Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1384: Gu Lianxing

The young man looked at the faint starlight on Xiao Yi's fingertips, his face slightly shocked.

"Xiongtai, your starlight is very weak, which proves that your cultivation level is not high, and it may be weaker than mine."

"But in your starlight, you have a sharp aura, which is obviously extraordinary."

"I'm afraid that what Xiongtai is cultivating is a very strong martial art in the starlight."

"Oh, it's okay." Xiao Yi smiled.

In his perception, this young man's cultivation is just the sixth layer of the Saint King Realm.

"How long will you have to wait?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"Xiongtai, don't worry." The young man smiled, "It's early morning."

"The forbidden land of the stars can only be opened at night, when the sky is the most dazzling, and when the power of the stars of the sky and the earth is strong."

"At night?" Xiao Yi nodded.

The young man continued, "Furthermore, you have to wait for people from the Star Mansion to come before you can open the Forbidden Land of Stars."

"Calculate the time, the young palace master and the strong of the Sky Star Mansion will arrive in these two days."

Xiao Yi nodded, arched his hands, "Please tell me."

The young man waved his hand and said, "Xiongtai is polite, it's just a matter of showing up."

Xiao Yi smiled, then silently, closed his eyes and woke up.

Upon seeing this, the young man didn't say much.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes and slumbered, but just took a short break to relieve the fatigue of rushing on the road these days.

At the same time, he was thinking about some things.

If the sky is forbidden, the effect is so amazing.

Those two days are worth the wait.

After all, what he repaired was also a starlight.

Starlight is just a general statement, which contains many martial arts.

Different martial artists have their own perfect martial arts.

The martial artist who practiced together with the stars will also merge into other martial arts because of the other martial arts they own.

Such as palm, body law, wind and so on.

Another example is Xiao Yi's fantasy swordsmanship.

It was the one that the predecessors of Star Fantasy had realized through the combination of Star Fantasy and Sword Dao.

Of course, the Star Fantasy Sword Dao is almost the strongest one among the stars.

Therefore, for Xiao Yi, entering the Forbidden Land of the Stars also has an excellent cultivation effect.

What he was thinking about at this time was the sword post.

According to the time on the sword post, after April, it was the start of the sword repair event in the sword domain.

Counting the January that he had experienced dangerously in Jinguang, now there are only three months left.

Xiao Yi didn't dare to say about the grand event in the sword field, or what his future experience would be like.

God knows if there will be any changes.

Therefore, the remaining three months is the only short time left for his experience.

If possible, he will improve his strength as much as possible.

Enough strength can deal with those unknown changes.

Furthermore, since Senior Yun Yuan said that there is a great opportunity in the sword domain; then, the more powerful you go, the greater the chance of grasping that great opportunity.

So, there are three months left; no, he doesn't have much time left when he goes to Zhongyu.

"I hope that this sky forbidden land will not let me down." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.


Two days later, in the afternoon.

A team of warriors came from the sky in the sky.


The warriors below, their eyes lit up.

"It's the powerhouse of the Heavenly Star Mansion, as well as the young man of the Heavenly Star Mansion."

The team of warriors who came from far away from the sky was a woman in plain clothes.

The woman is young, about in her early 20s.

The woman's face was extremely beautiful, and under the allure posture, people couldn't help but take a look.

However, that beautiful face has a trace of uncontrollable paleness.

The paleness should have attracted the attention of others.

But under the woman's plain clothes, she slightly covered the paleness.

The lightness of the light cloud and wind makes people subconsciously ignore the others.

"Here, Palace Master of Tianxing Mansion, Gu Lianxing."

Below, almost all the male warriors showed admiration and admiration.

"Gu Lianxing." Xiao Yi also glanced at the woman with a calm expression.

Gu Lianxing, the young master of the Tianxing Mansion, is only 22 years old this year and is already the number one arrogant of the Tianxing Mansion.

Among the Eighteenth House Tianjiao, ranked 12.

There are rumors that this Gu Lianxing was seriously ill when he was young, and his body was weak all day long.

If not, with Gu Lianxing's talent, it is definitely not limited to these 12 rankings.

She must have her place in the top three of the Eighteen House Tianjiao.

At this time, the warriors of the Overlord Star Mansion had already fallen in front of everyone.

"Everyone has been waiting."

Gu Lianxing took a step forward, apologetic, and arched his hands.

"Miss Gu said something seriously." A group of warriors said politely.

"The Forbidden Land of the Stars is a place that is difficult for ordinary warriors to enter."

"Heaven Star Mansion is willing to take us into it together. It is the kindness of Tian Star Mansion, and we have taken advantage of it."

"Waiting for two days in this trivial matter.

Gu Lianxing nodded and glanced at the sky.

"It's almost night. Rather than being more courteous with you, Lian Xing might as well open the Forbidden Land of the Stars as soon as possible, lest you wait a long time."

"Miss Gu said and laughed." All the warriors smiled.

"Good." Gu Lianxing said.

At this time, a warrior walked out of the Tianxing Mansion team.

Gu Lianxing whispered, "Entering the Forbidden Land of the Stars, after all, the number of places is limited, and there are also certain restrictions."

"So if the strength is insufficient, Lian Xing can only ask him to leave."

"It's not a warrior who is practising Starlight Together, please leave."

The warriors around nodded without complaining.

After all, the Forbidden Land of the Stars is always within a dangerous place, and there is a certain degree of danger.

Naturally, a certain strength is needed to enter.

At this time, a warrior asked loudly, "Dare to ask Miss Gu, how does one have strength?"

Gu Lianxing chuckled and said, "It's very simple, as long as it can pass through the hand of the warrior of the Star Mansion beside me."

"Pass through the hands of the warriors of the Star Mansion?" The warriors around him changed their expressions.

The Heavenly Star Mansion is the overlord force, and its internal martial artists are all powerful.

However, everyone felt the martial artist's cultivation base, and it was just a holy king realm five-tier martial artist, and they were also relieved.

Come to think of it, this warrior is just a weaker ordinary warrior in the Tianxing Mansion.

"Well, you can start now." Gu Lianxing said softly.

One by one the warriors began to fight against the Tianxing Mansion warriors in an orderly manner.

Most of the warriors can pass.

After all, the warriors who originally gathered here are all at the Saint King Realm triple cultivation level or above.

Not long after, it was Xiao Yi's turn.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed and shot directly.

There is no difficulty for him to deal with a martial artist of the Saint King Realm.

However, just after the shot, a flaming red figure came quickly in the distance.

A loud shout of displeasure, but also abruptly sounded.

"Little thief Xiao Yi, so you are here."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the fiery red figure in the distance.

"Gongsun Huowu?"

"Huo Wu?" Gu Lianxing looked at the incoming person and chuckled.

"Lian Xing, you can't let this little thief enter the forbidden land of the stars." Gongsun Huowu hadn't arrived, and a loud shout had been heard.


Third more.

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