Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1393: What is good or bad?

Xiao Yi, Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu are three.

At this moment, it is like being in a spring with rising water.

However, this water spring is a huge cave with a depth of more than 10,000 meters.

The spring water is a mighty starlight storm.


Within the huge cave, dozens of violent roars continued.

A few seconds later, three figures were blasted out of the hole.

Xiao Yi stood firmly on the ground.

Gongsun Huowu and Gu Lianxing staggered and sat down on the ground in embarrassment.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, his face pale.

The starlight storm is no weaker than the weapon storm at the time of the Golden Light Forbidden Land.

However, Xiao Yi remembered that in the Golden Light Forbidden Land, pure golden light was not dangerous, but it swept a large number of weapons and became a weapon storm, which was extremely dangerous.

But here in the Forbidden Land of Stars, after the stars melted into a storm, it was extremely lethal.

Thanks to Xiao Yi's insight into Star Fantasy Swordsmanship in the main mansion, he has control over 93,000 stars, and his strength has greatly increased.

And the danger here in the Forbidden Land is the starlight storm.

Star Fantasy Swordsmanship already has the ability to control starlight, greatly reducing the power of these starlight storms.

Xiao Yi's strength greatly increased, and the Starlight Sword Dao weakened the power of the Starlight Storm, and Fang returned to the ground without any problems.

At this moment, the huge hole in front of the starlight erupting disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The ground returned to normal.

Starlight and hole in the ground are gone.

"It's worthy of the ancient prohibition, it's really extraordinary." Xiao Yi's face was shocked.

Obviously, the disappearance of the cave was due to the ancient prohibition in the cave.

Those ancient methods, manipulating mountains and rocks, is just a breeze.

Xiao Yi turned around, just about to leave.


"Puff." Gu Lianxing, who was sitting on the ground, spouted a mouthful of blood, his face extremely pale.

"Lianxing." Gongsun Huowu was shocked.

Xiao Yi frowned and walked slowly towards Gu Lianxing.

He blocked the starlight storm in the cave just now.

As for the two of Gu Lianxing, he had long been thrown up.

Therefore, the starlight storm did not hurt the two of them. At most, the remaining prestige of the torrential weather affected them.

Gongsun Huowu was unscathed, but Gu Lianxing's body was so weak that she could be seriously injured by the surplus of aura.

Xiao Yi came to Gu Lianxing's body, squatted down slowly, felt it for a while, took Gu Lianxing's hand to check it, and then shook his head.

"Little thief, what do you mean by shaking your head?" Gongsun Huowu looked at Xiao Yi with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Nothing." Xiao Yi shook his head, got up and left.

"Puff." Gu Lianxing spit out blood again, his eyes blurred, and he weakly leaned against Gongsun Huowu.

"Lianxing, don't scare me." Gongsun Huowu was surprised and anxious.

"By the way, those vigorous stars in the cave are your life-saving thing."

"Every time you come out of the forbidden area, you will be full of energy."

"This time I became weaker, but the little thief in the main mansion bullied you and didn't let you absorb the starlight."

"No." Gu Lianxing shook his head weakly, "Young Master Xiao Yi is fine."

"How could this be without you?" Gongsun Huowu's beautiful eyes, she didn't know when she started, and shedding tears dripped.

The star of Gu Lian at this moment looked like a candle in the wind, which would disperse when it blows.

"Little thief." Gongsun Huowu seemed to remember something, and suddenly looked at Xiao Yi.

"You are so strong, you are not even afraid of the star storm, and you are a martial artist who practices the starlight."

"Your starlight power will definitely save the pity star."

Xiao Yi has turned around and walked away slowly, "It can be saved for a while, but..."

Xiao Yi didn't look back, but shook his head indifferently.

"But what?" Gongsun Huowu asked anxiously.

Xiao Yi didn't answer, and left for himself.

"You..." Gongsun Huowu was shocked and angry, "Why don't you save the pity star?"

"You little thief, so cold-blooded?"

Xiao Yi's eyes became cold when he heard the words, "During the Starlight Storm, I saw that you two had practiced in the cave with me after all, so I didn't see death without saving."

"The sickness of Gu Lian Xing has nothing to do with me; even if I can't save it, what is it to you?"

"You..." Gongsun Huowu was extremely angry.

"Forget it, Huo Wu." Gu Lianxing shook his head weakly, with no blood on his pale face.

I want to come, not far away from Xiang Xiaoyu's death.

"Lianxing." Gongsun Huowu gradually burst into tears.

"You are always like this, always making excuses for others; the little thief must have snatched your starlight in the main mansion."

"And the **** whose surname is Ye, too."

"Knowing that you are frail and sickly, he went around looking for flowers and asking willows, unruly."

"I left without a trace, but I don't care about your delicate fiancee."

"He is just the last ranked Eighteenth House Tianjiao, so why make you, the 12th-ranked Tianjiao woman, be so committed."

"He has his reasons." Gu Lianxing's voice was almost inaudible.

Upon seeing this, Gongsun Huowu became more angry and burst into tears.

"What is the reason? You are dying, what about the others?"

"There are no men in this world that are good, they are all bad."

"Bad guy?" Gu Lianxing's bloodless face showed a weak smile again.

That smile seems to freeze at any time.

"What are good people and bad people in this world?"

"What is good and bad, can you distinguish it?"

"If I have a good relationship with you, in your eyes, I am a good person; in your eyes, if someone has a bad relationship with you, I am a bad person?"

"This continent is too big, and there are too many things in this world."


Gu Lianxing's mouth was full of blood, but his tone was extremely flat.

The pale arm slipped slowly and weakly.

In the air, there was a sudden silence, and only Gongsun Huowu's complicated tears were left.

Not far away, Xiao Yi, who was already leaving, suddenly stopped.

Although Gu Lianxing's voice was very weak and low, he heard it very clearly.

He seemed to have heard these words.

No, he has said these words before.

At that time, talking to him next to him was a swinger.

Xiao Yi also suddenly remembered what the **** said.

"Like, so alike, your words are exactly the same, no, almost exactly the same."


"It's just a girl, don't mention her."

Xiao Yi paused, frowning, "It's that guy..."

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled lightly, then turned around.

Whoosh... A flash, came to Gu Lianxing's side.

"Little thief, you..." A flash of surprise flashed across Gongsun Huowu's tearful face.

"Shut up." Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently, grabbing Gu Lianxing's hand.


An aura suddenly broke out.

In the high sky, ninety-three thousand stars descended in an instant.

On Xiao Yi's body, the vigorous starlight power continued to flow into Gu Lian's body.

Gu Lianxing's aura that was close to dissipating, gradually recovered.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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