Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1368: Suck and save

Xiao Yi thought so.

But his ideas still need to be verified.

Moreover, this premise is that Leng Yanjian can withstand these golden light powers.


A light flashed in Xiao Yi's hand, and the Leng Yan sword appeared out of thin air.

Afterwards, Xiao Yi held the sword in his hand and brought the Leng Yan sword close to the golden pit.

Xiao Yi didn't worry about what would happen to Leng Yanjian.

Compared with other weapons, Leng Yanjian had accompanied him in the battle for a long time.

He has absolute control and feeling for Leng Yanjian.

Moreover, there is a sword spirit in the sword.

Therefore, if Leng Yanjian couldn't withstand these golden light powers, Xiao Yi would immediately feel it and take it back.

Of course, if this is the case, then these golden light powers would be too terrifying.

Zi Zi Zi...

Sure enough, Leng Yanjian also began to absorb these golden light powers.

For a whole number of ten seconds, the Leng Yan sword was nothing unusual except that the golden light became more dazzling and the aura became stronger.

At this time, in Xiao Yi's perception, the level of Leng Yanjian had definitely soared to the level of a high-grade holy artifact.

The golden light covering the surface of the sword clearly contained terrifying explosive power.

Xiao Yi retracted the Leng Yanjian and looked at it carefully.

The next second, a sword struck out.

Boom...A golden light sword light across the celestial pole appeared out of thin air.

The sharp aura exuding from the golden light sword light shocked Xiao Yi.

The golden light sword light soared into the sky.


The sky above Jinguang dangerously seemed to be cut in half.

"So strong." Xiao Yi's pupils shrank.

The power of this sword is definitely far above the river of 30 stars.

Xiao Yi's eyes were instantly hot, staring straight at the terrifying huge hole.

However, like the inner pill of the monster beast, the monster beast can absorb the golden light power here, but the golden light power will dissipate in the early morning.

The strength of the monster beast will also return to normal.

The same is true for weapons. Even if they can absorb the golden light power here, they will disperse automatically in about ten minutes at most.

Unless these golden light powers can be taken away and preserved.

Otherwise, these golden light powers are useless no matter how strong they are.

Xiao Yi approached the Jinguang pit and reached out and grabbed it.

As before, the palm of the hand touched it, but as if touching the air, it passed directly.

"Suck." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice, taking a virtual shot with his palm.

A cloud of golden light was absorbed into his hand.

However, even if it was sucking, the golden light power continued to diffuse at a slow speed.

A light flashed in Xiao Yi's hand and took out a jade bottle.

This was the jade bottle he used to contain the blood of the monsters, and it was not an ordinary thing in itself.

The power of golden light is sealed in a jade bottle.

Xiao Yi looked at the jade bottle, and after a few seconds, the jade bottle shattered and the golden light drifted in the air.

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head, "The jade bottle cannot carry these golden light powers."

"What if Yuan Li sealed it?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself.


The frost appeared out of nowhere.

Strands of the ultimate ice breath, automatically surround it.

But for a moment, the cold breath automatically froze and turned into ice crystals.

Within the ice crystal, a group of golden light power is sealed in the ice.

Xiao Yi looked at the ice crystal in front of him and waited.

After ten seconds, the ice crystal did not move.

"It's finished." Xiao Yi's eyes were happy.

However, after a few minutes, this joy suddenly disappeared.

The ice crystals made of extreme cold ice also collapsed after a few minutes, and failed to contain these golden light powers.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi cursed lightly.

There is no doubt that these golden lights are extremely powerful.

If you get it, it is one of your rare hole cards.

Now, carrying these golden lights is no longer a problem, and Leng Yanjian can carry them.

But how to save it can not be solved.

Xiao Yi frowned and thought.

There was Baoshan before, but he came back empty-handed. This is not Xiao Yi's style.

Xiao Yi frowned and thought for a long time.

After a long time, there is still no way.

Xiao Yi simply sat in place and continued to think.

Xiao Yi thought about it all night.

At this time, the sky is getting brighter, and the night is gradually fading.

The strands of golden light floating in the golden light dangerously began to dissipate.

No, to be precise, it is "returning" to where they were originally.

In front of Xiao Yi, the huge crater that was originally erupting with air currents, slightly quiet, suddenly changed drastically.


A gust of wind broke out from it.

However, this gust of wind is not blowing, but sucking.

"Not good." Xiao Yi's expression changed.

The golden light floating in the golden light dangerously is constantly being absorbed and returned.

The huge golden pit suddenly became a huge ‘wind cave’, but the wind sucked backwards.

Xiao Yi glanced at the huge, unfathomable pothole, and felt a chill in his heart.

Who knows what's under this pothole.

If it falls, the consequences are unpredictable.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi stepped forward and backed away quickly.

After retreating ten miles away, he stopped.

The violent wind just now continued to increase sharply, and even his eight-fold cultivation base of the Saint King Realm was almost absorbed.

This terrifying suction lasted a full half an hour.

Half an hour later, the surrounding area of ​​the Jinguang pit returned to normal.

Jinguang dangerously, has entered the day.

Xiao Yi didn't come close, just meditated on the spot, continuing to think.

Time gradually passed, and it was not until nightfall that Xiao Yi stopped meditating and stood up slowly.

At this time, within the golden light pit, an air current erupted as expected.

At the same time, golden lights drifted away once again.

"Sure enough, the golden light floating in the golden light dangerously was originally in this huge pit." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, staring directly at the eruption of the huge pit in the distance.

However, so far, he has not thought of a way.

After a long while, Xiao Yi shook his head and sighed.

This means that he can only give up.

As expected, Jin Guang existed dangerously for countless years.

This golden light hole is definitely not a secret, and other warriors must have discovered this place.

But so far, no warrior can take away the golden light here.

It proved that no one could take away these golden light powers.

He Xiao Yi naturally has no choice.

Sighing again, Xiao Yi was about to turn around and leave.

However, just as he moved, he suddenly had another meal.

"No." A thought flashed through Xiao Yi's mind.

Others can't take away these golden light powers, and I want to be the same as I am now, unable to preserve these golden light powers.

So does he.

Jade bottles, ice seals, and other methods could not preserve these golden light powers.

But he has other things.

For example... Medicine furnace.

Another example is the Eight Dragons Incinerator!

The Leng Yan sword can still carry these golden powers, and the Eight Dragon Burning Furnace is the treasure of the heavens and the earth, so it can.

If these golden light powers are absorbed into the Eight Dragon Incinerator, and then blocked by the formation method, it may not be impossible.

Xiao Yi thought about it, and his eyes lit up.

The golden crater stopped erupting far away.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi flashed, and instantly came to the pothole.

The light in his hand flashed, and the Eight Dragon Incinerator was presented.


Third more.

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