Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1547: Black Iron Region


The purple flame fire wings flicked, and Xiao Yi Yukong flew up.

After eight days of cultivation, the cultivation base has greatly increased, and the strength has also greatly increased.

Originally, he planned to cultivate some physical strength, after all, he still has a lot of monster blood.

But think about it, even if it runs out, it is far from reaching the level of the Saint Emperor.

With his current cultivation base, if his physical strength does not reach the level above the Holy Emperor Realm, it will be of little use to his strength.

So I stopped practicing for now.


Within a few breaths, Xiao Yi had flown thousands of miles away.

Xiao Yi squeezed his fists, and under the mask, there was a color of confidence.

With such a strength today, unless he encounters those legendary figures who have lived through thousands of years at every turn, he is enough to run wild.

In eight days, the strength soared.

It seems simple, but it takes a long time to prepare.

Whether it is something for cultivation, or thousands of second- and third-rate flame martial arts.

Even though these martial arts in later cultivation have a relatively low level.

But this is not his main way of training after all, his first martial art is domineering kendo.

The second, third and so on after that are all top martial arts, and they are the top of the top.

Amethyst Spirit Flame Martial Art, Earth Vein Golden Fire Martial Art, etc., are the strongest flame martial art.

Simply put, in the previous martial arts, he has laid the strongest foundation for himself on the martial arts road.

The martial arts in the back, even if the level is weak, but the number is large, they are only used for integration.

No martial artist can always be a top martial art, top martial art.

If the martial arts road of the martial artist is to come to an end, he must control all the martial arts.

Therefore, those second- and third-rate martial arts, which are extremely numerous, need to be fully controlled by martial artists in the future.


The object of cultivation, one complete martial art, plus the opportunity of the eye of the lunar sun.

Fang had a substantial improvement in these eight days.

Yes, an opportunity.

The opportunity has become the most important factor in this breakthrough.

Martial artist, whether retreat or experience, an opportunity can often merge everything together as a matter of course.

However, for Xiao Yi, a cumin arrogant, he needs to create opportunities by himself.

As for those Tianjiao who have great power behind them, the strong behind can find opportunities for them.

The difficulty of the two is very different.


After half an hour.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure silently fell in a forest of monsters.

The moment it fell, it quickly shuttled through it like a ghost.

But for a moment, Xiao Yi stopped and was already above a big tree.

All dressed up, there is no muddle, hidden behind the trunk.

Below, a group of black-robed warriors teamed up to trap a giant beast.

This group of black-robed warriors, with hideous faces and green eyes, is obviously a group of evil cultivators.

The number is around thirty.

Thirty evil cultivators joined forces to trap a giant beast at the same time; it is not difficult to imagine that this giant beast is definitely not an ordinary monster.

Xiao Yi glanced, and narrowed his eyes.

"Black Profound Iron Demon."

"It seems that this is the area of ​​black iron." Xiao Yi said in secret.

Prior to his cultivation, he chose a demon beast forest to fall down, but he didn't know what area it was.

Now, seeing this black profound iron demon, Xiao Yi recognized this place.

The Black Iron Region is the region next to the Sword Region.

In terms of geographical scope, and the strength of the martial artist, it is naturally inferior to the sword domain.

Not to mention the existence of sword power in the sword domain, as well as the strange world power of its own system.

However, the Black Iron Region is also a region that is extremely good at crafting tools.

Although it is not as good as the sword domain, it has a great reputation in the entire middle domain.

As for the Black Profound Iron Demon, it is one of the famous overlord demon beasts in this area.

The Black Profound Iron Demon, with a body height of more than a hundred feet, is a giant beast; his body is as solid as iron, with infinite power.

This monster beast is dark and looks like an iron lump, hence its name.

In terms of rank, it is the peak monster of the Holy Emperor Realm.

At this time, these behemoths were struggling violently.

And these thirty evil cultivators are obviously maintaining the formation; within the formation, a black chain of cold and cold has completely restrained this giant beast.

It can be clearly seen that the hard body of the Black Profound Iron Demon, under these cold chains, has been corroded into a thousand holes and blood is flowing.

"This evil animal is tenacious enough."

An evil repair Jie Jie sneered.

"Don't relax, this evil animal is not a waiting monster."

"As long as we control it, this vast black iron forest is our control."

"It won't be long before, the entire Black Iron region is in our bag."

The Black Profound Iron Demon, but the overlord demon beast in the Black Iron Forest.

If it is controlled, it is equivalent to controlling the entire monster beast forest.

But how do you control these monsters?

Monster beasts are unpleasant things and fierce things; their nature is to hate humans and are extremely cruel.

Humans want to control monsters? That is undoubtedly a joke.

However, even if it is a joke, it must be a serious joke.

Because Xie Xiu can indeed control monsters.

Otherwise, above the middle domain, there will be no evil cultivation and chaos from time to time, or even manipulation of monsters to cause beasts to slaughter the city.

It's just that how Xie Xiu controls the monster beast is more curious.

"Use the royal beast ring?" Xiao Yi thought secretly.

In ancient times, there were indeed human warriors who created the beast ring to deal with the evil of monsters.

However, the Royal Beast Ring is extremely precious, and even today, even a large power does not necessarily own it.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at the waists of the evil repairs.

At the waist, there is a cold disc.

On the disc, black air surged.

"So that's it." Xiao Yi's heart was startled. He clearly saw that Consummation was absorbing the spiritual consciousness of this black profound iron demon at a slow speed.

The absorption speed is very slow.

But under dozens of discs, gradually, part of the spiritual sense of this black profound iron demon will be fully absorbed.

If a part of a monster's spiritual consciousness is in the hands of others, it will be worse than death.

The controller can take the life of this monster with a single thought.

Roar... roar... roar...

At this time, the Black Profound Iron Demon, under the shackles of the cold chains, roared in pain and struggled more violently.

Dozens of evil repairs tightened the chains in his hands.

"Damn, evil bones and white bones have not come back for so long."

"It's been more than seven days."

"Don't worry." A black-robed warrior headed by Xie Xiu said solemnly.

"On the branch side, knowing that when I catch this black profound iron demon, I will definitely come to help quickly."

"Xie Bone, go back and get more magical tools. It shouldn't be difficult."

Although they don't know where the branch is in their mouth.

However, if one could control such monsters as the Black Profound Iron Demon, or even control the entire Black Iron Forest, this would definitely be a big deal.

Perhaps for the two evil bones and white bones, it is not difficult to go back to distribute and ask for help.

However, the premise is that they still have their lives back to the branch.

These dozens of evil repairs were never expected. The evil bones and white bones were moved with greed, and they were already dead on the road.


First more.

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