Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1554: Three Winds Region

Saint gold area.

High in the sky, Xiao Yi flew quickly.

Half an hour ago, he had just blood-washed the Jinlun firm.

Yes, that is also an evil repair branch.

The main hall of the Demon Hunting Palace in the Saint-Gold Region was just suspicion.

But Xiao Yi, he was extremely certain.

From the mansion of the city lord of White Heart City, he found no less than the contact files and information materials of other evil repair branches.

Of course, and because of this, Xiao Yi was really surprised at the magnitude of the power of the Evil Monarch Mansion.

The entire middle region, almost every region has evil repair divisions.

The reason why these evil cultivators go so secretly is because there are these evil cultivators secretly as hiding places.

These evil repair divisions, on the bright side, are big forces in various regions, bright and bright.

Secretly, it was a gathering place of evil cultivators controlled by an elder of evil cultivators.

The entire Evil Monarch Mansion has distinct levels.

From the mysterious headquarters, down to the main branch, general branch, and some temporary small branches, etc.

From the palace master, protector, elder, rudder master, chief deacon, etc., a series of positions.

Xiao Yi even guessed that the power of the entire Evil Monarch Mansion was probably no less than one of the eight ancient palaces.

The most important thing is that the entire Xiejun Mansion is extremely cautious.

Where is the mysterious headquarters? Where is the legendary evil monarch?

So far, no one knows.

The inheritance of the Evil Monarch Mansion is extremely long.

No one knows what the purpose is to use all the evil repairs in the world.

In short, Xiao Yi also didn't know the evil monarch's mansion.

But these evil cultivators slaughtered the city at every turn, bloodbathed one side, and caused everyone in the world to shout and beat, but they are still alive today.

This proves that the Evil Monarch Mansion is definitely not a general.

These evil cultivators, their whereabouts are strange and mysterious on weekdays, are extremely difficult to track down.

And the Demon Hunting Palace in the Saint Golden Region was just suspicion.

Xiao Yi was sure, so naturally he would not let it go.

A light flashed in Xiao Yi's hand, and a universe ring appeared out of thin air.

This is the Universe Ring he got from the Jinlun Trading Company, and it contains all the goods of the Jinlun Trading Company.

Of course, Jinlun Commercial Bank is just a small business, and it doesn't have any valuable treasures.

What Xiao Yi valued was only some of the information and intelligence in it.

However, these evil cultivators didn't have much, but the blood of the monster beast was a lot.

Xie Xiu always likes to manipulate monsters to achieve the purpose of triggering a tide of beasts.

I also like to use some cold methods to refine essence blood.

So they have a lot of monster blood.

Although the blood of the monster beasts Xiao Yi needed to cultivate the Asura battle body was an astronomical figure, the blood of the monster beasts on these evil cultivators was far from enough for him to absorb.

But accumulating less and making more is also a good harvest.

Xiao Yi is now ready to rush to the next area.

Of course, the destination is also the evil repair branch.


Xiao Yi was flying fast, but also thinking.

Calculating the time, after the sword emperor stele came out, there were still more than six months left. In less than seven months, the tomb of the ancient emperor was opened.

Counting these days, he still has about six months, that is, half a year.

He will definitely go to the tomb of the ancient emperor.

Whether it was Yuan's lie in front of the main hall master of Shura, or to see if there were other opportunities, he would go there.

He doesn't have many cultivation resources now, so it is difficult to improve his cultivation level.

The best way is to keep practicing.

When it comes to cultivation and kendo, there is no need to worry about it for the time being.

According to the two elders Yun Yuan, once the bottleneck of the'Road of Killing' has passed, Xiao Yi will not encounter the bottleneck for a long time.

Therefore, in terms of kendo, when there are enough things to practice, direct practice can be a matter of course.

Of course, with Xiao Yi's qualifications, he is not too worried about these martial arts bottlenecks.

To put it bluntly, it's just a lack of training resources.

In terms of controlling fire, in the small world, the martial arts controlled by him are almost 90% of flames.

Therefore, in fact, controlling the fire together can actually give him stronger strength.

It's a good choice to experience as Yi Xiao temporarily.

At least, the identity of Yi Xiao didn't have any enemies, and there was only Baxing Mansion.

And speaking of it, Chen Xing was not the one who killed him. In his guess, it must be the fools of the Domineering Mansion who mistakenly thought that he was the one who killed him.

But it doesn't matter.

The only thing that made Xiao Yi dissatisfied was that he originally planned to use the identity of Yi Xiao to carry the pot.

But in the end, his true identity bears a lot of enemies.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it." Xiao Yi said to himself.

He had planned that before the tomb of the ancient emperor was opened, he would maintain Yi Xiao's identity for six months.


one day later.

Three winds area.

Within three risk areas.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure fell from the sky.

The Three Winds Region is the region near the Black Iron Region, but it is not adjacent, and there is a Saint Gold Region in between.

Speaking of which, this area is not strong but not weak.

Not comparable to the Black Iron Region, but much stronger than the Saint Gold Region and the Tieling Region.

The Black Iron Region, as the region beside the Sword Region, is itself a well-known refining region, and the natural martial artist is quite strong.

If we say that the Sword Region, the Tianzang Region, and other famous regions, they are well-known regions in the Middle Region.

Then, the black iron region is a slightly famous first-class region.

The three-wind area is a slightly weaker second-tier area.

Of course, this is just a comparison.

In the Three Winds region, the strongest Three Winds City Lord, is a martial arts power who controls 9,600 Dao, and has been famous for many years, is a veteran warrior.

In terms of strength, it was definitely stronger than the evil elder in White Heart City.

And the three risk area, this is the first dangerous place in the region, and also the first monster forest.

No, Xiao Yi had just fallen, and a wolf-like monster had already attacked fiercely.

However, before he could really get close to Xiao Yi, he made a bang and was suddenly exploded by flames.

Xiao Yi did not see any movements, the wolf-like monster beast had been burned to ashes.

With a big wave of his hand, Xiao Yi took away the inner alchemy and the blood of the beast and continued on.


Xiao Yi's figure traveled about five hundred miles, but along the way, he killed many monsters.

At this moment, his figure stopped again.

Around him, a group of monsters had surrounded him.

Yes, the ‘group’, the wolf-like monster, the lion-like monster, and the python-like monster, there are many, no less than a hundred, surrounded him.

"Three wind pythons, earth evil wind swallowing wolves, imperial wind three lions, wind-printed leopards..."

Xiao Yi glanced at the monsters around him.

These monsters are all monsters of the late Saint Emperor realm.

The headed three wind pythons and other monsters are the peak monsters of the Holy Emperor Realm.


With a roar of the beast, the surrounding monsters attacked fiercely.

Xiao Yi, still did not move.

It's just that the kilometer around, I don't know when it will start, and it has turned into a sea of ​​purple flames.

Bang... bang... bang...

All around, there was a blast.

Suddenly the flames added to the monster beasts, and they were severely injured by Boom Fei.


Second more.

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