Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1565: Flirt flower area

Flying all the way.

Xiao Yi had long forgotten about Gongsun Huowu.

After most of the day, he stopped somewhere.

In fact, with his current strength, flying at full speed, he can cross a region in a few hours.

Most of the day was enough for him to fly over two areas.

In other words, the group of evil cultivators just encountered is not the evil cultivator of that area.

"Flower the area." Xiao Yi frowned and muttered to himself.

The area where it is located today is the area where flowers are made.

If you didn't guess wrong, Gongsun Huowu should have encountered this group of evil cultivators in this area.

Then, in pursuit and escape all the way, he crossed two areas and reached the previous monster forest.

Of course, this is not the point.

Among the information obtained from the group of evil cultivators, the group of evil cultivators came from this area of ​​Nonghua.

The point is that this area is just a small area.

Probably it is a third-tier region that is inferior to a second-tier region like the Sanfeng region.

Xiao Yi originally thought that a large branch could be found.

But now it seems that it should only be traced to a small evil repair branch.

This kind of small branch does not have much useful information and information.

"Forget it, see each other." Xiao Yi shook his head and muttered to himself.


Xiao Yi's figure flickered, moving forward quickly.

But for ten minutes, he stopped under a big city.

"Flower Studio City." Xiao Yi glanced at the plaque on the city wall, and then stepped in again.

Finally, Xiao Yi stopped in front of a mansion.

"Hua Cinema, Hua Family, this is it." Xiao Yi muttered indifferently.

Huayingcheng, in the entire Nonghua area, is not a big city.

The Hua family is the largest family in Hua Studios, with a heritage of more than hundreds of years.

Such a small family, in a small place like Huayingcheng, is enough to become a dominant family.

Even the City Lord of Flower Studios was terrified of them by three points.

In Xiao Yi's intelligence, the Hua family was the evil repair branch of the Nonghua area.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, the Hua family decided it was impossible to have anything to do with Xie Xiu.

Within Huaying City, there are sub-temples such as the Demon Hunting Palace, the Yandian Palace, and the Fengsha Palace.

But there has never been any temple, I suspected the Hua Family.

The Hua family, like other ordinary families, has friendship and communication with the major forces in the city.

The first arrogant in the family is the first arrogant of Huayingcheng.

They are like normal families, participating in various events, participating in competitions among forces, and so on.

Who would have thought that it was such an ordinary family, but it was the evil repair branch of the entire Nonghua area.

It seems that it is only the overlord of Huaying City, but in fact the evil repair power of the entire branch is almost capable of subverting the Huahua area.

Xiao Yi felt it for a while, was sure it was correct, and walked in directly.

In front of the gate of the Hua Family Mansion, there were two warriors guarding the gate.

"Your excellency?" The gatekeeper arched his hands, and subconsciously stopped Xiao Yi.

In front of the general family, there will be warriors guarding the gate.

And these two warriors appeared to be polite, mixed with the toughness that a big family had.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yi to know the information, I was afraid it would be killed and I didn't believe it would be an evil repair branch.


Xiao Yi didn't say a word, his body was slightly shaken, and the two of them were shaken away.

Together with the gate of Hua's family, it was blasted into powder in an instant.

At the same time, Xiao Yi struck a barrier and wrapped the entire Hua family mansion.

Entering the mansion, I saw some family warriors in twos and threes, but there were not many people.

"Who rushed to my flower house to run wild?" Several family warriors clearly saw the family door that was blasted to pieces.

Xiao Yi stayed silent, and came to the depths of the Hua family mansion.

Along the way, all I saw were ordinary family warriors, and there were not many people.

No wonder no one has discovered that Huajia is a small branch.

Take Xiao Yi as an example, just like he was rampaging in Hua's house, he didn't find any trace of Xie Xiu.

Until now, when he came to the depths, Xiao Yi's fingertips lightly raised, and a flame shot out, breaking the restriction in front of him.

After the prohibition was eliminated, several evil cultivators were burning monsters.

Streaks of strange black flames burned several monsters, trying to convince them.

The evil Dao array is also slowly absorbing the demon beast spiritual sense.

"Huh?" The restriction was suddenly broken. The evil repairs in it were first shocked, and then their expressions changed.

"Who are you?"


The other warriors of the Hua family also rushed over in an instant.

A group of Huajia warriors surrounded Xiao Yi.

The family martial artist with a normal face suddenly showed fierce light in his eyes, and wisps of cold air radiated from his body.

"Sure enough, all are evil repairs." Xiao Yi sneered.

The Hua family warrior also sneered, "Where did the brazen boy come from."

"If you have to come here, if you find it, you won't be able to stay."


A group of Huajia warriors shot instantly.

Xiao Yi didn't even move halfway.

In the air, there was already a burst of fire.

In one breath, all the Huajia warriors were seriously injured.

Xiao Yi glanced around and frowned, "Why are there so few people? What about other evil cultivators?"

There are only a dozen of Huajia warriors around.

Since he entered the Hua family mansion, there were not many people in the Hua family.

Although this is only a small branch, it is not only a few dozen people.

These evil repair divisions, after all, have to act in the entire region, at least more than a hundred people, or even more.

A region can easily pass hundreds of cities.

"Who on earth are you?" The evil repairs around him made his face change drastically.

The strength of the young man in front of him was actually a single encounter that severely injured all of them.

"There is no person like you in Nonghua area."

"I remember." Suddenly, an old man with the old look of a flower family said in surprise.

"Yi Xiao, this guy is Yi Xiao. He even destroyed several branches of our Evil Monarch Mansion a few days ago."

"The guardian has already sent a portrait."

"Portrait?" Xiao Yi raised his brow.

A flash, came to this old man.

After a bit of perception, he took out a Qiankun ring.

However, in Qiankun Ring, there is no information file at all.

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao, you don't have to waste your efforts." The old man of the Hua family sneered.

"The law protector has confessed to us long ago. You are in the Nonghua branch, and you don't want to find any information."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie."

Surrounded by evil repairs, he kept grinning.

In the next second, there was a burst of momentum on his body.

"Want to explode?" Xiao Yi reacted instantly, and a flame shot out in his hand.

The flame instantly enveloped the evil repairs around them, sealing their vitality and small world.

The strongest of this group of evil cultivators is just the late Saint Emperor Realm.

In front of Xiao Yi, there was no way to fight back, even if he wanted to blew himself up.

This is the difference between strength and weakness brought about by the huge power gap.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, did not leave, nor did he kill the evil cultivators.

Instead, he waved a big hand and retracted the barrier that wrapped the Hua family. At the same time, the huge and powerful perception covered the entire Hua family mansion inside and outside.

After half an hour.

Outside the Hua family mansion, a Hua family warrior returns.

Has not yet reacted, has been imprisoned by Xiao Yi in an instant.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed, came to this Hua Family martial artist, felt it, and took out a Universe Ring.

Intuition told him that there must be gains.

Sure enough, in Qiankun Ring, something familiar to him instantly attracted his attention.

"Budo ice crystal?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.


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