Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1553: Who is so cruel?

one day later.

Outside Baixin City, an obviously well-trained warrior team appeared quietly.

"Hall Master, are you sure that the group of evil cultivators are in Baixin City?"

A sub-temple master asked cautiously.

Several other sub-temple masters beside them also said solemnly, "These evil cultivators have always been secretive, hiding in the dark, and it is difficult to find them."

The old man nodded, "The intelligence can't be wrong."

Several sub-temple masters showed shocked expressions, "The evil elder, how bold is it?"

"On the surface as the city lord of White Heart City, it is the elder of the evil repair branch secretly planning to encroach on the black iron area."

"He is not afraid of revealing his identity and being siege?"

"You know, evil cultivators are punishable by everyone."

The old man shook his head, "Xie Xiu has always acted weirdly, and his methods are harsh."

"But for the sake of purpose, the bloodbath of massacre is not soft, and it is a little dangerous, how can they be afraid."

A sub-temple master said in a deep voice, "Since there is an accident in White Heart City, why don't you find the Black Iron City Lord to help?"

"As the first city lord of the Black Iron Region, he has the responsibility to supervise the affairs of each city."

"No." The other branch hall masters shook their heads.

"Yes." The old man nodded, "Dark Iron City Lord, can't move."

"Our demon hunting palace is strong, he needs to sit in the Dark Iron City to prevent accidents."

If a central city loses its strong protector, it will be a disaster.

Within the middle domain, changes are unpredictable.

God knows if there will be any monsters attacking the city, or evil cultivation will cause chaos.

If there is no strong person sitting in town, and such major events really happen, the entire city will be plunged into dire straits.

The old man glanced at the surrounding branch hall masters and deacon chiefs, and also glanced at the neatly organized law enforcement team around him.

"City Lord White Heart, although he is the elder Xie Xiu, he is just a martial arts power that controls 9,600 Dao."

"It's enough for me to deal with him."

"But under his command, there are no fewer than dozens of martial arts emperors above the fifth level of the Holy Emperor Realm."

"The City Lord's Mansion of White Heart City is the evil repair branch and the home of evil repairs in my dark iron region. It is extremely dangerous."

"Everyone, get ready. Later, it will be a life and death battle."

The strong people in the Hunting Demon Palace around him have solemn faces.

The old man waved his hand, "Go."


But for a while, a group of powerful demon hunting palaces have sneaked into the white heart city silently.

A few minutes later, it was outside the city lord mansion of White Heart City.

However, all the powerful hunting demon palace experts who were ready to go, looked at the appearance of the city lord mansion in front of them, but were suddenly stunned.

In front of him, there was no White Heart City Lord Mansion.

Yes, it's just a piece of broken walls and ashes everywhere.

Many warriors in the city surrounded the surrounding area and talked a lot.

"What's the matter?" The old man narrowed his eyes and glanced at a sub-temple master beside him.

A sub-temple master knows it, and stepped out.

After a long while, he flashed back, his face was strange.

"Hall Master, this is indeed the White Heart City Lord's Mansion, but it's gone." The branch hall master twitched.

"What do you mean? What about evil repairs inside?" the old man asked in a deep voice.

"All dead." The sub-hall master's voice trembled slightly.

"According to the warriors in the city, a meteor suddenly fell in the sky one day ago, and the entire city lord mansion was swallowed by flames."

"Those who had something good saw it, and the only young man with a mask came out; apart from this, no one in the city lord's mansion could leave alive."

"There are warriors who are trying to save life, and there are warriors who control the water."

"However, the monstrous flames in the city lord's mansion are hard to dissipate in the ice and water, and the wind cannot be extinguished. It is extremely strange."

When the old man heard the words, his expression changed first, and then he seemed to think of something and was surprised.

"Mask young man? Meteor drops suddenly? That is skyfire meteor." The old man said in shock.

"There is also amethyst spirit flame that burns all things."

"It's him." The old man was shocked.

"Who?" The surrounding sub-temple master asked in shock.

"Zi Yan, Yi Xiao." The old man said solemnly.

"Report." Suddenly, a deacon rushed to the old man's side.

"Report to the main hall, there is an urgent report in the main hall."

The chief deacon took out a file.

The old man frowned and took the file.

Open the dossier, it is blank.

But not long after, words suddenly appeared on the dossier.

This is the unique sacred artifact of the ancient eight halls, each main hall and each branch hall.

Generally, in its own area or in several surrounding areas, it is possible to directly convey information through the main halls and sub halls.

After reading the old man, he withdrew the file, his face was full of horror.

"Hallmaster, what's the matter?" The surrounding sub-hall master asked.

The old man took a deep breath and stabilized the shocked expression on his face, "It's a message from the Tieling area and the Saint Jin area next to it."

"Half a day ago, the Iron Fan Sect in the Tieling area was wiped out, the flames burned for hundreds of miles, and none of the entire clan survived."

"Half an hour ago, in the holy gold area, the Jinlun trading firm was destroyed, the trading firm was looted and cleared, and the huge trading firm was burned to death."

"What?" The surrounding sub-temple master changed his face greatly.

"I remember the Iron Fan Sect, but it is the largest martial arts sect in the Tieling area, and its status is lofty."

"Who has this strength and is still so vicious?"

The other sub-temple master also looked angrily and said, "Jinlun Trading Company, in the eyes of Zhongyu, it is only a small trading company; but in the Holy Golden Region, it is the number one trading company.

"Who is it that is so cruel?"

"Yi Xiao." The old man glanced at several sub-hosts, and uttered two words.

"What?" Several sub-temple masters could not react.

The old man said, "The main hall of the Tieling Region, the main hall of the Holy Golden Region, in the message sent to me, the door of the Iron Fan Sect and the Jinlun Trading Company was instantly destroyed, exactly the same as the White Heart City Lord Mansion in front of him.

"The fire is falling densely, and the momentum is overwhelming."

"The purple flame has swallowed the sects and trading houses of the two major forces. The ice and water will not disappear, and the wind will not extinguish."

"In addition, the main hall of the Tieling region and the main hall of the holy gold region have long suspected that these two forces are the evil repair divisions, but they have not really done it."

"What?" The face of the surrounding branch hall master changed.

"In less than two days, even the evil repair divisions in the three major regions were destroyed. This matter has spread. Those evil repairs are afraid that they will be crazy."

"However, the arrogant arrogance of those evil cultivators has also been suppressed a lot, which is a good thing."

"It's just that Yi Xiao is not afraid of evil repair's revenge?"

"Afraid?" The old man said with a solemn face, "A truly responsible demon hunter should take the hunting of demon as his bounden duty, and eliminate all the filth and evil in the world as his own duty."

"The evil cultivator is extremely cruel, slaughtering creatures, we Eight Temple Warriors, say a word of'fear'? Worried about revenge? Huh."

"Hallmaster forgive me." The surrounding sub-hosts bowed again and again.

"Humph." The old man snorted coldly, "I've heard about the deeds of the Master of the Purple Flame Branch, but who is afraid of whom is not always certain."

"Report the matter to the main hall and the ten main halls. The merits of the master of the Yi Xiao branch can't be missed."

"Yes." The surrounding sub-temple master answered his orders.


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