Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1370: Powerful claw

Xiao Yi finally remembered where he had seen the violent shaking of the Eight Dragons Incinerator.

It was when the first seal of the Eight Dragon Incinerator was opened in the Eastern Region.

And there is no doubt that the current jitter comes from the impact of the second seal.

Xiao Yi thought while letting out perception.

After a long while, I understood.

The power of the golden light did not have a half effect on the Eight Dragon Incinerator.

When the golden light power increases the weapon power, it is the golden light power being absorbed by the weapon.

But for the eight dragon incinerator, it was not absorbed by the furnace itself.

In other words, these golden light forces are an independent force compared to the Eight Dragons Incinerator.

And this force kept pouring into the flame space in the furnace, even filling the entire space.

At this time, to inhale the golden light power into the Eight Dragons Incinerator, it is tantamount to ‘squeezing’ this space, and it is also striking the second seal in disguise.

At this time, the Eight Dragons Burning Furnace continued to absorb the power of golden light.

No, perhaps to be precise, it was Xiao Yi who absorbed these golden light forces and forced them into the furnace.

Ten minutes later.


In mid-air, the Balong incinerator made a violent sound like a fryer.

A flame, from the eight dragons incinerator, was like a breath, spreading in all directions.

Xiao Yi's face changed, and he hurriedly guarded him with his sword.

When the Eight Dragons Incinerator unlocked the first seal last time, the eruption of that flame shocked him.

This time, he naturally reacted early.

30 starlight rivers protect you.

But under the impact of this flame, the river of stars was continuously burned and scattered.

Xiao Yi had to constantly expend his vitality and constantly manipulate the starlight to come to resist the flames that overflowed towards him.

After a while, the flames stopped.

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and dissipated the starlight.

Xiao Yi felt the Eight Dragons Burning Furnace, his face was startled.

The second seal has been broken.

But the original flame space was obviously twice as large.

"So that's it, folding space?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

According to Senior Jian Ji, the Eight Dragons Incineration Furnace is sealed with eight Dragon Flame Breaths, as well as eight seals.

Although I don't know where Senior Jian Ji knew this information about the Eight Dragon Incinerator.

Xiao Yi also wasn't sure whether these flames were dragon flames.

However, there were eight powerful seals in it, which Xiao Yi could perceive.

When the Eight Dragon Incinerator was first obtained, it was just an ordinary medicine refining furnace.

It wasn't until the first seal was unlocked that a powerful flame suddenly broke out, and there was a flame space of raging flames.

Xiao Yi had felt it before, and the remaining seven seals were all in this space.

Today, the second seal has been released.

The flame space is twice as large.

Obviously, it is the so-called folding space.

The eight pieces of space were originally sealed in the Eight Dragon Incinerator.

Each time the eight seals are unlocked, the space is restored, and the flame space at this moment is doubled.

It's just that, for no reason, what do you do to seal these spaces?

Xiao Yi frowned and thought.

At this time, the flame space in the furnace doubled, and the golden light power could naturally continue to pour into it.

Xiao Yi pondered for a long while before putting his perception into the Eight Dragon Incinerator again.

In his perception, a steady stream of golden light power poured in, filling this even greater space.

At the same time, the temperature generated by the raging flame seems to be higher than before.

"It's because the power of the flame has increased." Xiao Yi felt and thought.

The flame in the space now seems to be stronger than before.

Xiao Yi stared at these flames for a long while, before he could understand, his eyes suddenly freeze on something in the flames.

"That is…"

Xiao Yi frowned. He had perceived this flame space carefully before.

In the space, there is absolutely nothing except these flames.

But now, there is something more.

Xiao Yi looked more closely, and when he could see clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He finally saw what it was.

It was a dark arm with scales all over it.

On the palm of his hand, the sharp claws exude an astonishing cold light.

Obviously, this is not the hand of a human warrior.

But the hand of the monster beast, this is a beast claw.

The beast's claws were exposed to the raging flames, without any damage, but against the flames, emitting a crimson light.

"Out." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

Intuition tells him that he can take out this beast claw through the eight dragon incinerator.

It was almost the moment when his voice fell.

On the eight dragon burning furnace, a crimson light flashed out, firmly covering his palm.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

He clearly felt that his palm was hot and painful at this moment.

This kind of pain is different from the normal flame burning sensation.

On the contrary, it is more like a deep pain from under the flesh.

After a few seconds, the crimson light disappeared.

Instead, Xiao Yi's palm was covered by a layer of dark scales.

"Hi, this..." Xiao Yi took a breath, and then his face changed drastically.

His palms and arms were completely changed.

It was exactly the same as the beast claw in the flame space just now.

Xiao Yi was really taken aback, but he also reacted very quickly, screaming in his heart, "disperse".

His palms and arms returned to normal.

Perceiving the flame space again, that beast claw was quietly inside the flame.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

If his hand turns into a beast claw, it is really unacceptable.

Even if he never cared about these so-called appearances.

"Out." Xiao Yi shouted again.

A crimson light flashed past, and the beast claws covered the arm skin again.

Xiao Yi shook his arm, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

On the contrary, it was an astonishing force, flooding it.

Xiao Yi only felt that the whole arm was full of inexhaustible power.

He clenched his fist, and the sharp claws on the fingertips were dazzling.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and took out a sword weapon that was a low-grade holy artifact.

Next second.

The sword in his hand struck his other arm fiercely.


The sharp blade of the sword hit the arm and let out a clang.

The arm was not damaged at all, but the blade was missing a small mouth.

Xiao Yi held the sword in his other palm.

The paw radiating cold light squeezed hard.

Click... Click... Click...

The whole sharp sword was easily crushed into powder.

"So strong." Xiao Yi's face was startled.

The low-grade sacred artifacts were split on the arm without any damage.

The sacrificial artifact, held in the palm of your hand, is like a handful of scrap copper and rotten iron, instantly crushed.

Xiao Yi was just about to continue to look at this arm.

Suddenly, the Eight Dragons in front of him shook again on the burning stove.

Xiao Yi glanced at it.

The flame space inside has been filled with golden light power.

Today, the continuous influx of golden light power will be equivalent to continuing to hit the next seal.

"The third seal." Xiao Yi grinned expectantly.


Second more.

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