Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1360: Nightshade Streaming Python

The golden light at night has resumed its ‘lively’ again.

It’s just that, in this ‘lively’, it’s not cheers.

It's the sound of fierce fighting, howls of pain, and screams.

Under the hustle and bustle, there is no half-hearted scent, but some are just the thick pungent and **** smell floating in the air in the dangerous place.

Xiao Yi spent most of the night fighting all the way, all the way forward, and finally came to the deepest place.

At this moment, he stopped.

Because, the two giants in front of him have blocked the way.

No, to be precise, all directions around are blocked.

It was a huge python monster, and a black lizard monster.

"Yingying streamer python, thorny lizard." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, his face condensed slightly.

As far as he knew, these two kinds of monsters were all five-layered monsters of the Holy Emperor Realm.

In terms of strength, it is definitely far above the gust of wind.

The night shadow streamer python is pitch black and has a smooth skin.

Under the huge body, there is no sense of clumsiness at all, but the speed is as fast as flowing light.

Waiting for the leisurely martial arts emperor to encounter it, it is just a stream of light, and he is buried in the abdomen of the python.

The thorn lizard is as hard as a rock, like a black rock.

The back is densely covered with thorns, like iron thorns, but as sharp as a sword.

"Some meaning." Xiao Yi grinned slightly.

The Leng Yan sword in his hand appeared out of thin air, and then waited.

The two monsters, without a doubt, opened their mouths, devouring golden light.

After a long while, strands of golden light were sucked by them.

Their aura also soared suddenly.

"I have reached the ninth stage of the Holy Emperor Realm." Xiao Yi frowned.

In his perception, the strength of these two monster beasts had already reached the level of the nine levels of the Saint Emperor Realm.

He remembered that the blasting flaming bird he encountered yesterday was a four-tiered monster of the Holy Emperor Realm.

After absorbing the golden light, his strength reached the eighth peak of the Saint Emperor Realm, approaching the ninth level of the Saint Emperor Realm, and jumped four times in a row.

But now, the two monsters, the Nightshade Streaming Python and the Thorns Sacred Lizard, are actually five-tiered monsters in the Holy Emperor Realm.

It stands to reason that after they absorb the golden light, they should have the strength of the Saint Emperor Stage 9 or more, rather than the current level of the Saint Emperor Realm.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Contrast the golden light wolf and the blasting flaming bird before.

Xiao Yi concluded that the stronger the monster beast, the more golden light it can absorb, and the more strength it will increase.

Now it seems that it should be correct.

The Nightshade Streaming Python and the Thorns Sacred Lizard apparently ingested more golden light than the blasting flaming birds encountered last night.

But it seems that the number of strengths improved is similar.

If you didn't guess wrong, it should be that the strength of the Ninth Layer of the Holy Emperor Realm is extremely different.

So the effect of these golden lights seems to be smaller.

As far as he knows, the Nine Layers of the Holy Emperor Realm is a huge obstacle among the martial arts emperors.

Of course, Xiao Yi doesn't know how it is.

After all, he was far from that realm.

In short, the strength of the two monster beasts, the Nightshade Streaming Python and the Thorns Sacred Lizard, can reach the level of the ninth level of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Of course, look at it from another angle.

In the Saint King Realm, every difference between them is still a gap in seconds.

It is conceivable that in the Saint Emperor Realm, every difference is heavy, how big the gap is.

These golden light powers can make it break through these gaps, and the effect is terrible enough.


At this time, a stream of light leaped towards Xiao Yi.

Streamer, extremely huge.

Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly, slashing out with a sword.

Since he has entered the depths of the golden light, he is in the best fighting state all the time.

Eighty thousand stars have already been added.

This sword was made by him with all his strength.

However, when the streamer collided, it was a moment of confrontation with Leng Yanjian.

Boom...a loud sound.

Xiao Yi only felt an astonishing force hit him.

Leng Yan's sword was unscathed.

But Xiao Yi's hands suddenly numb.

He hadn't reacted yet, and the figure had already retreated and was knocked into the air by dozens of meters.

Even the sword in his hand came out under this huge impact.

"A lot of strength." Xiao Yi's expression was startled.

After he was able to stand firm, he glanced at his hands, his palms were already red.


The huge streamer came again.

"Come back." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice, taking a virtual shot with his palm.

The Leng Yan sword that was hit and flew back into his hand instantly.

"Drink." Xiao Yi let out a low cry, slashing out with a sword.

A long river of stars rolled out in an instant.

A huge streamer struck, and slammed into the river of stars.

Suddenly, the river of starlight trembled and the starlight shattered continuously.

Only a few seconds later, the entire river of starlight has disappeared.

The cold eyes of Yeying Streaming Python looked directly at Xiao Yi, as if looking at an ant that couldn't be more tiny.

"It's such a wild animal." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

Whoosh... Streamer jumped again.

Xiao Yi didn't force it this time.

The streamer hit, Xiao Yi cut out with a sword.

At the moment when the sword body collided with the streamer, Xiao Yi's side of his body then took advantage of his strength to hide, easily avoiding the collision of the streamer.

Just now, Xiao Yi did not get knocked into the air.

But I saw the situation under the streamer up close.

The night shadow streamer python turned into streamer and swallowed it with his mouth.

If he hadn't avoided it just now, I'm afraid that the huge mouth of the night shadow streamer python would have swallowed him.


Yeying Streaming Python, hissing scarlet letter.

Whoosh...The next second, it turned into a streamer and struck again.

A sneer crossed the corner of Xiao Yi's mouth.

As a demon hunter, he has not been afraid of any monsters.

Even if the strength of this monster beast is higher than him at the moment, he does not take it seriously.

The streamer hit, Xiao Yi did the same, blocked it with a sword, and then took advantage of his strength to hide.

But this time, after Kancan dodged, Jian Feng turned abruptly, turning his block into a split.

The sharp cold light of Leng Yan's sword slammed into the body of Yeying Streaming Python.

Xiao Yi sneered.

This sword, with the sharpness of the Leng Yan sword, was enough to severely wound this evil animal.

However, Jian Guang fell heavily.


The sharp body of the sword slipped instantly when it touched the body of the python, and most of the sword's power was removed.

The Yeying Streaming Python was unscathed except for a roar of pain.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi's face was startled.

The body of Yeying Streaming Python was as smooth as silk.

The sharp blade actually slipped past.

Whoosh... The Night Shadow Streamer Python turned into streamer again.

At this time, it was obviously furious in pain, and its speed increased.

"Not good." Xiao Yi's expression changed.

The river of stars condenses instantly; the vitality in the body also bursts instantly.

When the streamer came in front of him, Xiao Yi cut out with a sword.

With one sword, dozens of swords come together.

A dozen long rivers of starlight came in succession, instantly blocking the streamer, and blasting its huge figure back 100 meters.

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

The monster beast deep in the golden light was really dangerous.

However, this tone of his voice has not yet been completely Panasonic.

A behemoth crawled towards him at an extremely fast speed.

"The Thorns Sacred Lizard?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and he slashed out with a backhand.


The sharp Leng Yan sword slashed on the Thorns Sacred Lizard, and it made a neigh.

With a full-strength sword, Xiao Yi couldn't even damage the thorns on its back.

"What a hard thorn." Xiao Yi was taken aback.


Third more.

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