Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1566: Evil beast

"Budo ice crystal?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

Yes, there is a martial arts ice crystal in the Qiankun Ring of this returning Hua Family Martial Artist.

Xiao Yi couldn't be more familiar with the martial arts ice crystal.

As for this group of evil cultivators with martial arts ice crystals, Xiao Yi was not surprised by the accident.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly saw martial arts ice crystals.

Not surprisingly, Xie Xiu had martial arts ice crystals, which seemed normal again.

The four big characters of Budo Bingjing, in the entire Central Region, and even the history of the mainland, are definitely not small.

Although Xiao Yi had seen martial arts ice crystals as early as before in the Eastern Region.

But it is also conceivable that the Eastern Region has long lost its inheritance, but still has the name of the martial art ice crystal.

It is conceivable that the name of these evil things has become so popular.

Since ancient times, this has been an evil thing recognized by mainland warriors.

No one knew how to create it, and even Xiao Yi, the enchanting evildoer involved in multiple professions, had no way of knowing.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, the Eight Temples of the Ancient Times strictly ordered no one to make martial arts ice crystals.

The only person who still possesses martial arts ice crystals is probably the evil cultivating power of the Evil Monarch Mansion.

At this time, Xiao Yi sensed the martial arts ice crystal in his hands.

In the next second, his brow furrowed again.

"A strong martial arts ice crystal." Xiao Yi couldn't help exclaiming.

Perhaps it is not appropriate to use the word ‘strong’ to describe the martial arts ice crystal.

But Xiao Yi felt that this word couldn't be more suitable today.

Yes, strong.

Because, in this piece of martial arts ice crystal, in addition to being filled with a large number of martial arts inheritance, there are also full of martial arts power.

How should I put it, compared with this martial arts ice crystal, the martial arts ice crystal he had seen in the Eastern Region that year was simply a fake, and even the third-rate goods were inferior.

The whole ice crystal is perfectly round and transparent, and the whole body is cold.

When the hand touches it, there is an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

Furthermore, the martial arts ice crystals I saw in the Eastern Regions can only pretend to be knowledge of martial arts.

But now this piece, even the martial arts power has been installed.

The inheritance of martial arts is just a piece of knowledge.

Can martial arts power, but the power of heaven and earth.

The martial arts power, after the martial artist absorbs it from the heavens and the earth, is stored in the small world together with the Yuanli.

Moreover, the martial artist himself can only use these martial arts powers through domain methods.

Or more simply.

Back then, in the Eastern Region, the strongest realm was only the extreme earth realm, and this realm was able to control a trace of martial arts power.

At that time, the martial arts ice crystals could at most contain the martial arts knowledge of the Heavenly Origin Realm level powerhouse, not even a trace of martial arts power.

But now this piece in his hand can hold even the martial arts knowledge of the Holy Realm, the Holy King Realm, and even the Holy Emperor Realm.

Xiao Yi once again perceived in detail that there are thousands of complete martial arts within this martial arts ice crystal, and they all possess complete martial arts power.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi couldn't help taking a breath.

Evil Monarch Mansion, what on earth want to do.

Xiao Yi was surprised, and the evil Xiu in front of him had his eyes widened and his face was horrified.

He couldn't understand why he was arrested when he just returned to Hua's house.

Xiao Yi didn't pay attention to him either, an aura enveloped him and threw him into the depths of the mansion.

Xiao Yi, waiting again.

"How many evil cultivators do you have in this branch?" Xiao Yi slightly unlocked the restrictions of an old evil cultivator.

Of course, only to allow him to speak.

The elder Hua, his mouth moved, gritted his teeth, "Yi Xiao, you are less proud."

"My evil monarch's mansion won't find you, so you dare to come to trouble us? Just ask for death."

"Noisy." Xiao Yi slapped and fanned out.

The old man spit out blood, but there was no fear on his face.

"Wait, wait until all the staff in my flower branch return. By then, it will be your death date."

"The old man wants you to return it a hundred times."

Xiao Yi raised his fingers lightly, and once again restrained the elder's mouth.

Since he couldn't ask anything, he didn't bother to listen to these unnecessary words.

After half a day.

A group of evil repairers suddenly returned from outside the Hua family mansion.

Xiao Yi felt it for a while and said to himself indifferently, "The people are not there yet."


With a big wave of his hand, a surge of spiritual energy enveloped the group of evil cultivators, forcibly sucking the group of evil cultivators into the depths of the mansion.

There are only dozens of people in this group of evil cultivators.

Counting the warriors who were originally in the Hua Family Mansion, there were only fifty people.

An evil repair branch has more than so few people.

It was another day later.

There have been as many as a hundred evil cultivators confined in the depths of the Hua family mansion.

One day, from time to time, there will be warriors from the Hua family returning from the outside; there is no doubt that the warriors who return at this time are all instantly imprisoned by Xiao Yi.

But at the same time, after being forcibly sucked into the depths, these Hua Family warriors will show a fierce light and show their evil cultivating identity.

The evil repairs all around, all face shocked at this moment.

They really couldn't understand how strong the young man in front of him was.

Controlling the flames, forcibly banned so many of them.

Even, they can suppress the vitality and small world of all of them one by one.

"It should be everyone." Xiao Yi said to himself indifferently.

If he can't ask anything, he won't waste any more time.

If this branch is destroyed, he will leave.

"Break it for me." Just at this moment, several elderly elders shouted at the same time.

The strong Hua family, with their joint efforts, was actually able to break Xiao Yi's confinement.

Xiao Yi glanced at it and ignored it.

This group of evil cultivators is the strongest but the late Saint Emperor Realm, he still doesn't care about it.

Moreover, he originally planned to loosen some restrictions slightly so that he could question.

Boom...A purple flame condensed from Xiao Yi's hand.

Just about to start ‘torture’.

Suddenly, a martial arts ice crystal was thrown out from the hands of an old flower head.

The direction of throwing was actually in the mouth of the few monster beasts deep in the mansion.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

A few seconds later, the monster beast that had been trapped suddenly burst into madness.

The agitated demon element instantly broke through the surrounding confinement.

Even the imprisonment of Xiao Yi was blown away.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Originally in his perception, these were just a few monster beasts around the middle of the Holy Emperor Realm. ‘

But now, it exudes an aura no less than the peak of the holy emperor realm.

The restrictions imposed by Xiao Yi were not very strong, after all, this group of evil cultivators were too weak.


The evil Xiu around him regained his freedom and did the same action instantly.

The martial arts ice crystals in his hand were thrown into the mouth of the monster beast.

After that, the evil repairs all around, the smirk.

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao, how can you be better than us?"

"Under the evil beast, you will only be torn to pieces."

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the monsters.

The aura of those monster beasts at this moment is no less than a martial arts power, and even their aura is still soaring.

After a long while, Xiao Yi understood, his brows frowned.

"The reason why the monster beast is strong is because of its thick body and the amazing body of the monster."

"You threw the martial arts ice crystals into their mouths, do you want the world martial arts to be added to them?"


At this time, several monster beasts were already fierce and violent.

The evil repairs around him have already retreated.

Several monsters violently attacked Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid, with a fist mingled with flames, blasting out with one punch.


The fist and the demon beast banged against each other, and there was an explosion, and then Xiao Yi was shocked back ten steps.


Second more.

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