Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1371: The fourth seal, open


On the Eight Dragons incinerator, there was a violent roar from the shaking at this moment.

Xiao Yi was always aware of the situation in the furnace.

With the release of the second seal, the flame space doubled.

Naturally, the influx of golden light power is also increasing, and at this time, it has reached the point of filling.

The golden light's power grew stronger and stronger, and it continued to attack the third seal.

And the third seal on the Eight Dragons Incinerator was obviously also an extraordinary seal.

Therefore, the impact of the golden light force caused the entire furnace to roar continuously at this moment.

Xiao Yi felt that the look on his face became more intense.

Since the first seal was unlocked in the Eastern Region, Xiao Yi has been helpless in the subsequent seals.

Even with his current strength, there is no way to get a second seal.

But the golden light power here helped him break the seal.

For Xiao Yi, this was undoubtedly a surprise and a great harvest.

The beast claw just now should be the thing in the second sealed space.

The second seal is unwound, and the second space is folded out to merge with the first space.

Naturally, that animal claw suddenly appeared just now.

In the second sealed space, there is this inexplicable and powerful beast claw.

What about the third sealed space?

Xiao Yi looked forward to it more and more.

At this time, a steady stream of golden light power poured into the Eight Dragons Incinerator, impacting the third seal.

Depending on the situation, it must take some time.

Of course, whether it can break through is also a question.

After all, the seal inside Xiao Yi has been helpless, one can imagine how strong the seal is.

It depends on how strong the golden light power is here.

Xiao Yi temporarily retracted his perception and looked at his left hand.

At this time, the left hand has become a beast claw.

His dark arms, little scales, seemed to contain indestructible power.

Between the scales, a red light glows, and it looks more like a volcano that is about to erupt, and its explosive power is amazing.

But what kind of monster's claw is this?

With Xiao Yi's eyesight, he couldn't even recognize which monster this belonged to.

But there is no doubt that this must be an extremely terrifying monster beast.

"Yanlong?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

This was his thought in a flash.

After all, this is the sealed object in the Eight Dragon Incinerator.

According to Senior Jian Ji, the seal inside was the breath of the Eight Dragons.

But now, what was sealed inside was obviously not the Breath of Dragon Flame, but the hand of a powerful monster.

"How could it be possible." Xiao Yi shook his head and smiled, instantly denying the idea.

Let's not say that Yanlong is a legendary beast, whether it exists or not is a matter of two.

Even if it does exist, what can kill it? Even seal it here?

The Yanlong Continent is named after the Yanlong. It is conceivable that even if the Yanlong really existed in ancient times, it is also the most worthy existence of the continent.

Xiao Yi shook his head and did not go to the country.

He couldn't determine what monster beast this hand belonged to.

Perhaps, after going to the main hall of the Hunting Demon Palace, and looking up some ancient books, it is not necessarily what demon beast can find.

Now, don't worry too much.

Just at this time.


In midair, there was a shocking sound.

A blast of flame spilled out at an extremely violent speed.

This is a sign that the third seal has been broken.

Xiao Yi had been prepared long ago and struck out with a sword.

30 starlight rivers protect you.

However, this time, the 30 starlight rivers collapsed instantly under the eruption of flames.

Boom... With a loud bang, Xiao Yi was directly bombarded by the flame for a hundred meters.

When the flames escaped and disappeared, Xiao Yi had been blasted to dust and embarrassed.

"A strong flame is spilling." Xiao Yi was taken aback, and returned to the spot.

Xiao Yi looked at the Eight Dragons Incinerator, letting out perception.

Sure enough, the third seal had already been broken.

The size of the flame space increased again.

This time, Xiao Yi paid special attention, and sure enough, in the flame space, a beast hand appeared again out of thin air.

"Out." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

A group of scarlet rays shot out from the Eight Dragons incinerator, and gathered in the palm of Xiao Yi's right hand.

There was another intense hot sensation, Xiao Yi's right hand was gradually wrapped in dark scale armor, and after a short while, it turned into a beast hand.

After the second seal was released, what appeared in the space was the left hand of this unknown monster.

Now, the third seal appeared on the right hand.

Xiao Yi glanced at his hands.

These hands, which have turned into monster bodies, are densely covered with scales, and they look squalid and hideous.

But the little red light that exudes makes these hideous hands look full of explosive power.

Xiao Yi clenched his fist and blasted out a fist.

Boom...The space burst instantly.

A stream of air suddenly erupted from it and rushed straight for kilometers.

In the air current, with a breath of astonishing heat, the ground was turned into scorched earth along the way.

"Awesome." Xiao Yi exclaimed.

Looking back at the Eight Dragon Burning Stove again.

At this time, within the Eight Dragons incinerator, the power of golden light was still rapidly integrated.

Xiao Yi glanced inside the huge pothole.

Originally, the entire huge pothole was filled with golden light.

That rich and vigorous golden light power is full of this huge bottomless hole.

But now, within the depth range that Xiao Yi could see with the naked eye, the golden light had completely dissipated.

To be precise, the golden light has poured into the Eight Dragon Incinerator.

Xiao Yi looked straight down, and there was still a little bit of light under the depth of the pothole.

It proved that there was still golden light power below.

But how much is left is unknown.

After all, Xiao Yi didn't know how deep this pothole was.

All I know is that there is still golden light spilling out under the depth that is hard to see with the naked eye.

Two hours later.

On the Eight Dragons incinerator, there was a roar again, shaking violently again.

"It's starting to hit the fourth seal." The joy on Xiao Yi's face was extremely rich.

In his perception, the greater flame space was once again filled with golden light power.

The continuous influx of golden light power is equally impacting this space and the seal in the folded space.

What's in the fourth space?

Xiao Yi looked forward to it.

Of course, he also eagerly wanted to know what secrets were still on the Eight Dragons Incinerator.

If the eight seals can be broken, the secrets inside will be revealed.

After half an hour.

On the Eight Dragons incinerator, a fierce flame burst out.

This time, almost instantly when the flames hit, Xiao Yi's expression changed drastically.

That scorching breath, the temperature alone, was so high that it made the ground melt.

With the cold sword in his hand, there was even more heat.

"What a strong flame." Xiao Yi's expression changed drastically, and he guessed in an instant that the Leng Yan Sword alone would definitely not be able to stop this flame impact.

"The Bingxuan Sealed Realm, rise up." Xiao Yi yelled instantly.

The sacred plate of the heavenly secret appeared in the hand out of thin air, and the large array that had been deployed was launched instantly.


Four consecutive roars sounded from the eight dragon burning stove.

Four consecutive flames burst out from it.

When the roar dissipated, the flame impact disappeared.

Xiao Yi glanced outside the large array, his pupils shrank.

Outside the big formation, there was already a sea of ​​scorching fire within a radius of tens of miles.

Trees instantly evaporate nothingness under high temperature; the ground has already melted.


Third more.

Continue to make changes tomorrow.

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