Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1369: Impact, the second seal

The eight dragon burning furnace was sacrificed and floated above the golden pit.

"Suck." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

Dao Jinguang was sucked into it.

While controlling the Eight Dragons Incinerator, Xiao Yi sensed the situation inside.

The golden light power entered the Eight Dragons Incinerator, and there was no change for the time being.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi nodded, and then accelerated the speed of sucking.

In an instant, golden light poured into the furnace at an extremely fast speed.

The Eight Dragons incinerator does not seem to be very big, but it is a space of its own, and the range of things that can be contained is not small.

The effect of self-contained space is generally found in the treasures of higher-level sacred artifacts.

However, most of these treasures are weapons in the hands of warriors, and they are objects of battle.

Therefore, even with this effect, the warrior would not use it to store items, and most of them would put their things on the Qiankun Ring.

But the Eight Dragons Incinerator was different. Although it was also a treasure, Xiao Yi didn't use it as a battle object.

Every time it is used, it is only used as a refining medicine.

Therefore, it is not a problem to absorb and store these golden light forces in the furnace space.

Another point, Xiao Yi has also felt this space.

In the space, the flames are raging and the temperature is amazing.

Masses of flame aura, like ancient flames, burning endlessly.

That is Long Yan's breath.

Of course, this is what Senior Jian Ji said to him when he was in the Eastern Region.

Whether these flames are really Long Yan, Xiao Yi couldn't be sure.

And in his comparison, these flames are indeed stronger, even far stronger than the top flames.

But compared to such powerful flames as Amethyst Lingyan, it was obviously a little worse.

If it is really Long Yan, it should be no worse than the powerful flames in the world.

But Xiao Yi didn't know what was going on.

He has always been carrying this eight dragon incinerator, and most of the time it was used for refining medicine.

The space inside the furnace is already blazing with flames and the temperature is amazing, so when refining medicine, the effect is extremely good and the speed is extremely fast.

Especially when he refining medicine, he refining a large amount of pill, using the eight dragon incinerator is naturally the best choice.

Now, he also perceives the space inside the furnace.

The golden light is sucked into this raging flame space.

The golden light entered, even if it is rushing in now, there is still no change.

There is no conflict between golden light and raging flames.

The flame did not burn the golden light; the golden light did not let the flame's raging potential have a half effect.

"It seems that there shouldn't be a big problem." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, with a touch of confidence on his face.

Since the golden light can be placed in the flame space in the furnace, the next step is to prepare the formation and prohibition.

When the Eight Dragons Burning Furnace absorbs these golden light powers, they can be sealed directly by formation.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi withdrew his perception of the Eight Dragon Incinerator.

Next, take out a piece of middle-grade spirit stone in his hand.

Lingshi is placed around in a mysterious way.

There is no doubt that he is setting up the formation.

Really powerful formations need to be arranged.

Compared with the big wind and snow formations, the big flame formations, etc., which he used casually before, he knew this well, and the formation level was not high.

Therefore, it can be easily picked up.

But now, the formations to be deployed had to seal these mighty golden lights, with different levels of nature.

On the first Ice Venerable Order he received, he obtained the formation method of the Ice Venerable.

Among them, there is a formation called ‘Ice Profound Sealed Boundary Formation’, which is the strongest formation in the lineage inheritance of Venerable Ice.

This formation is not a killing array, without the effect of killing the enemy.

But it has a strong seal and the effect of siege, it is an ancient seal formation.

During this period, Xiao Yi could lay down a lot of spirit stones and cultivating cold ice by himself.

Of course, this takes a lot of time.

Although Xiao Yi's current formation skills are not weak, it is far less powerful than those formations, let alone the ancient formations.

I think it will take him a lot of effort for this one.

However, compared to the speed at which the Eight Dragons Burning Furnace can absorb golden light at the moment; it will take a long time to fully absorb the entire flame space.

It just so happened that after the flame space was absorbed and full of golden light power, his formation was almost completed.

Once these golden light powers are absorbed enough, they will immediately take back the Eight Dragon Burning Furnace, and then seal the furnace with the ice mysterious boundary formation, which will surely seal these golden light powers.

Xiao Yi thought this way, and had made plans.

After an entire hour.

Around Xiao Yi, a piece of spiritual stone had been placed mysteriously.

The formation has not yet been fully laid out, but the formation is roughly set up, and the next step is to perfect the entire formation.

The surrounding spirit stones are distributed, covering a range of nearly 100 meters.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged in the middle, his palms bluffed, and a trace of ice power emerged.

The extreme cold breath was accurately reached by Xiao Yi above the spiritual stones.

The Ice Profound Sealing Boundary Array is an ice attribute sealing large array.

If Xiao Yi wanted to arrange it, his vitality was not enough, he could only rely on the power of Lingshi.

The extreme icy breath that is being played today is nothing but an ‘introduction’.

This so-called ‘introduction’ will draw out the power in the spirit stone, thus greatly increasing the power of the extreme cold breath.

It was another full hour later.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

It is definitely not a simple matter to lay down a truly powerful array.

"The formation has been completed. Just wait for the Eight Dragons Incinerator to absorb enough golden light power to activate it immediately." Xiao Yi's slightly pale face revealed a hint of joy.

In his hands, the Holy Disk of Heaven has appeared.

Yes, Xiao Yi intends to use the Holy Disk of Heaven to spur this great formation.

The Bingxuan Boundary Formation is already extremely strong.

Coupled with the increase in the sacred plate of the sacred array, the treasure of heaven, it will surely be terrifying.

Integrating the power of the two great heavens and the earth, plus an ancient seal formation, Xiao Yi did not believe that these golden light powers could run away.

At this time, he just needs to wait.

It was another half an hour later.

Xiao Yi let out perception.

Inside the Eight Dragons incinerator, that huge flame space, at such an extremely fast absorption speed, was gradually filled with golden light power.

It won’t take long for it to be fully absorbed.

Ten minutes later.

A bright light burst out in Xiao Yi's eyes, "It's full, big array, Kai..."

Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The flame space is full of golden light power; now, it is the time to launch the seal of the great formation.

However, Xiao Yi's movements suddenly stagnated.

I don't know why, he always feels that something is inexplicable.

This error originated from the Eight Dragons Incinerator, but Xiao Yi couldn't tell what was wrong.

Xiao Yi's cold eyes stared directly at the Eight Dragon Burning Furnace.

After a long while, his face was startled, and he understood.

He finally found out what was wrong.

That was the Eight Dragon Burning Furnace at this moment, inside the thick golden light power, and the space inside the furnace was filled with golden light power, but its furnace body remained unchanged.

Just as simple and calm as usual, just as Xiao Yi usually looks when he uses it to refine medicine.

Even if the Leng Yan sword approached these golden powers, the golden light was shining, and the aura greatly increased.

But the Eight Dragons Incinerator did not change at all.

These golden light powers seem to have no effect on it.

For a long while, while Xiao Yi was still thinking, his face was shocked again.

In front of him, above the huge pothole, the originally floating Eight Dragons incinerator suddenly trembled violently.

With such violent shaking, he felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

In shock, he quickly released his perception.

Xiao Yi's face suddenly became weird.

In the flame space in the furnace, those strong golden light forces are constantly impacting the seal in the furnace.

The impact was the second seal of the Eight Dragon Incinerator.


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