Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1568: How to feel at ease

Xiao Yi Yukong flew away.

High in the sky, the strong people in Huayingcheng looked at each other, but they did not dare to stay.

Xiao Yi didn't have time to bother about it. Now that the information is cut off, he is in a bad mood, and he doesn't have a good tone for those who intend to entangle.

Furthermore, these evil repair branches hide in the dark on weekdays, and the Eight Temple Warriors can't find it.

Now the evil repair branch was taken over by him, and it was already on the bright side.

If the branch hall here is not even capable of following up a few clues to determine whether the evil repair branch here, then Xiao Yi would not bother to talk nonsense with them.

Leaving Huahua Studios, Xiao Yi did not leave the area where Huahua was.

Instead, head to the central city of Nonghua, Nonghua City.

Every region has a main hall.

Of course, the main hall here is just an ordinary main hall.

Xiao Yi went to the Demon Hunting Hall, Nonghua City Hall, and checked some information.

Sure enough, in the past half a month in Nonghua Region, many Tianjiao in the region have mysteriously disappeared.

Among them there are many Saint Emperor Realm powerhouses.

Obviously, these things are the work of evil cultivation.

No wonder he didn't see many evil repairs in Hua's house in Huaying City yesterday.

And a day later, those evil cultivators came back one after another, but they held martial arts ice crystals one by one, and they were already full of martial arts heritage and martial arts power.

If there is no accident, all the Tianjiao and the strong who have disappeared in Nonghua area within half a month have died.

Budo ice crystals are evil things that can only absorb the martial arts heritage and power of the dead martial artist.

In addition, if you guessed it correctly, Gongsun Huowu must have also encountered an evil repair in the Nonghua area that day.

It just happened that Xie Xiu was violently killing the Tianjiao strong in the area.

This was how Gongsun Huowu was chased by Xie Xiu all the way.

"What do these evil cultivators collect so many martial arts inheritance and martial arts power?" Xiao Yi frowned.

In the past few days, the evil cultivation and the evil cultivation methods he has encountered have greatly exceeded his previous imagination.

The Evil Monarch Mansion's skills and methods are definitely not something that the ice crystal of martial arts can cover.

A variety of unpredictable and strange methods and abilities, as well as a variety of inexplicable and powerful evil creatures, all show that the evil monarch's mansion, a behemoth hidden in the dark, has an unusually terrifying background and strength.


Xiao Yi has left Nonghua area.

Ten days later, within a certain area a dozen or so outside of Nonghua area.


A fierce flame erupted over the monster forest.

Little sparks fell, precisely on the monsters.

Mars, seemingly faint, suddenly exploded when it encountered the monster beast.

The deflagration fire is golden, but like a maggot attached to the bone, there is nothing to stop it.

Even the beasts at the peak of the Holy Emperor Realm turned into ashes under this little spark.

The flames in the sky burst and disappeared.

The monster beasts in the large area of ​​danger have already been killed and wounded.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

Rather than taking a deep breath, he was suppressing his anger.

For ten days, he spanned dozens of areas and swept a dozen vast and dangerous places.

Xie Xiu's intelligence is broken, and it is difficult for him to trace other branches.

Only like normal experience in the past, walking in the major monster forests, major dangerous places.

The direction of his movement is to go east.

The Middle Territory is indeed very large, and there are many dangerous places and regions that he has experienced over the years.

He hasn't set foot in the eastern region.

Therefore, if he can only practice normally, he will practice along this direction.

However, even when he was on the way of training, he still had difficulty suppressing his anger.


Xiao Yi's fist cracked.

The corpses of monsters were everywhere, and it seemed that it was difficult to suppress his emotions.

"If I don't kill you all, how can I feel at ease." Xiao Yi's eyes were extremely cold.

Xiao Yi's icy gaze was not at the monster beasts around him, but at the evil Dao array in his hand.

In fact, he rarely pays attention to some things.

He has more important things. The two purposes of his coming to Zhongyu have not yet been completed.

However, if these things are related to his two purposes, he will naturally take it seriously.

Evil Monarch Mansion, no matter how powerful, evil cultivation, no matter how sinister and cunning, it has nothing to do with him.

The sky is big, and Xiao Yi hasn't been afraid of anything.

But these evil cultivations, if they target the people he cares about, it is impossible for him to care less.

Although I don't know how powerful the Holy Moon Sect is.

However, no matter how powerful the sect, no matter how strong the background, its inner arrogant, after all, needs to go abroad to experience.

Working behind closed doors can never be a strong man.

Since she will go out to practice once, she will definitely have a second, third...

With Xiao Yi's understanding, these evil cultivators are extremely cruel, insidious, and act recklessly.

If there is an ambush for the first time, there must be a second and third time...

"Holy Moon Sect, I don't know if you can't protect my maid, or there are other reasons."

"But it doesn't mean that I approve of this matter. I will keep the Upper Holy Moon Sect for this account before I settle it with you."

When destroying those evil repair divisions, Xiao Yi found some information about the situation of the first battle.

Although not detailed, there are some records.

One of the sentences,'She almost died', was a sentence that struck Xiao Yi's heartstrings.

Idle evil cultivation may be very low-key.

But the Evil Monarch Mansion, which is full of evil repairs in the world, is never low-key.

The disappearance of the Tianjiao and the strong in the Nonghua area, as well as the evil repairs in other areas, are proof.

Evil cultivation is so rampant, if you don't kill them to be afraid, and kill them so that they don't dare to appear, how can Xiao Yi feel at ease.

In that battle, she was able to fight serious injuries and escape from the siege of Xie Xiu.

Next time?

With his current strength, he can't reach the Holy Moon Sect, but it doesn't mean that he allows her to be targeted by evil cultivators.

Maybe he can't help the Evil Monarch Mansion, but it doesn't mean that he can tolerate these evil cultivators.

"The Demon Hunting Palace does not have your information, so I will go back to the Fengshadian main hall to check. If the Fengshadian can't find it, I will check it area by area. I will always be able to catch you."

Xiao Yi's tone was extremely cold.

The evil Dao formation in his hand was pinched extremely tightly.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xiao Yi seemed to think of something and suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He remembered that he had judged that evil cultivation is not a title, but a profession.

"If Xie Xiu is a profession and has the way they cultivate, maybe..."

He suddenly thought of something.


In the air, an invisible vortex appeared out of thin air.

Xiao Yi's eyes changed suddenly, and the eyes of the lunar sun suddenly condensed.

His eyes looked at the evil Dao formation in his hand.

This evil formation, the strength inside, is strange and unpredictable.

But at this moment, in his eyes, these strange powers suddenly became simple.

Xiao Yi looked at the sky again.

Heaven and earth are the most logical, at this moment, it is easily broken.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze and looked around.

At this moment, he seemed to see the entire area.

The entire area was blank, only a cloud of black air around the branch.

The black energy was exactly the same as the aura exuding from Xie Xiu's body.

In other words, these are evil cultivators distributed throughout this region.

At this moment, all traces of evil repairs appeared in Xiao Yi's eyes in a huge area.


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