light, and only for the golden light pills.

Simple ordinary monster inner alchemy is not worth their risk.

For almost an instant, the ‘lively’ golden light suddenly fell into silence.

A team of human warriors gradually withdrew from Jinguang dangerously.

Even if it wasn't night, the Golden Light was still a huge and dangerous monster forest.

Naturally, no team is willing to stay here for long.

The only exception was an elegant figure that was dangerously close to the depths.

The figure also stopped the fight, but did not leave this dangerous place, but casually searched for a towering tree and jumped up.

On the sturdy tree trunk, the figure sat cross-legged, leaning against the tree, and slowly meditated.

The figure is naturally Xiao Yi.

All night, he was in a state of combat.

Going deep all the way, there are no fewer than dozens of battles.

Every monster beast encountered must be a monster above the Holy Emperor realm.

The range here is already close to the depths of the dangerous place, and naturally all monsters are extremely powerful.

And his battle, without exception, is not easy.

After all, the weakest monster beast is the golden light wolf.

The Saint Emperor Realm triple monster beast, after absorbing golden light, reached the seventh peak of the Saint Emperor Realm strength.

This was the easiest battle among Xiao Yi's dozens of battles last night.

The subsequent battle, although not easy, was of great benefit to Xiao Yi.

Every victory is worthy of victory, and every narrow victory is an improvement to one's own combat level.

Every evasion and confrontation is a test of one's own body, reaction, and speed.

Every time the sword is blocked, the final kill is also the control of the burst of vitality.

All in all, for Xiao Yi, last night's trip to Jinguang was really worthwhile.

And now, he hasn't completely entered the deep depths of Jinguang.

The entire Golden Light is indeed surprisingly big.

Even if he moved forward at full speed, he was afraid that it would still take a long time.

And when it really reached the depths, the monster beast inside was by no means as simple as the monster he encountered last night.

Of course, this is another temper for Xiao Yi.

However, Xiao Yi did not rush to move on.

Now the night is over, it is early morning.

He intends to go further tonight.

Although his purpose of coming to Golden Light is not like other human warrior teams, it is only for Golden Light Pill.

He came here more for experience, Jin Guangdan just incidentally.

But even so, for him, the golden light of the night is dangerous and more challenging.

The monster beast after swallowing the golden light is stronger.

It is more interesting when he goes deeper.

In the early morning, he can meditate and practice, and he is aware of dozens of fierce battles last night.

In addition, when a warrior is meditating, he actually has a good rest.

For Xiao Yi, sleeping has been a matter of many years.

Almost all his momentary time has been replaced by meditation.

If nothing happens, he will experience this golden light for about a month.

Just come to Jinguang dangerously early yesterday and the first battle last night, and you have gained a lot.

Xiao Yi even guessed that after January, when Jin Guang's dangerous experience ends, he will definitely gain a lot.

Even if he is anxious to do something, even if his time is really in a hurry; but everything still needs sufficient strength.

All he can do is to maximize his strength.

The training of the martial artist can be said to be full of boring; after all, the martial artist has been searching for a long time on the endless road of martial arts.

Day after day, year after year, always groping and moving forward on this seemingly endless road.

But at the same time, the training of a warrior can also be full of excitement.

Every time the cultivation level is improved, every time the realm breaks through, it is a rare joy for the martial artist.

Every time I feel it, every time I get something, it seems that a new martial art door has been opened.

Every experience, every fierce battle, is an opportunity for warriors to broaden their horizons and appreciate this wonderful world.

As far as Xiao Yi is concerned, his cultivation has never withered.

His advance has a direction; that direction is not the guide of martial arts, but two meteors that have bloomed brilliantly in his life but are fleeting.

Two meteors, as if they were a gift from the sky, flashed past and fell to an unknown place.

This unknown land is the purpose of guiding him forward.

That unknown land may not be the end of his martial arts road.

But it must be something far ahead in his eyes than the road of martial arts.

His experience is always full of crises.

But, perhaps, only those crises, those nine deaths, can make his indifferent heart rekindle his blood; only then can his eager mood temporarily calm down.

Rekindling, calm, two diametrically opposed descriptions, to him, they fit perfectly.

Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, he is a monster who has repeatedly created miracles and has grown at a terrifying speed.

Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, this is a monster that is worthy of wonder, admiration, and even shock.

But who knew that such a terrifying growth rate was the only way he could barely suppress his restlessness, restlessness, and eagerness.


Xiao Yi's fist suddenly clenched.

In his thinking like this, the morning light gradually dissipated.

Under his ‘quiet’ body, time seemed to pass quickly.

The sun in the afternoon turned into an afterglow in a short time.

The afterglow waved on his face for a while.

After that, night fell again.

The warm face left by the setting sun suddenly turned into indifference and a lingering perseverance.

"It's night, it's time to leave." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, ending his meditation.

Strands of golden light once again drifted dangerously in this golden light.

Not long after, the golden light enveloped the entire dangerous area.

The monster beasts that had been calm for a day suddenly became agitated.

A strong breath of monsters suddenly filled the entire dangerous area.

The golden light, which had been calm for a day, went away suddenly.

On the trunk, the proud figure slowly stood up.

The figure flashed, and moved quickly toward the depths of the dangerous place.


Second more.

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