Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1510: Comprehension within the sword emperor stele


The Blizzard Sword in Xiao Yi's hand was shaken, and he strode out.

The sword is extremely heavy and overbearing.

Jian Ling only glanced at it and saw Xiao Yi's kendo. He couldn't help but sneered, "Is it overbearing kendo again?"

"It seems that you are very confident in your domineering kendo."

Xiao Yi stayed silent and came with a sword.

Although the sword's power was astonishing, the sword's edge changed abruptly and became winding and mysterious.

Sword Spirit frowned on his delicate face, obviously a little surprised.


Blizzard Sword, has come to Jianling's throat.

The sword spirit sneered, and the sword in his hand also changed.


Xiao Yi's figure turned into a phantom, like a cloud, erratic.

But every sword smashed out was thick and powerful, and the killing intent was shocking.

This light and heavy, one hegemony and one softness, the conversion fits so perfectly.

But at the same time, the sword spirit and sword intent also changed.

Despite Xiao Yi's heavy sword, the sword spirit easily blocked it.

"Tsk tusk." Jian Ling sneered, "Youyun Swordsmanship? This is worse than Yunyuanjian's Yunxuan Swordsmanship."

"It's amazing how you can combine the domineering kendo with the Youyun kendo so perfectly."

Jian Ling pointed out Xiao Yi's methods at a glance.

Yes, Xiao Yi used You Yun's Killing Sword in the conversion room.

Every sword in his hand is an overbearing kendo, which has not changed. The sword is amazing.

But Jianfeng's wandering is the wandering kendo, which is erratic and unusual.

If you change to another opponent of the same realm, I am afraid that you will lose the battle in Xiao Yi's hands within a few seconds.

But this sword spirit was able to defend well.

The most amazing thing is that it uses the same overbearing kendo and youyun kendo, and the two also fit perfectly.

The same kendo, but it is obviously more subtle than Xiao Yi's use.

For the same kendo, Xiao Yi was completely at a disadvantage for the first time, and there was no way.


Suddenly, the sword in the sword spirit's hand shook and confronted the blade of the Blizzard sword.

Xiao Yi's sword power collapsed in an instant.

The sword in the sword spirit's hand was winding like a cloud, but mixed with domineering momentum, it came as an impact.

Xiao Yi's pupils shrank, but before he could react, he was blown away by the sword spirit.

"Haha." Sword Spirit laughed triumphantly.

"Boy, do you know the gap between you and the old man now?"

"The old man is the spirit of the sword emperor stele. The sword emperor is under my control."

"Just relying on your three-legged cat-like kendo skills, you want to beat me?"

Sword Ling's clearly beautiful face, but an old-fashioned act, such a big laugh, really made Xiao Yi anxious.

Xiao Yi touched his chest, where there was a slight injury, which was exactly what the sword spirit had injured when the sword flew just now.

Xiao Yi's face was extremely ugly at this moment.

Yes, the kendo gap between him and Jian Ling is indeed extremely huge.

The sword emperor stele was made by the sword emperor sitting on it, containing the swordsmanship of the emperor of kendo.

As the stele spirit, the sword spirit naturally controls all swordsmanship.

In other words, apart from the fact that this stele spirit does not have the strength of the sword emperor's life, the rest is basically equivalent to the sword emperor himself.

Compete with this sword spirit in kendo.

In fact, he was competing with Sword Emperor in Kendo.

Even in the case of not counting the strength, not counting other strengths, etc., it is just a competition of kendo.

However, the kendo gap between him and the sword emperor was simply the difference between them.

No wonder that for millions of years, even if there are eight peerless evildoers or the Heavenly Swordsman who can pass through Lin Ye's hands, but they really come to the third floor, they can't help the stele.

Xiao Yi's odds and assurance were almost zero.

"No." Xiao Yi suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"Sword Spirit, you said I can use all means, right?"

"Yes." Jian Ling nodded easily, "but the premise is that it is only limited to swordsmanship."

A smug smile crossed the corner of Jian Ling's mouth, as if he could see through Xiao Yi's mind.

"Boy, I know you have a lot of methods, and even have the ability to control fire, but that's not included in the sword."

"In addition, I also know that you have many treasures; as long as it is related to kendo, I will use it as you wish; but if it is other things, or if you want to play other tricks, don't blame the old man for being polite."

"The old man doesn't mind blasting you out of the Sword Emperor Monument with a slap."

The sword spirit flicked the sword in his hand.

The sword in its hand is not a real sword, but a combination of the martial power of domineering kendo and the martial power of wandering kendo.

Xiao Yi nodded.

Of course he knew that this third level, fighting with sword spirits was a test.

If he violated the rules, this sword spirit would definitely blast him out without hesitation.

Here is the sword emperor stele. The sword spirit is the stele spirit here, and here is its site, controlling all the power in the sword emperor stele.

Not to mention Xiao Yi, I'm afraid that the old boy Lin Ye is here, and he can't match the power of the Sword Emperor Tablet.

"Domineering kendo." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice, and walked out again.

Swordsmanship is equally overbearing.

However, compared with before, the Blizzard Sword at this moment seems to be shining with layers of sword shadows.

Jian Ling glanced, his eyes narrowed, "Is the Promise of Dawn?"

"Accurately speaking, Dawn Promise is not a kendo method, nor is it a sword skill."

"However, since you can integrate Dawning Promise into your own kendo and display it, I will treat it as your kendo method."

The sword spirit fell, and the sword in his hand was shaken.

Originally, the sword carried a domineering and cloud-like aura.

At this moment, the sword just has a domineering atmosphere.

In other words, the sword in the hands of the sword spirit has become a purely condensed sword from domineering kendo.


Xiao Yi slashed with a sword, surprisingly heavy.

The sword spirit easily blocks, the sword is out, and the domineering power is also monstrous.

The sword spirit only made one sword.

Xiao Yi, one sword comes out, and thirty swords come together.


When the two swords clash, there is no elemental power at all. It is just a fight between the power of kendo, but there is a roar.

The face that Sword Spirit had always despised, suddenly frowned.

The sword in his hand began to make a sound of ‘Kaka’ and it gradually collapsed.

But at the same time, Xiao Yi's hand holding the sword was shaking violently.

He seemed to feel that he was hitting a magic weapon that was stronger than gold and iron.

But the sword in Sword Spirit's hand is obviously just an incorporeal sword condensed by the power of the sword.

Clang...a clang.

The Blizzard Sword in Xiao Yi's hand was blasted away.

Xiao Yi was also shaken back dozens of steps, and the hand holding the sword was extremely painful.

On the other hand, the sword spirit, although the sword in his hand was broken, it has not really broken.

This time, Xiao Yi lost.

"Dawn Promise? Heh." Jian Ling sneered, "This is a very deep method."

"But the level of your control is still too low, so I can't help it."

Boom... Sword Spirit suddenly waved his hand.

In the illusory space around, rays of light appeared out of thin air.

But for a moment, the light gathered in the entire third layer of space.

"This is?" Xiao Yi frowned.

In this ray of light, there was an amazing sword intent.

Sword Spirit said solemnly, "This is all the kendo knowledge in the sword emperor stele, and it is also the sword emperor's life."

"Learn about the knowledge of kendo here. Whether you can break through your own kendo or find the way to defeat me depends on your own ability."


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