Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1392: Starstorm

Within the main house.

Xiao Yi has stopped to comprehend.

The remaining time is less than half an hour.

If he keeps on studying, he won't be able to gain anything. He simply uses the time to cultivate.

Although it is impossible to make a breakthrough in cultivation in just half an hour, the 5,000-fold increase effect is ultimately extremely rare.

Xiao Yi will not waste time.

After a long while, Gu Lianxing slowly opened his eyes, ending his cultivation state.

"Did Young Master Xiao Yi wake up earlier than me? There is not much time left, right?" Gu Lianxing asked.

Xiao Yi nodded, his tone indifferent, "There is a little time left, less than half an hour."

Gu Lianxing heard the words, nodded, carefully glanced at Xiao Yi's indifferent face, and smiled knowingly.

"What are you laughing at?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Laughing, I didn't read it wrong." Gu Lianxing smiled weakly.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yi asked again.

Half an hour was left before the automatic sinking of Tianxing Cave Mansion.

The two of them didn't enter the state of concentrating on cultivation, they just absorbed the power of the stars at will, and they talked.

Gu Lianxing smiled and said, "Naturally it is Young Master Xiao Yi."

"If Young Master Xiao Yi is really as bad as the outsiders say."

"With the strength of Young Master Xiao Yi, three days ago, I could easily blast me out of this main mansion."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "You are bleeding, and I am out of the sky star cup; the effect of the increase of the starlight power in this main mansion is one and half, fair, nothing more."

Xiao Yi's Star Illusion Bottle, although it is the 18th Heavenly Star Lamp that has been lost for thousands of years in this Heavenly Star Mansion.

But to lose is to lose.

This is a treasure he won from the Quartet Competition.

He put down the star phantom bottle and let the winner's mansion prohibit the reproduction.

And Gu Lian Xing was a direct descendant of the Heavenly Star Mansion, and his blood was able to activate the restraining effect.

One person produces heavy treasures, while the other bleeds; therefore, the two stayed in the main mansion to practice, and the stone altars each accounted for half.

This is just a fair thing.

Gu Lianxing shook his head, "This is different."

"Although Lian Xing is weak since he was a child, he rarely goes out. In the eyes of many people, Lian Xing is not deeply involved in the world."

"But in fact, Lian Xing, as the Young Master of the Tianxing Mansion, has met a lot of people of all kinds."

"Therefore, good people and bad people can still be distinguished by Lian Xing."

"Since I first saw Young Master Xiao Yi, I felt that Young Master Xiao Yi is not like what the outside world says, but like a thief."

"Now it seems that my intuition is not wrong."

Xiao Yi shrugged upon hearing the words, "Whatever you say."

"Hehe." Gu Lianxing covered his mouth and chuckled, a trace of triumph flashed across his face.

She knew that the indifference on Xiao Yi's face was just pretending not to care.

"Take Huo Wu's matter, Young Master Xiao Yi threatened her twice, but didn't really hurt her."

"Perhaps, Young Master Xiao Yi is too lazy to care about her."

"Or, in the eyes of Young Master Xiao Yi, there are some means to make Huo Wu and other stubborn girls shut up, just like that awe-inspiring threat."

Xiao Yi shook his head without answering.

Although this Gu Lianxing is weak in body and not deeply involved in the world in the eyes of outsiders, in fact, his heart is clear as a mirror, but it is extraordinary.

Time gradually passed.

Ten minutes later.

Xiao Yi retracted his hand on the stone altar and said, "It's time to leave."

Gu Lianxing nodded, and withdrew his hand from the stone altar.

Through the restriction, Xiao Yi removed the huge stone at the gate, and then retracted the star magic bottle.

This star magic bottle is his thing, naturally it is taken back.

Moreover, in the future, to practice Xinghuan Swordsmanship, Xinghuan Bottle is also a strong booster.

The two left the main mansion.

Outside the main mansion, the square outside was already empty.

Want to come, other people have taken the lead out of the cave.

After all, there are only a few minutes left in three days.

No, there is one more person in the square.

Whoosh... a fiery red figure suddenly came quickly.

"Little thief Xiao Yi, this girl takes your life."

With a loud shout, Gongsun Huowu burst into the air with a long whip.

Xiao Yi frowned, fingertips lightly raised, and easily took the whip.

After a whip, Gongsun Huowu hurriedly came to Gu Lianxing's side, showing a worried expression, "Lianxing, are you okay?"

"In the main mansion, does this little thief bully you?"

"No." Gu Lianxing shook his head, "Huo Wu, stop messing around, leave the cave first."

Gongsun Huowu nodded.

When the three of them were about to leave, suddenly the whole cave was shaking.

The violent tremor was like a mountain collapse and the ground cracked.

"Bad." Gu Lianxing seemed to think of something, his face changed.

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Gu Lianxing's face was solemn, "I remember in the records of my Tianxing Mansion, it was said that the prohibition of the main mansion would affect the operation of the cave mansion."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Gu Lianxing's face was bitter, "Prince Xiao Yi just took away the 18th Heavenly Starlight before leaving the cave mansion, which caused the main mansion's prohibition to dissipate."

"The elimination of the main mansion's prohibition is equivalent to maintaining the entire Dongfu's prohibition on the ground, and it also dissipates."

"That means..." Gongsun Huowu's eyes widened when he heard this.

"Yes, the cave mansion is going to sink in advance." Gu Lianxing's face paled.

"You didn't say it earlier?" Xiao Yi stared.

"I forgot." Gu Lianxing looked embarrassed.

"Damn it, go quickly." Xiao Yi reacted instantly, holding Gu Lianxing in one hand and Gongsun Huowu in the other, leaving quickly.

"So fast." Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu both looked surprised.

Xiao Yi's instantaneous speed far exceeded their imagination.

In almost an instant, Xiao Yi had crossed the Dongfu Square and arrived at the gate of the Dongfu.


Boom... With a huge roar, the entire cave sank instantly.

The three of them left the cave in an instant, but outside, it was already underground.

He raised his head and glanced at the ground, at least several kilometers deep from here.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi's face was hard to see the extreme.

The reason why he reacted instantly and took the two of them to leave the cave mansion in an instant is because he personally experienced the dangers in these forbidden areas and knew how terrifying it was.


Beneath the ground, countless stars surged in.

A monstrous starlight storm swept across in an instant.

"It's terrible." Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu's expressions changed drastically.

The breath from these auras alone is enough to make them palpitations and fear.

A starlight storm surged from the ground instantly.

"Go up." Xiao Yi's eyes cold, his hands shook, and he threw the two up.

Then, the Leng Yan sword in his hand appeared out of thin air.

"Break it for me." Xiao Yi yelled violently, cutting out the cold sword in his hand.

93,000 starlights instantly turned into a river of starlight, colliding with the starlight storm coming from below.

Xiao Yi's starlight river collapsed almost instantly under the starlight storm.

The power of the starlight storm must be enough to strangle a martial arts power into powder.


Xiao Yi's arm shook, and the body of Leng Yan's sword trembled slightly.

With one sword, thirty rivers of surging starlight poured down.


Second more.

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