Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1361: Extreme Starlight


On the spot, there was a violent explosion.

Xiao Yi's figure was suddenly blown up.

On the ground, a trace of a depth of 100 meters was dragged out.

A hundred meters away, a large dust was raised.

When the dust cleared, Xiao Yi's extremely embarrassed figure was revealed.

"Cough cough." Xiao Yi coughed twice, with a trace of blood overflowing at the corner of his mouth, proving that he had suffered a serious injury just now.

Xiao Yi touched his chest, where there was a depression.

The moment of the confrontation with this thorny lizard just now, he was just hit hard by it, and he had been knocked into flight.

At this moment, the internal organs seem to have shifted.

The Thorns Sacred Lizard, it seems that its figure is not as large as the Yeying Streaming Python, but the power it contains is definitely ten times that of the Night Shadow Streaming Python.

This class of monsters are already good at juli.

In addition, the Saint Lizard of Thorns, which is also an earth-attribute monster, stepped on the ground, and the energy source continued to rely on the earth’s rich earth-attribute power to increase its strength.

If it weren't for this kind of monster beasts to be clumsy and slow, they might already be one of the overlord level monsters in the Holy Emperor realm.

Coupled with these golden light powers, I am afraid that the martial arts might be here, and I have to be afraid of three points.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath and swallowed a pill into his abdomen.

The power of the elixir quickly took effect in the body, repairing the painful internal organs.

Leng Yan sword in his hand, gripped tightly.

A pair of cold and proud eyes looked directly at the two monsters in front of him.

The two monsters were also glowing fiercely, staring at the monsters.

In their view, under their joint efforts, there is nothing to do with this young martial artist, this young martial artist is by no means good.

Monster beasts have always been cautious, especially the beasts here in Jinguang dangerously, with cunning in their incomparable caution.

Therefore, there was no change at the moment.

Xiao Yi also didn't move temporarily.

If there are no accidents, tonight will be a hard fight.

However, it was also just what he wanted.

He was thinking how to deal with it.

The two sides confronted each other like this.

After a long while, the night shadow streamer and the thorn lizard took the lead in taking action.

After all, monsters are monsters, full of ferocity.

Whoosh...A stream of light rushed towards Xiao Yi.


The footsteps of the Thorns Sacred Lizard have also moved; under the enormous power, every time it moves, the ground must shake the mountains.

Of course, that speed is also extremely fast.

The so-called looks clumsy and slow, but it's just compared to Xiao Yi.


Xiao Yi cut out with a sword, and the river of stars poured out, instantly blocking the streamer that came first.

After the first block, the figure of the thorn lizard came with an impressive appearance.

A huge force hit Xiao Yi hard.

Xiao Yi did not stop, he had already felt the tremendous strength of this evil animal.

He stepped back and opened his distance instantly.

Xiao Yi's brows suddenly frowned.

The speed of the thorn lizard seems to be slow, but it is a monster of the Holy Emperor Realm after all.

The night shadow streamer turned into streamer, coming towards him very fast, he must block it.

It was this block that was enough time for the Thorns Sacred Lizard to approach.

These two monsters are extremely fast, and the other is slow but surprisingly powerful.

The cooperation between the two is so tacit.

If it is alone, Xiao Yi is still under pressure.

Nowadays, with one enemy and two, and the two work in perfect harmony, the pressure has increased even more.

Whoosh... the night shadow streamer attacked again.

Xiao Yi blocked it with his sword, and stepped back to avoid the thorn lizard.

At the same time, he secretly thought about how to deal with it.


Xiao Yi's figure is constantly changing.

The swish in the air suddenly became intense.

Either the sound of streaming light, or the sound of sword light, or the sound of Xiao Yi's footsteps.

Under such a stalemate, Xiao Yi frowned.

After a long while, Xiao Yi's brows loosened.

"The night shadow streamer is extremely fast; the thorny lizard has amazing power and strong defense."

If this continues, I am afraid that these two monsters will consume too much energy.

Of course, if the fog demon is released, the battle can be ended easily.

But this is his experience, he needs to deal with it himself.

Although the battle is difficult and dangerous, it is also one of his ways to quickly improve his strength.

"Drink." Xiao Yi let out a low voice.

The original footsteps moved quickly and suddenly stagnated.

Eighty thousand stars descended in an instant, and then turned into a sword formation, trapping the night shadow streamer and the thorny lizard.


The power of the stars in the sky is constantly coming down, endless.

Eighty thousand stars, layer by layer.

The Star Fantasy Sword Array is also one after another.

If it is a single star fantasy sword formation, it is afraid that these two evil animals can collide with each other.

But even if they can break open under a dozen sword formations, it is by no means easy.

With the sword formation laid out, Xiao Yi's Leng Yan sword shot out.

The sword body rushed straight into the center of the sword formation.

With the middle-grade holy artifact Leng Yan sword as the heart of the formation, the strength of the big formation suddenly increased.

Leng Yan sword, but close to high-grade holy artifacts, far surpasses the power of other middle-grade holy artifacts.

Later, Xiao Yi put out his hands together.

The vitality of the body is mobilized to the limit.

With both hands sucking it, in the sky, 80,000 stars are coming down again and again.

At this time, the starlight that descended did not turn into a sword formation, but turned into a starlight vortex.

The starlight vortexes transformed from 80,000 stars exuded amazing strangling power.

The night shadow streamer python, although the skin is smooth, but it has slipped through countless stars? Slip so amazingly strangling power?

But for a moment, the night shadow streamer snake violently ran away, forcibly ramming the star fantasy sword formation.

However, the Star Fantasy Sword Array blessed by Leng Yanjian is as solid as a rock, how can it be broken.

Gradually, Yeying Streaming Python roared in pain.

The strangling power of the starlight is constantly strangling its body and vitality.

At the same time, the Thorns Sacred Lizard in the sword formation had amazing defensive power, but the power of strangulation couldn't help it for a while.

But it can't break the Star Fantasy Sword Array either.

The sword array is superimposed by dozens of sword arrays made of 80,000 stars, which is extremely huge.

The Thorns Saint Lizard wanted to collide with it, but was often blocked by the starlight vortex that later condensed and transformed.

In the Starlight Vortex, in addition to the amazing strangulation power, there is also a terrifying suction power.

A starlight vortex cannot hold back its amazing power.

What about ten, twenty?

Twenty starlight vortexes completely swallowed the thorny sacred lizard.

An hour later, the mighty starlight strangling power gradually strangulated its hard thorns to break open.

At this time, Xiao Yi's face was already pale.

He didn't borrow the pill or the increase in spiritual energy.

At this moment, he is actually controlling the starlight at the limit.

The surging vitality in the huge qi spring in his body was fully utilized in his hands.

Ten minutes later.

The thorns of the thorny lizard have been strangled to death.

The rest is just its painful roar in the starlight vortex.

"Huh." Upon seeing this, Xiao Yi wiped the sweat on his forehead and exhaled lightly.

This time, I must finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief.


Fourth more. (Make up)

Update today, over.

Continue to make up tomorrow.

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