Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1525: Try and stop

"You lost."

The indifferent voice is not multiple.

But the audience was already silent.

Therefore, this light voice clearly spread to Jian Xiu's ears.

"Failed... Lost..."

A Jian Xiu with a small reputation broke the silence first, his body trembled, and his tone was a little trembling.

A hairy boy, with just one sword, defeated a sword repairman who has been famous for many years?

Although this kid is very famous.

But this sword repairer is the elder of the Heavenly Sword with the name of'Primary Sword Repair'.

Moreover, the elders of the Heavenly Sword also made breakthroughs in strength, controlling nine thousand eight hundred ways.

"How... how could it be..."

Surrounded by Jian Xiu, he fell into a panic of surprise.

The two elders Yun Yuan smiled triumphantly, "Good boy, as expected, I was right."

After a long while, the sword repairs around him finally reacted from the shock.

In the next second, bursts of contempt broke out.

"Tsk tusk, this is the Celestial Sword Elder of the Tianzang Academy? That's the ability?"

"Back then, I said that I would be a doorman by others? I'm not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue."

"Fortunately, this kid didn't come into his door, otherwise, wouldn't it be a mistake?"

"In this way, the Celestial Sword elder back then either had eyes but no beads, or he had no selfishness, otherwise, how could he expel such peerless sword repairs."

"It has long been rumored that this kid left by himself instead of expelled from the Tianzang Academy."

"It seems that the rumors are true."

Every word and discussion are endless.

Xiao Yi's expression didn't change much when he heard it, but he was still indifferent.

He didn't care much about what happened back then.

But from today onwards, the reputation of those so-called abandoners from Tianzang Academy will become a joke.

And these words, heard in the ears of the elder Tianjian, but each sentence was enough to make his head stunned and his face darkened.

Just now, he had moved out of the name of Tianzang Academy and held various sword repairs on the scene.

Today, he is defeated.

All the major sword repairers on the scene gave no hesitation to contempt and ridicule.

"Damn it." The elder Tianjian looked crazy.

He didn't even care about the Purple Lightning Divine Sword reaching his throat and wanted to move forward.

If he takes a step forward, the Purple Lightning Sword will pierce his throat instantly.

Xiao Yi retracted his sword instantly, "Why, want to die?"

"The battle just now was just a battle for rectification."

"If you want to die, please find another way, it has nothing to do with me."

After that, Xiao Yi turned around and returned to the side of the two elders Yun Yuan.

"Two seniors, let's go."

Xiao Yi said indifferently.

If there is no accident, his battle is enough to shock the evil sword repairers present.

The sky-shattering sword of Elder Tianjian just now was enough to reach the category of a peerless powerhouse.

Jian Xiu was present, even if he still had his mind in mind, he still needed to weigh his own strength.

However, the face of all the swords on the scene showed fear, but it did not mean that some strong men on the scene would be afraid.


"Slow." Sect Master Qi suddenly yelled coldly.

"Little thief, you have defeated the elder Tianjian, that is your business."

"I waited for Jian Xiu to be present but didn't say to let you go."

"In the final analysis, it's just a private matter between you and Tianzang Academy, and has nothing to do with whether you have the origin of the Sword Emperor."

"Not bad." The sword repairmen around said one after another, "Little thief, give me the Sword Emperor's origin quickly."

Xiao Yi frowned, and then his eyes became cold.

In fact, in the previous battle, he has justified his name.

And the major sword repairmen just now did not call him a "little thief", but called him a "boy".

Now, as soon as the Sect Master Qi Sect mentioned the origin of the Sword Emperor, the Jian Xiu present at the scene showed his enthusiasm again, screaming with little thieves.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Xiao Yi is a thief, and whether he is really notorious.

What Jian Xiu wanted was just an excuse.

It was an excuse to rob Xiao Yi from the origin of the sword emperor without having to slander him.

When the temptation completely occupied the heart, the so-called Jian Xiu arrogance had long been left behind.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "This battle seems to be unavoidable."

He is not afraid of fighting.

It's just that the sword repairs on the scene have made breakthroughs in each of them.

If it is siege, it will be an extremely difficult and even dangerous battle.

His grasp is not great.

Not to mention that there are a lot of people at the level of peerless powerhouses.

The combat power they can break out will far exceed that of the elder Tianjian.

"Boy." Jianguang Mansion martial artist, killing intently.

"You kill the young man of my house, you must pay for it."

The sword repairs all around, once again looked like a wolf and a tiger, his face was not.

Xiao Yi has once again become a target of public criticism.

Next to them, Elder Yun Yuan shook their heads.

Elder Yun Yuan was silent.

But the deacon taboo showed dissatisfaction.

"Boy, if you did something wisely before, you won't have what it is today."

Deacon Taboo glanced at Table Wanzong indifferently.

Suddenly, Zhuan Wanzong shuddered.

The feeling of being glanced at by a Central Killing God was absolutely uncomfortable.

Taboo Deacon, looked back at Xiao Yi, and shook his head.

Xiao Yi gave a wry smile, he naturally knew what Deacon Taboo was referring to.

Deacon Taboo is not an ordinary person, and it is easy to infer things from the words of Wan Zong before.

If Zhuo Wanzong died on the second floor, there would be no current trouble.

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "Master Zifeng was there at the time, so I can't put Master Zifeng in a bad situation."

On the second floor, if Junior Brother Zifeng was there, Zhuo Wanzong would have died long ago.

But among Junior Brother Zifeng, Xiao Yi couldn't start.

Junior Brother Zifeng and Zhuo Wanzong, after all, went directly to the second floor together and drove through together.

He Xiao Yi wants to kill Zhuan Wanzong, does the brother Zifeng help Zhuan Wanzong?

If he helps, he even deals with Junior Brother Zifeng?

If you don't help, Zhuo Wanzong is dead, and then only Master Zifeng will leave the Jiandi monument.

Not to mention that Qi Zong is a native sect in the sword domain, which has something to do with the Lin family.

Junior Brother Zifeng has always had a solid personality.

If he is stuck in a situation where he is inexplicably pointed out, even more unfavorable, he is afraid how to deal with it is a problem.

On the contrary, he Xiao Yi has long been used to dealing with these troubles, and even chasing and killing him is just commonplace.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi shook his head and smiled faintly, "It's the first battle."

Sword repairs around, have drawn swords.

Sect Master Qi sneered even more, "It seems that this little thief Xiao Yi still intends to resist, so don't blame us."


A group of sword repairs burst out with momentum.

The war is about to start.

Xiao Yi tightly held the Purple Lightning Sword in his hand, not afraid of it, but surprisingly fighting spirit.

This time, the two elder Yun Yuan finally took a step forward and protected Xiao Yi behind them.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Elder Yun Yuan said indifferently, "We didn't take action before, just to give you a chance to rectify your name."

"Now, leave the next battle to us."

The two of them looked around Jian Xiu with cold eyes.

"Do you think that only you have broken through the strength?"


High in the sky, suddenly dark clouds gathered, and the overwhelming sword intent swept down.


The boundless **** killing intent suddenly filled the sky.

Elder Yun Yuan looked at Sect Master Qi with cold eyes, "This time, the three of you can try again if you can stop me from picking up swords."

The cold words were filled with extreme confidence.


Second more.

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