Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1509: Defeated simply

Sword Emperor Stele Space, third floor.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and after passing through the barrier at the end of the second layer, he entered this place.

Xiao Yi looked around in surprise at this time.

In the third layer of space, it is not much.

It's just a kilometer-sized space, and it's illusory all around.

Xiao Yi glanced at his feet and frowned.

Under the feet, just a stream of light.

Xiao Yi even felt that he seemed to be in the turbulence of space at this time.

There was a blank space all around.

Just as Xiao Yi was puzzled, a figure appeared out of thin air ten meters away.

The figure, dressed in white, turned his back to Xiao Yi.

The unusual white color made Xiao Yi feel a little familiar.

"Are you?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Heh." The figure played with taste, "Boy, did you forget the old man so soon?"

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's expression changed. He couldn't be more familiar with this voice.

It was the voice of the sword spirit.

He finally remembered that the figure dressed in white was the cold white color of Leng Yanjian.

"Hahahaha." The figure laughed a few times and turned around.

Xiao Yi's expression was shocked again when he saw the figure's face.

Originally, he thought it would be Zhang Cang's old face.

Unexpectedly, it was a young man.

"This..." Xiao Yi was startled.

He didn't know how to describe this face.

His face is very young, about twenty years old.

The face is not handsome, but it is very delicate.

In the delicate and beautiful, with a sense of elegance, people look very comfortable.

But in the elegance, there is another touch of pride.

Is this what the sword spirit looks like?

After all, Xiao Yi was Xiao Yi, and he quickly reduced the shocked expression on his face, and said with a smile, "Sword Spirit, you also look pretty."

"Why keep refusing to come out to see me?"

Yes, since Xiao Yi got the Leng Yan sword, Jian Ling has only spoken, but never showed up.

"Why? Want to put it close?" Jian Ling smiled.

The voice of the sword spirit is no longer old, but a young voice.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." Jian Ling said, "Old man, is the guardian of the last floor of the Sword Emperor Monument."

"If you can defeat me, the chance in the Sword Emperor Monument will be yours."

Jian Ling had the face of a young man, but he was called an "old man", but his voice was also a young voice, which made people feel awkward.

Xiao Yi's face was stern.

The sword spirit is the stele spirit of the sword emperor stele.

In his perception, the aura of the sword spirit at this moment was far above Lin Ye.

Originally when he was in Leng Yanjian, the sword spirit appeared extremely weak.

But back to the Sword Emperor Monument, it is as a monument spirit, able to control all the power in the Sword Emperor Monument, and its breath is amazing.

Xiao Yi even felt that even Lin Ye in his heyday could not beat the sword spirit in front of him.

However, the previous case of fighting against Lin Ye is before; Xiao Yi guessed that the sword spirit should have suppressed the strength to fight him.

Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice, "Do you need to suppress your strength for the third-tier challenge rules?"

Xiao Yi still asked.

If there is no need to suppress, then he has no chance of winning.

"Suppress?" Jian Ling smiled, "You have fought with that kid Lin Ye, so you think I want to suppress too?"

Lin Ye, this kid?

If you can call the old monster Lin Ye a ‘boy’, the sword spirit might be a more terrifying old monster.

"No need?" Xiao Yi's face sank.

Jian Ling shook his head, "According to the rules of the second layer, if you fight Lin Ye, Lin Ye needs to suppress the strength to the same level as you."

"But on the third level, what is tested is the attainments in kendo."

Xiao Yi frowned upon hearing this.

He understood what the sword spirit meant.

In the second layer, the test is whether he can defeat Lin Ye with the same strength.

This is just a test of equal strength.

What is the test of attainments in kendo?

Xiao Yi looked at Jian Ling suspiciously.

Sword Spirit smiled lightly, "The rules are very simple, you can use any swordsmanship you have, including swordsmanship, sword skills, etc., to fight me."

"Correspondingly, I will use the same kendo, methods, sword skills, etc., to fight you."

"As long as you can beat me, you are considered to have won."

"I understand." Xiao Yi instantly smiled, "Achievements in kendo, use in kendo."

"You can understand it this way." Jian Ling smiled, "Your smile like this means you are extremely confident."

"But I have to remind you."

"Boy Lin Ye, I should have told you that for countless years, only eight people can pass the test in his hands. You are the ninth one."

"But let me tell you, these eight people have no shortage of peerless evildoers with historical records, and there are no shortage of legends of the sword domain in mainland history."

"But of these eight people, none of them can beat the old man in kendo attainments."

"You are no exception."

The sword spirit's voice was full of confidence.

"Let's fight." Xiao Yi sneered, his words also full of confidence.


A sharp sword surrounded by wind and snow in his hand suddenly appeared.

It is the Blizzard sword that has not been used for a long time.

Leng Yanjian had already returned to the sword emperor stele and had been transformed into a sword spirit again, so he naturally couldn't use it.

Jian Ling's expression remained unchanged, and a sword in his hand also appeared.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and went straight to the sword spirit.

He is confident in his kendo.

In addition, he chose the Blizzard Sword specifically because it suits him perfectly.

The astonishing weight of the Blizzard Sword and the increase in wind and snow; it fits perfectly with his domineering kendo and ice kendo.

And the domineering kendo and the ice kendo, also happened to be his two strongest kendo.

The so-called strongest, only refers to kendo.

In terms of Star Fantasy Swordsmanship, although it can give him stronger strength and combat power, it is because of the method of starlight descending.

In terms of kendo alone, the star fantasy kendo is not yet successful, and it is far inferior to the two major kendos of dominance and ice.


Xiao Yi blasted out with a sword, not half gorgeous, some were just overbearing and unusually heavy.

On the sword, there is not even a half-centre.

Yes, it is just kendo power.


The sword spirit also blasted out with a single sword, and the sword was also overbearing and amazing.

There is no doubt that it also makes domineering kendo.


For a time, the roar continued.

The confrontation between the two is a pure kendo competition.

After ten seconds, Xiao Yi's expression changed.

The sword blasted by the sword spirit suddenly became more domineering and pure.

Boom... a loud sound.

Xiao Yi was directly blasted back ten steps.

Xiao Yi's face suddenly became ugly, and this was the first time he had suffered under the domineering kendo of others.

"Not bad." Jian Ling looked at Xiao Yi and nodded.

"Your domineering kendo is already complete, but unfortunately, it's not pure enough."

"Your swordsman is not overbearing."

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, the sword's edge turned, and the shadow of the sword was heavy, like snowflakes.

The sword of Jian Ling has also changed.

However, there is no heavy shadow on its sword.

Some were just pierced with a sword, and the blade's edge was extremely cold, like ice for thousands of years.


The cold sword light easily broke through Xiao Yi's heavy sword shadow.

Jian Ling's sharp sword reached Xiao Yi's throat.

"You lost." Jian Ling sneered.

"The domineering kendo you are best at can't beat me, let alone the cold ice kendo?"

"Drink." Xiao Yi let out a low voice, and stepped back.

Jianfeng, cut out again.

This sword is extremely overbearing and extremely cold.

"Does the kendo blend?" Sword Spirit still sneered.

The sword in his hand has also become domineering and icy, apparently a fusion of domineering kendo and ice kendo.


A clang.

Xiao Yi was blasted back dozens of steps, and the Blizzard Sword in his hand was blasted out.

Sword Spirit's face was full of disdain, "Single kendo can't beat me, let alone integrated kendo? It's a joke."

Xiao Yi's face was ugly. For the first time in the sword fighting, he was defeated so cleanly, even completely.


Third more.

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