Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1524: Nine thousand eight hundred

"Boy, don't be impulsive, are you sure?"

Elder Yun Yuan frowned and looked at Xiao Yi.

"The Heavenly Sword is not as simple as you think." Deacon Taboo also frowned.

"He is carrying the inheritance of Tianzang, and he cultivates the sky sword kendo, and his strength is far superior to the same level of warriors."

Although the two knew that Xiao Yi was good at strength.

But the two of them also had a clear understanding of another pinnacle sword repairer who was once famous.

"A martial artist is great." Xiao Yi shrugged.

"Now I am killing like a chicken."

Under the indifferent face, the tone of disdain was shocking.

Surrounded by Jian Xiu, his face was shocked, "Killing martial arts is like killing a chicken?"

"This kid, what a big tone."

Not far away, the elder Tianjian sneered when he heard the words.

Yes, he is now at the martial arts power level.

However, compared with ordinary martial arts, he is much stronger.

"Don't talk nonsense." Xiao Yi looked at the elder Tianjian indifferently, "Are you going to do it first or me doing it first?"

The contemptuous tone seemed to indicate that he hadn't put this battle in his eyes at all.

The elder Tianjian's eyes were cold, "Is there any rules for dealing with your stubborn and inferior sword repair?"

"What's the difference between you and me first?"

The cold words also contained disdain for Xiao Yi.


Elder Tianjian, took the lead in pulling out the sharp sword.

The sword is a good sword.

The blade is bright and flawless, and sharp and pure.

This sword is a treasure of the Heavenly Sword Peak of the Tianzang Academy, a medium-grade holy artifact, and a Tibetan-style sword.

It looks like a hidden front, but in fact it is sharp and sharp, concentrated in the blade.


The elders of the Heavenly Sword pointed at the sky with the sword, and the rules of the martial arts of heaven and earth, and went violently.

Countless complete martial arts have come out of thin air.

The long rivers of martial arts shook the sky.

To be more honest, there are nine thousand eight hundred.

"Nine thousand eight hundred ways?" Elder Yun Yuan narrowed his eyes, "This is already very close to the level of a peerless powerhouse, and it deserves to be a heavenly sword."

"Boy, come back first."

Elder Yun Yuan's figure flashed, planning to pull Xiao Yi back behind him.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi didn't move, but with a shock in his shoulder, he easily shook Elder Yun Yuan away.

"Senior Yun Yuan, the kid can solve this battle." Xiao Yi looked at Elder Yun Yuan and smiled confidently.

"Um." Elder Yun Yuan was stunned.

Although he didn't know where Xiao Yi's self-confidence came from, he knew that Xiao Yi never did anything unsure.

Looking back at the elder Tianjian, Xiao Yi's expression turned into indifference again.

"Go ahead." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

Celestial Sword Elder, who can rank among the three pinnacle sword repairers, is by no means an ordinary generation.

At least, his kendo talent is absolutely extremely strong.

Originally, when he came to Sword Region, his cultivation was just the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm.

But from the sword emperor monument, it is already a martial arts power, and it is also a martial arts power that controls nine thousand eight hundred.

One can imagine how strong his kendo talent is.

"Humph." The elder of the Heavenly Sword snorted coldly, and the Tibetan Front Heavenly Sword instantly pulled 9,800 rivers of martial arts.

The nine thousand eight hundred martial arts rivers are constantly surging and powerful.

But under the lead of the elder of the sky sword, all were gathered at the tip of the sword.

If this sword is fully equipped and then bursts out, its power is afraid that the peerless strong will have to retreat.

In the distance, even Lin Xiao and the second sect master were shocked.

"As expected of the Heavenly Sword Elder of the Tianzang Academy."

"To pull nine thousand or eight hundred ways, even ordinary peerless powerhouses can't do it."

The old sect master nodded, "An elder in my sect who has just broken through a peerless powerhouse can't achieve this level in a short time."

"Elder Tianjian's control of kendo is truly amazing."

"That kid, I can't bear this sword."

The old Sect Master of Qizong glanced at Xiao Yi and shook his head.

The sword repairs around him even retreated under the power of the sword elder of the sky sword.

"That little thief is over."

"If Yun Yuanjian and Yan ignore him and don't make a move, he will undoubtedly die."

Elder Tianjian couldn't help sneering at the words of surprise around him.

In the past two years, Xiao Yi has reported amazing deeds time and time again, and even demonstrated his strength against the elder Tongtian in the battle of the Hundred Courts.

At the same time, there was a lot of questioning, and the words that questioned his unfairness at the time gradually appeared.

Behind him, some people have repeatedly said that he has no eyes, that he has missed a talented disciple for nothing, and even said that he has hidden selfishness and treated him unfairly.

He was dignified as the elder of Heavenly Sword Peak, and there was a lot of infamy and questioning.

This is absolutely uncomfortable for him, one of the three peak sword repair experts.

Today, he must justify himself.

Prove that I did not read it wrong.

Prove that there was no unfairness.

Of course, today, he may still be able to get the unworldly fate of Sword Emperor Origin.

In the sky, the violent world martial arts began to erupt to the top.

The momentum above the tip of his sword was brewing to the extreme.

The sword can be cut.

The eyes of the elder Tianjian flashed, "Xiao Yi, this elder will let you know today why I looked down on you back then."

"Why did you only wear it as the doorman of this elder?"

When the voice fell, the elder Tianjian's full-strength sword was cut down.

The two elders Yun Yuan narrowed their eyes.

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid, holding the purple electric magic sword in his hand, and slashed out.

Ninety-four thousand stars have already been added.

The ‘iceberg and fire’ in his body had already burned violently.

"Dawn Promise." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The figure does not retreat but advances, and comes out with a sword.


The sword came out, roaring and shaking the sky.

Xiao Yi's tiny figure instantly faced the sky-shattering sword light of the elder Tianjian.

Shocking sword light, across the sky, descend from the sky.

Xiao Yi's expression stunned, and the purple lightning sword surged with electricity.

Zidian Jianqi burst out.

At this moment, the Purple Lightning Divine Sword was in perfect harmony with his sword aura.

This top-grade pinnacle sword seems to have been tailor-made for him.

The combination of the two is perfect.


There was a loud noise.

The shocking sword light instantly collapsed under the aura of the purple electric sword.

Xiao Yi's figure fell from the sky.


The purple electric divine sword violently collided with the Tibetan front heavenly sword.

"How is it possible." The elder Tianjian suddenly shrank his pupils.

His sword light was brewed from the fusion of nine thousand eight hundred ways. It was actually broken by one sword?

Xiao Yi's face was indifferent, "I said, this battle is also a battle for my name."

Click... Click... Click...

There was a crisp click.

Above the hidden front sky sword, the sword body was constantly cracked.

After a few seconds, the clicking sound became more and more continuous.

But for a moment, the entire Tibetan Feng Tianjian was broken into pieces.

Elder Tianjian, his face changed drastically. He clearly felt that the sword that Xiao Yi had struck him just now looked like a sword, but the shadow of the sword overlapped, and the power was multiplied by dozens.

Elder Tianjian has not yet reacted to his surprise, nor has he understood.

The sharp tip of the Purple Lightning Divine Sword had reached his throat.

On the edge of the throat, purple electric lights surging constantly.

Even a purple lightning is enough to take his life.

"You lost." Xiao Yi's voice was indifferent.


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