Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1548: Lord Dark Iron

Yes, the other dossier of both evil bones and white bones is the dossier for help.

Xiao Yi probably knew about this and came to this forest specially.

At this time, the Black Profound Iron Demon gradually became exhausted under those cold chains and stopped his restlessness.

Dozens of evil repairs, relieved.

"When the two evil bones and white bones come back with more magic weapons, they can capture this evil animal in one fell swoop."

"Next, let's take care of the little guy on the side first, Jie Jie."

Jie Jie sneered at the head of Xie Xiu.

However, his gaze was not at the big tree where Xiao Yi was hiding.

With Xiao Yi's ability, this group of evil cultivators could not find out.

The direction they looked at was a dozen or so warriors who were being bound.

This group of warriors, all dressed in luxurious clothes, are obviously extraordinary warriors.

The head is a middle-aged person who has reached the late stage of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Next to him, there was a young man who was re-cultivating in the Holy Emperor Realm.

The rest are also all the holy emperor realm first class warriors.

The strength of this group of warriors is already not weak, but at this moment they are all tied up, and their entire body strength is banned.

The evil repair headed towards this group of warriors.

"Well, what the old lady asked you to consider before should have an answer."

The old man looked at the middle-aged man and at the young man.

"Impossible." Although the middle-aged man could not move, he said coldly.

"Bah." The young man showed disgust, "Want to let this young man join your group of evil cultivators? Have your spring and autumn dreams."

The young man spit on the old man.

However, the old man has a deep cultivation base, and his saliva has not reached his face, and he has been blocked by the bodyguard.

"Smelly boy, you are looking for death." The old man narrowed his eyes.

The old man's tone was not irritable, some were just pure and cold.

Beneath the sunken eye sockets, the shrunken eyes glowing with green light made people frightened.

"Since you don't want to, then don't blame the old man." The old man Jiejie sneered, as if thinking of something interesting.

The old man pointed to the black profound iron demon.

"This crooked animal is bruised and bruised under our restraint."

"I will catch it later, and let it tore to pieces in one bite, and swallow you alive, so that it can regain its vitality."

"You..." The young man's expression changed.

Death may not be terrible.

But if it is slowly torn under a ferocious monster beast, and then swallowed alive, the taste will be terrifying when you think about it.

"Asshole, you dare." A warrior suddenly shouted angrily.

"What an insane evil cultivator, do you know who my son is?"

"The Dark Iron City Lord is the father of my son, if you dare..."

"Asshole, shut up." It was the middle-aged man who spoke.

At this moment, the middle-aged man was glaring at the martial artist.

The warrior was aggrieved, "Captain..."

Not far away, above the big tree, Xiao Yi cursed secretly, "Stupid."

Sure enough, the headed evil repairer was not afraid at all when he heard the words. On the contrary, he was surprised, "Oh? So you are from the Dark Iron City Lord's Mansion."

"This kid is still the Young Lord of Dark Iron City."

The old man licked his lips.

"The Dark Iron City Lord, but one of the strongest people in the Dark Iron Region, and even a famous martial arts power in the Central Region."

"If the old man remembers correctly, he is the only son."

"Jiejie, what if he knew his son was in our hands?"

"Old stuff." The young man said coldly, "Do you want to threaten my father with me? Dream."

"If you are dreaming, you will know if you try." The old man sneered.

"I'll cut off your arms first and send it to the Dark Iron City Lord's Mansion. I want to see what happens to the Dark Iron City Lord."

"As for you." The old man looked at the other warriors, "It's useless to keep it."

A cold force in the hands of the old man condenses.

The strong black energy turned into a black blade.

The ferocious butcher knife swung down without hesitation.

The middle-aged man beside the young man said angrily, "A bunch of miscellaneous, my city lord has already issued a quest to find people in the Demon Hunting Palace.

"You wait, we are dead, the Demon Hunter in the Dark Iron Region, as well as my Iron City Lord's Mansion, will not let you go."

"It's necessary for you group of evil cultivators to pay the debt."

The old man narrowed his eyes, "If there is a lot of nonsense when you die, then kill you first."

The butcher knife in the old man's hand fell instantly.

Just at this moment, a purple flame blade came through the air.

The speed of the blade is extremely fast.

In almost an instant, it blasted on the black blade.

Zi Zi Zi...

The blade of fire is not a real blade, it is just a condensed flame.

The black blade was not a real blade, but made of some cold power.

The collision between the two immediately made a piercing sound.

The flame burned the black blade at a terrifying speed.

But within a few seconds, the entire black blade was burned out.

But the blade of fire flew out of the air with undiminished power and landed on the ground.

Boom... A huge hole was blasted out of the ground with an explosion.

Whoosh... a figure flashed past, coming towards a group of warriors.

"Looking for death." The old man was not afraid and took a palm.

In the palm, black air surged.

The incoming person, the same palm shot, the flames surging.


His palms banged against each other, his figure motionless.

The old man was shaken back ten steps.

"What a strong flame." The old man glanced at his palm, and there was already a trace of scorched flames on his palm, which made him burn.

The incoming man ignored the old man or the young man, but looked at the middle-aged man.

Here comes Xiao Yi.

"I'm sure." Xiao Yi said indifferently, "Dark Iron City Lord, but the mission was released in the Demon Hunting Palace?"

"Uh." The middle-aged man was still immersed in the astonishment that the old man was easily blasted back and the figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this time, hearing this strange question that was abrupt, I couldn't help but be stunned.

However, the middle-aged man still reacted instantly when he looked at the cold and clear eyes under the mask of the person in front of him.

"Yes, my City Lord's Mansion has released a mission."

"Your Excellency is a strong man in the Hunting Demon Palace? Come here to help?"

"What level of task is it?" Xiao Yi then asked.

The middle-aged man said proudly, "The mission issued by the city owner of my family is naturally the top mission."

"Your Excellency must be a strong man in the Demon Hunting Palace, hurry up and send the signal to let the team come over. This group of evil cultivators is definitely not good."

"There is no team, I'm the only one." Xiao Yi shook his head in a very cold voice.

"What?" The middle-aged man's face changed a lot when he heard the words, "Just you?"

At the same time, he heard from Xiao Yi's words that the person in front of him was definitely just a young man.

How strong can such a young warrior be? What to save them?

"Stupid." The other warriors said anxiously, "You might as well don't show up, go back to the Demon Hunter Palace and report the news, and form a team to come back and kill the evil cultivators."

Xiao Yi ignored it, turned around and looked at the old man.

The old man narrowed his eyes, "Another little mouse, but a stronger little mouse."

"Leave the name, the old man will not kill the unknown."


A cloud of purple inflammation condensed in Xiao Yi's hands, and the indifferent words slowly came out.

"Demon Hunter, Yi Xiao."


Second more.

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