Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1382: Go to Tianxing Mansion

Jinguang is dangerously within.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged, lying flat.

In the previous battle, although he was not seriously injured, he was somewhat consumed.

After half an hour.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed out a turbid breath and stood up slowly.

A spirit and spirit, has returned to its peak.

Next, he left Jinguang dangerously.

"Experienced in one month, it was quite rewarding." Xiao Yi looked back and muttered to himself.

Yes, although only one month of dangerous experience in Jinguang, Xiao Yi has gained tremendously.

In terms of cultivation, he broke through the two levels and reached the eighth level of the Saint King Realm.

Asura battle body, physical strength, reached the ninth level of the Holy King Realm.

Although the monster blood is still a little bit, it is not enough to break through the next big realm.

On the other hand, Jinguangdan has refined a lot.

This month of experience, I fought the King Kong White Ape for half a night at night, and killed other monsters in the remaining half night, sweeping all the way.

In January, thousands of golden light pills were refined, most of which were at the Saint Emperor level.

There are only a few hundreds of golden light pills at the Saint King level.

Another gain is the most direct golden light power.

That huge pothole was tens of meters long and wide, but it was 20,000 meters deep. One can imagine how much golden light power there is.

Moreover, the golden light power inside is extremely powerful and surging, far from the thin golden light power wafting dangerously in the night.

And these golden light forces are all sealed in the Eight Dragon Incinerator at this moment.

With so many gains, Xiao Yi was naturally satisfied with this experience.

This is just one month of experience.

Of course, in fact, the biggest gain is no different from the breakthrough of the four consecutive seals of the Eight Dragon Incinerator.

There are two animal hands and one animal foot inside.

Based on this, Xiao Yi also had the strength to kill the martial arts power.

Xiao Yi clenched his fists, his face was full of joy.

Whoosh... After thinking about the harvest this month, Xiao Yi dashed away.

After a short while, Xiao Yi completely went out of the depths of the dangerous place and left the edge of the dangerous place.

After a long time, Xiao Yi finally came out of the golden light.

I have to say that the entire Golden Light is indeed extremely vast.

"Next, it's time to go to the next area." Xiao Yi said to himself.

In fact, the strength of the monster beasts in the eighteen houses and the dangerous places within each house are all the same.

In addition, there are also some monsters with extremely terrifying power.

Take Jinguang dangerously, if you continue to go deeper, there will definitely be a monster that is stronger than the King Kong White Ape.

However, Xiao Yi could only use his hole cards to kill monsters of that level, like two beast hands.

But this will not have any experience effect.

Therefore, Xiao Yi did not choose to go further.

As for the monster beasts in the other 18 houses, although their strengths are similar, they have different methods and different attributes.

The so-called experience, killing monsters is not the goal, it is just a process.

What he needs is to improve his strength in this process.

Going to other dangerous places, dealing with other monsters, and seeing other methods is another test for him.

In this process, understanding martial arts and perfecting one's own kendo are also the top priority.

At this time, Xiao Yi was already on the verge of golden light.

At this time, he was thinking about where to go.


"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned and glanced not far away.

There, a fiery red figure stared at him coldly.

"Gongsun Huowu?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Ms. Gongsun is looking for something?"

Seeing Gongsun Huowu's expression, he was obviously waiting for him.

"What do you mean? Xiao Yi little thief." Gongsun Huowu gritted his teeth.

"You entered Jinguang for one month, and this girl also worked hard for one month."

"Today, let's divide it up."

"Different?" Xiao Yi smiled indifferently.

"A month ago, wasn't it separated?"

In Xiao Yi's perception, Gongsun Huowu's aura was stronger than it was a month ago.

But it was only a little stronger, and it was still only in the Ninth Layer of the Saint King Realm.

"Separate? Humph." Gongsun Huowu snorted coldly.

"A month ago, your monster suddenly attacked and killed the Grand Elder of Wanjin Mansion."

"This girl was really taken aback."

"But think about it afterwards, that's just the strength of your monster, not the strength of your Xiao Yi thief."

"If you really rely on you to do it yourself, I'm afraid that you won't be able to do several tricks in the hands of the Grand Elder of Wanjin Mansion."

Gongsun Huowu said coldly, the long whip in his hand appeared out of thin air.


The whip flicked and crackled.

"Take out your true skills and fight this girl."

Gongsun Huowu flicked his whip and pointed directly at Xiao Yi.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

One month ago, the one who killed the Grand Elder of Wanjin Mansion was indeed the fog demon.

However, not long ago, Xiao Yi personally killed the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong, a martial arts power far stronger than the Great Elder of Wanjin Mansion, the peak of the Saint Emperor.

If Gongsun Huowu knew about this, I don't know if he still had the guts to provoke him.

Xiao Yi shook his head, ignored it, and left.

"Little thief, stop for me." Gongsun Huowu let out a cold voice.

With a long whip in his hand, he raised it instantly and shot it instantly.

Xiao Yi frowned and swish... his figure flickered, and instantly disappeared in place.

Xiao Yi's speed was approaching the extreme.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Gongsun Huowu, with his fingertips coldly touching his throat.

On the fingertips, a touch of sharp sword aura was astonishing.

If he was willing at this time, a single thought could kill Gongsun Huowu.

"You..." Gongsun Huowu felt the astonishing sharpness in his throat, and his face turned pale.

She had no doubt that this sword energy could cut her throat instantly.

"Now it's different." Xiao Yi said indifferently, and put down his finger.

Gongsun Huowu is just the nine-fold cultivation base of the Saint King Realm.

However, Xiao Yi's physical strength alone has reached the ninth level of the Saint King Realm.

Those who cultivate martial arts are already crushing other fighters.

Not to mention that what Xiao Yi cultivates is the cultivation technique against the celestial body, Xiu Luo fighting body.

To kill Gongsun Huowu in seconds was just a breeze.

Xiao Yi put down his fingers and was about to leave.

Gongsun Huowu's face was angry, "How is your sudden action different from a sneak attack? It doesn't count, you are fighting this girl dignifiedly."

Xiao Yi was full of black lines.

Even though this Gongsun Huowu is a warrior with a good cultivation base, she is a woman, and a savage and unreasonable woman.

"If you lose, you lose." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"Don't be entangled anymore, you are too weak, I am not interested in fighting with you."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi's figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

But for a few breaths, Xiao Yi was already far away.

Gongsun Huowu glanced around, and couldn't perceive Xiao Yi's breath at all, nor could he perceive which direction Xiao Yi was leaving.


After a long while, Gongsun Huowu could only stomped angrily, "Good, you Xiao Yi little thief."


Xiao Yi was far away thousands of miles away.

Between the eighteen houses, although they are separated by at least a dozen or even more regions.

But as a whole, the eighteen governments are all connected.

On both sides of Jinguang Mansion are Tiansuo Mansion and Tiandao Mansion.

"Tiandao Mansion?" Xiao Yi thought for a while and shook his head.

"Tian Suo Mansion?" Xiao Yi muttered to himself, but when he thought that Gongsun Huowu was the Young Palace Master of Tian Suo Mansion, he shook his head again.

"Starting from Wanjin Mansion, if you cross Tiansuo Mansion, it is..." Xiao Yi thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"It's Tianxing Mansion, go to the Tianxing area."


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