Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1592: Flame circulation

"The Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, really powerful."

Xiao Yi looked at the flame ring on his wrist and exclaimed.

This flame circle is naturally the method used in the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art.

This is a technique, and it is also one of the fire techniques he will mainly practice in the coming years.

When I got it at the beginning of the year, I didn't know what rank this exercise was in. I only knew it was extremely strong.

Although it is extremely difficult to practice, it is undoubtedly a fire-attributed power technique.

Over the years, apart from using it as a cultivation technique for fire, another point is to use it as a flame fusion.

Amethyst Spirit Flame, Earth Vein Golden Fire, Ten Realm Extinguishes and Fires, etc., are all powerful flames in the world.

As flames, each of them can be individually ranked as the strongest in the world.

But the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art has the ability to integrate them with each other.

This is undoubtedly an effect against the sky.

However, what is the use of the flame fusion?

Over the years, every time I merged with a powerful flame in the world, the stronger this technique, the more capable it would be.

What comes with it is that the cultivation speed on the flames is faster and the strength is stronger.

But that's it.

At best, it is the fusion of six powerful flames, which are then shot to achieve an amazing explosion effect.

For example, when the space turbulence was passed, at the last moment, through the fusion of 4 powerful flames, the last channel was created and passed through the space turbulence.

As in the previous days, in the potholes of the Golden Light Region, the fusion of 5 types of flames was shot, and the Golden Storm was blown up.

But what else?

As a cultivation technique, the Nine Suns Reincarnation Jue, like other cultivation techniques, gives practitioners a tremendous increase in cultivation.

At the same time, some means are given.

Other than that, it seems to be gone.

Over the years, Xiao Yi has not taken it too seriously.

In the practice of Flame One, the performance of Nine Suns Reincarnation Jue was enough to satisfy him.

Until more than a month ago.

It happened to be shortly after the fire control beast's rank rose again, reaching the ultimate rich purple.

There was a qualitative change in the cultivation of the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art.

The true nature of this technique was revealed when the fire control ability conferred by his fire control beast greatly increased.

It is this ring of flame on the wrist now.

In the past, Xiao Yi's practice was only after the flames were fused, there was no follow-up.

It wasn't until I practiced again a few days ago that I discovered that after the five powerful flames merged, the real power of this technique lies in how to apply it.

After the five powerful flames are fused, they should not be exploded.

Instead, let it fit itself and use the fused flame perfectly.

Just like now condensed on the wrist, giving yourself a great increase.

After the fusion of the five powerful flames, the explosion effect was strong, but it was still within the acceptable range, and it was not too terrifying.

On the contrary, let it fit itself, so that the power of the five flames can be truly displayed.


Xiao Yi felt the ring of flame on his wrist.

The five kinds of flames are circulating endlessly, just like endless reincarnation.

Every flame is among the strongest in the world.

The flame temperature was terribly high and violent.

Every kind of flame is so hot and amazing.

Under the five flames, their respective breaths are circulating, merging and dissipating.

Dissipation, fusion, dissipation, fusion, cycle and start.

The five violent flame power, in the circulation, derives a breath that is even more heart-palpiting, violent as if all things are extinguished.

This is where the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art is against the sky.

In the center of the flame circle is the force born by the five flames flowing down, dissipating and fusing.

This power comes from five powerful flames, which were born out of them, and under the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, it increases in itself.

This is the reason why Xiao Yi was able to fought fiercely with the elder of 9993 Dao.

Under the flame reincarnation, the gap between the sixth layer of the Holy Emperor Realm and the 9993 peerless level was completely smoothed.

Xiao Yi didn't know what this kind of power was, perhaps, called it the'power of reincarnation'?

This power is composed of five powerful flames and five violent auras, flowing and fusing, and it is amazingly strong.

Xiao Yi perceives it carefully.

He intends to integrate the sixth flame into it.

There are six kinds of powerful flames in the world that he controls.

But the flame of boiling demon fire itself is not powerful for fire control methods.

Therefore, even if Xiao Yi used it in the past, it was only used to burn internal energy.

It has not been used for fire control or attack, even if it is an explosion after flame fusion, Xiao Yi only merged 5 kinds, never merged with boiling demon fire.

It is really only about power, the effect of boiling demon fire is very small.

But now, Xiao Yi wanted to give it a try.

After all, the flow and fusion between the flames, and the fusion with the flames, are two different things.

Bang... bang... bang... bang... bang... bang...

Six bursts in a row, six flames condensed in the air.

"Hey." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

Six powerful flames merge instantly.

This is not a difficult task. When you practice the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, these six flames have merged before.

In the air, a huge flame of six colors was born.

According to his past habits, he would usually throw this huge flame directly, producing an extremely violent explosion to achieve the attack effect.

In the past, he did the same.

But now, he needs to let this huge flame circulate.

Xiao Yi emptied his hand with one hand and closed his eyes.

With his current fire control ability, it is not difficult to read out and move on fire.

Under his control, a huge flame suddenly surged slowly.

This surging is not wandering randomly, but surging very regularly.

A few minutes later.

This surging suddenly changed and began to flow.

After the circulation, even more shocking changes followed.

The six flames have clearly merged into one, forming this huge flame.

But now, in the midst of circulation, the huge flames have gradually separated.

Not that kind of complete separation, but overflowing end to end.

But for a while, six flames of different colors separated completely and turned into flame rings.

The colors in the flame circle are distinct, each accounting for one sixth.

"It's finished." Xiao Yi's eyes were happy.

The palms that were originally emptied suddenly closed and pinched.

The huge flame circle shrank out of thin air and returned to the wrist under his control.

On the wrist, the ring of flame exudes six colors of streamer, circulating endlessly.

During the circulation, the power that seemed like death reappeared.

It was almost at this moment.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's expression changed suddenly.

"what happened?"

The vitality in his body began to be disordered and began to be irritable.

His skin began to become hot, and his body was boiling with heat.

His strong suit melted instantly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spit out blood, his face suddenly white.

"not good."


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