Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1383: Forbidden Land of Stars, Open

Star region, somewhere.

The stars at night are full of stars.

Many warriors looked up and admired a few times from time to time.

Suddenly, a stream of light flashed across the sky.

The speed of the streamer is extremely fast; but it is also at this extremely fast speed that a long streamline is drawn on the sky white cloud.

Around Longhen, the thin night clouds dispersed for most.

The sky above the sky, this beautiful starry night, was suddenly ‘broken’.

It looked like a beautiful picture, and it was suddenly broken by someone's sword, and it was extremely excessive.



"Is it great to fly with Yukong? Watch Laozi blast him down."

Below, the warriors who were looking at the stars, all of them looked angry.

It seemed to feel the unkind angry gaze, and the streamer in the sky suddenly disappeared without a trace.


Above the sky, a figure suddenly landed silently and silently by the night.

The figure is Xiao Yi.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly and shook his head.

The streamer just now was naturally the one who hurried along.

But he didn't expect that his rush would attract so many unkind eyes.

Yes, he has already reached the star area.

After leaving the Jinguang dangerous place, he galloped all the way, but within a few days, he had already left the golden light dangerous place, and, in addition to spanning a dozen areas around Tiansuo Mansion, he finally came to the sky star area.

Tianxing Mansion, right next to Tiansuo Mansion, was separated by 15 regions.

This road is not close in fact.

However, Xiao Yi's one month experience has improved his cultivation a lot, and his speed has increased greatly.

And most importantly, he used the power of the starlight to add the starlight to forcibly increase his speed.

However, 85,000 starlights did not come.

After all, that is extremely exhausting.

He only came to about 60,000 Dao, which was probably equal to the strength of the sixth layer of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously glanced at the sky.

At first glance, I couldn't help but admire the beauty.

The whole sky is like a shady curtain.

And above this shady curtain, the stars are densely covered, and they reflect brilliantly.

The starlight in the sky-star region is much denser and dazzling than other regions.

Although the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses is similar in strength and weakness, the reputation in the middle area is also similar.

However, if the region of the province is the most beautiful, it belongs to the region of heaven.

The starry night in the sky and stars region, even if you look at the entire middle region, it is one of the famous beauties.

"It's really beautiful." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, and then withdrew his gaze to the sky.

He has no time to stop by these beautiful sceneries.

There are many warriors who practice the starlight in the sky star region.

It is also because this region is full of stars every night, so the martial artist with the starlight is very effective here.

As far as Xiao Yi knows, it is rumored that there have also been legends of starry fire here.

This is also one of the reasons why Xiao Yi specially chose to come to the Tianxing area to experience.

The fire of star fantasy, as the most mysterious and powerful flame in the world, is definitely something that can greatly increase his strength.

However, regardless of whether there is news about Star Fantasy.

He came here to experience, even if it is pure practice, it will be of great benefit to his fantasy swordsmanship.


Xiao Yi flashed, Yukong flew up.

He did not fly to high altitude, lest he provoke abuse from those warriors who admire the beautiful starlight.

He just flew fast in the air.

Now his deep range has already entered the star area, but it is only a marginal range.

Tianxing Mansion, one of the eighteen houses, is located in the center of this area.

However, Xiao Yi didn't want to go to the Star Mansion or those cities, but to go to the dangerous place of the Star.

The dangerous place of the star is the most famous dangerous place in the area of ​​the star and the dozens of surrounding areas.

The degree of danger is similar to that of Jinguang area.

All the way across the sky star region, out of the sky star region, and then flying about two regions away, it is a dangerous place in the starry sky that is rarely visited.

After a long time.

It happened to be early in the morning of the second day when Xiao Yi rushed to the starry sky.

As he expected, what he saw was a vast and boundless forest of monsters.

Xiao Yi stepped down, just about to enter it to experience, suddenly...

"Huh?" Xiao Yi stopped, frowning.

Beyond the starry sky, a large number of warriors are gathering at this time.

There are young talents and old men with profound cultivation, no fewer than a thousand people.

Observing the breath of this group of warriors, the weakest are all above the triple level of the Saint King Realm.

"So many warriors?" Xiao Yi was puzzled.

As far as he knows, there is nothing special about Tianxing's dangerous place, and there is no place to attract martial artists, so it is rarely visited on weekdays.

Different from the golden light, in the golden light, every night, the golden light floats, and the monster swallows the golden light, greatly increasing its strength.

The warrior will also kill the monster beast at this time, have obtained the inner pill, and refine the golden light pill.

Each golden light pill is of great value, so it attracts a large number of warriors to enter it all year round.

As for Tianxing's dangerous place, for one thing, the name is bad, and the other is no good, so there are only a few warriors who come here purely for experience.

But now, outside the starry sky, so many warriors have appeared, and they are still gathering together.

Xiao Yi was a little puzzled, and his figure flashed into the group of warriors.

"Xiongtai, what happened here?" Xiao Yi asked softly when he came to a young man who seemed to be calm.

This young man was obviously startled when he saw Xiao Yi who suddenly appeared.

Only when he saw that Xiao Yi was just a young man of his age, he was relieved.

"Xiongtai, don't you know?" the young man asked suspiciously.

Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Oh." The young man smiled and said, "Xiongtai must be a warrior from another region."

"Otherwise, it is impossible not to know what's happening here."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi's face was puzzled, and it seemed that he was still quite famous.

The young man smiled and said, "The Forbidden Land of the Stars is about to be opened."

"Naturally, our Heavenly Star region, as well as the warriors who practice the starlight in nearby regions, have all come here."

"Oh? Open the Star Forbidden Land?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"Yeah." The young man talked in general with a proud look, "The forbidden land of the stars is opened once every few years."

"The Forbidden Land of the Stars is originally a forbidden area specified by the Star Mansion in the Dangerous Lands of the Stars."

"However, the Tianxing Mansion not only did not deceive us ordinary warriors, but instead sent strong people to **** us in every few years."

"In the Forbidden Land of the Stars, we martial artists who practice the Starlight Together, one day of practice, can be worth a hundred days outside."

"Naturally, the warriors from all over the area have come these days."

"So that's it." Xiao Yi nodded, his face in a daze.

As far as he knows, although Tianxing Mansion is one of the eighteen palaces, so it is one of the hegemonic powers in the Central Territory, its reputation is excellent.

In the star area, as well as in the surrounding areas, it is very respected by all warriors.

"By the way, Xiongtai, are you also a martial artist who practices Starlight?" the young man asked.

"If not, you can't enter the Forbidden Land of the Stars."

Xiao Yi smiled, a faint starlight condensed between his fingers.


Second more.

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