Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1567: Intelligence break again

"A lot of strength."

Xiao Yi glanced at his fist and then at the body of the monster beast.

He blasted out with all his strength, without even leaving a trace of the fist mark.

After absorbing a huge number of martial arts ice crystals, these monsters have definitely reached the level of martial arts power.

Want to come too.

Monster beasts are strong because of the huge monster essence of their soul beasts and their amazing body.

The human warrior is relatively weaker.

Therefore, human martial artists need to practice exercises and comprehend the martial arts of heaven and earth.

The power of martial arts is the power of heaven and earth. It is unpredictable and powerful. Just a little bit is enough to make the lifespan of a human warrior reach hundreds of years.

After the holy realm, most of the martial artist's strength also comes from the control of martial arts power.

Nowadays, these martial arts powers of warriors have been absorbed by monsters.

For the body of the monster beast, that is a great level of improvement.

The power of martial arts is the power of heaven and earth, and even martial artists cannot use it normally; it needs to rely on the way of the domain to increase itself.

However, these evil cultivators have absorbed the martial arts power of the martial artist through the martial arts ice crystals, and then forcefully imposed them on the monster beasts.

This created the few fierce beasts in front of them.

Roar... roar... roar...

Xiao Yi was thinking and looking at these monsters.

But these monsters were already frantic and irritable, and they wouldn't give Xiao Yi time to look at it.

The evil repairs around him have receded.

In the same place, only Xiao Yi's goal remained.

Naturally, Xiao Yi was the target of their attack.

However, Xiao Yi didn't care too much.

The purple flames in his hands were surprisingly condensed, and he fought fiercely with these monsters easily.

In the surroundings, the entire Hua family mansion had long been confined by him with a barrier, so don't even try to escape any of these evil repairs.


Several monsters, or under their huge bodies, attacked Xiao Yi repeatedly.

Or the sharp claws took Xiao Yi's body straight, trying to tear Xiao Yi into pieces.

Bang... bang... bang...

While avoiding, Xiao Yi kept shooting out flames.

In an instant, the entire Hua family mansion was in a mess and flames flew.

The aura of several monsters is still rising.

Xiao Yi wanted to see what strength these monster beasts could eventually achieve.

After dozens of minutes.

Xiao Yi is not in a hurry.

He was surrounded by evil cultivators, but his face changed drastically, "Damn it, the evil beast hasn't killed Na Yi Xiao yet."

"Go on like this..."

With evil repairs around, his face is ugly.

If these monsters cannot kill Xiao Yi, they will not be able to escape this barrier.

Xiao Yi glanced at Xie Xiu's face in the distance. Although he was puzzled, he ignored it for the time being.

With absolute strength, what you possess is naturally absolute confidence.

At this time, the strength of these few monster beasts probably reached 9900 level martial arts power level.

This level of strength has almost surpassed the evil three wind beasts that were condensed from the three winds in the Three Winds Division.

Xiao Yi also had to sacrifice the Purple Flame Realm, and merged the Earth Vein Golden Fire and the martial power of the Ten Realms Extinguishing Fire into the Realm.

"Won't reach the level of peerless power?" Xiao Yi frowned as he looked at the monster beast whose aura was still rising.

However, after a while, Xiao Yi finally found something wrong.

That is, while the auras of these monster beasts are rising, their auras are also becoming more disordered.

Although these monster beasts are extremely violent and extremely hideous, they have an extremely painful look on their faces.

Ten seconds later.

These monsters suddenly stopped raging.

The breath on his body was suddenly chaotic to the extreme.

"Could it be that..." Xiao Yi's expression changed suddenly.

"not good."

Xiao Yi's figure withdrew again and again, with both hands out, the sky full of purple flames instantly hit the barrier.

It was almost the moment he did this.


There were several loud noises in a row.

Several monsters blew themselves instantly.

The terrifying power made the entire Flower Studios tremble, like the ground cracked.

With an astonishing momentum, skyrocketed, and the space above the Huaying Studio City was shattered and messed up.

Wait until the loud noise falls.

The entire Hua Family Mansion has been razed to the ground.

The monsters and evil cultivators were all gone, apparently turned into powder in the shocking explosion.

In the audience, only Xiao Yi was unscathed.

But the face under the mask was still white, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The few strands exploded just now, if he hadn't reacted quickly and had used Amethyst Spirit Flame to stabilize the barrier that originally blocked the Hua Family, I am afraid the entire Hua Studio City would be razed to the ground.

The martial arts power level of 9,900 levels, close to the level of a peerless expert, exploded, and its power was quite terrifying.

In a big city, the population is not a small number.

Of course, it was fortunate that he was prepared long ago and put a barrier around him.

However, the consequence is that he maintains the barrier and needs to bear these terrible self-detonation powers alone.

This made him suffer serious injuries.

At this time, we can see that a big city or a region has the benefits of sheltering the strong.

In the middle domain, the strong gathered and killed countless.

If there is no strong person to protect one side, for ordinary warriors, the battle of the strong will be a disaster.

The sub-halls of the eight ancient palaces were scattered throughout the cities in the Central Region, and there were also factors in this respect.

Although Zhongyu respects the strong and has no rules and regulations, it still has a bottom line.

Otherwise, what's the difference between this and the time when monsters and beasts were in trouble thousands of years ago?

"Huh." At this time, Xiao Yi breathed out lightly and stabilized his injuries.

The injury was not minor, but not very serious, and healed after a short rest.

Seeing the scene razed to the ground, Xiao Yi shook his head.

The methods of evil cultivation are really weird.

Those martial arts ice crystals are indeed extremely strong, but they do not increase the strength of monsters infinitely.

When the monster's body couldn't support it, it naturally exploded.

If Xiao Yi had read it right a moment ago, those monsters swallowed hundreds of martial arts ice crystals.

Only then has such an amazing self-detonation power just now.

This evil repair branch was ruined.

The evil cultivation here is also dead.

But... clues and intelligence are also broken.

The several evil repair sub-parts that Xiao Yi had slaughtered before, even though they were so fierce, they burned to all the evil repair sub-parts.

But that was under his control, and with his fire control methods, it was enough to accurately and perfectly leave the things he needed, such as the universe ring and intelligence.

But these monsters blew themselves just now, but they broke out indiscriminately.

In the entire Xie Xiu branch, not to mention Qiankun Jie, not a single flower or herb was left behind, and all were blown into powder.

"The intelligence is broken again, **** it." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

Just at this time.


Above the Hua family mansion, a dash of figures came, apparently in a rush.

"Who would dare to make trouble in my flower studio?"

"Huh? The Hua family mansion was razed to ruins, **** it, what a bold thief."

Xiao Yi only glanced at the sky above. If he guessed right, all the figures were the strong in Huaying City.

Ruhua Studio City Lord, and the person in charge of each branch here.

"Dare to kill in my flower film city? This city lord can't spare you." A middle-aged man shouted angrily.

"Slow." An old man stopped the middle-aged man.

The old man, looking directly at Xiao Yi, no, to be precise, looking directly at Xiao Yi's mask, "Dare to ask your Excellency, but the Lord of the Division?"

"Old Man Demon Hunting Palace, the branch hall of the Flower Movie City branch hall."

Xiao Yi nodded indifferently, "This is the evil repair branch."

"Evil repair branch?" A group of people in the sky showed shocked expressions.

But in the next second, he frowned again, "You said so? What about the evidence?"

"Yi Xiao, even if you are the head of the Demon Hunting Hall, you can't kill for nothing..."

It was the sub-temple master of the sub-temple of the Tianji Temple.

The costumes of the warriors in the eight temples of the ancient times are different.

Xiao Yi could recognize at a glance which branch hall these old men came from.

"Is it right? Check it yourself."

"If you don't even have this ability, Yi is not interested in wasting time with you."

When the words fell, Xiao Yi's purple flame fire wings flicked, and Yukong flew away.


Third more.

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