Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1593: Bingluan sword, pressure

"not good."

Xiao Yi said inwardly.

He naturally knew what was happening to him.

As the flame circle circulates and his wrists, the vitality in his body also circulates.

The power of the small world in his body is so huge.

This suddenly circulates, and it circulates according to inexplicable rules, how can he stand it?

Just like a large lake that was originally calm, suddenly the waves flowed and turned into a whirlpool.

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

Xiao Yi even felt that with the huge and astonishing circulation in the small world, his body, limbs, corpses, and internal organs were also circulating.

The whole body seemed to be distorted.

"Disperse." In shock, Xiao Yi quickly dissipated the flame ring from his wrist.

The flame circle dissipated and everything returned to normal.

The vitality that went violently in the small world suddenly calmed down.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

After a long while, Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, then screamed again, "Ning."

Martial artists practice, encounter problems, and finally have to solve them.

The Nine Suns Reincarnation Art is a practice that goes against the heavens, so he naturally wants to practice.

Bang... bang... bang... bang... bang... bang...

Six consecutive flames condensed again.

Under Xiao Yi's control, the six flames once again condensed into a huge flame.

Afterwards, the huge flame flowed and surging, and the six flames connected end to end were automatically separated.

Six flames, connected end to end, fit perfectly.

Xiao Yi clenched his fists, and the flame circle shrank again out of thin air, flowing between his wrists.


Almost for an instant, the Yuan Li in the small world inside his body ran away again.

This time, Xiao Yi perceives it carefully.

"That's it." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and endured the distorted pain, muttering to himself.

If he guessed correctly, the flame circle, under the six powerful flames of the world, should have formed its own system.

This is a system produced by practicing the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, just like reincarnation.

And if you want to fit in with yourself, everything in yourself will naturally form this reincarnation system.

However, the human body is like this, how can it be changed forcibly?

"If you continue like this, I'm afraid my flesh will not be able to bear it directly." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

He doesn't care about the pain.

But forcibly twisting his small world power, once this power is completely violent, or even break out, the consequences will be unimaginable.

His small world is terrifyingly huge, and the energy contained in it is also amazing.

Once all exploded in his body, he was afraid that he would explode and die instantly.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, and the inner strength of the small world went down like this, he could hold it for a few minutes at most.

After a few minutes, if there is no other way, he can only stop practicing.

After a long while, the Yuanli in the small world became more and more astonishing.

Under Xiao Yi's inner vision, it was obvious that the vitality flowed like a whirlpool within the Qi Spring.

This appearance is exactly the same as the circulation of the flame circle.

"Nothing." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

His body has endured to the limit.

"Huh? No." In Xiao Yi's mind, another thought suddenly flashed.

"My inner strength is suppressed by Wuhun."

"The martial artist mobilizes and absorbs elemental power through martial soul."

"My strength, how can you move at your fingertips." Xiao Yi sneered.

"Bingluan sword, press."

Xiao Yi instantly touched the spirit of Bingluan sword.

From inside, the Bingluan sword martial soul shone with light.

The original vitality that was circulating quickly became slow and unbearable.

The distorted pain in Xiao Yi's body disappeared instantly.

"It's done." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were happy.

"Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, although you are against the sky, you are still no match for my Bingluan Sword." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

In fact, it is not a problem that the vital energy in the body should flow into a whirlpool and form a system by itself.

The problem is that with such a huge force, even his small world and his body can't bear it.

If it is only to allow the body's vitality to flow slowly, without affecting the physical body, then there will be no problem.

Now, under the suppression of Bingluan Sword, the inner strength of the small world flows slowly, and it will not make the body feel uncomfortable at all.

Under such circumstances, as long as the vitality within the body slowly circulates into a system like a circle of flames, it will be considered.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged, feeling the flow of vitality in his body while comprehending the power of the flame circle.

one day later.

Xiao Yi stood up slowly.

The vitality of the small world in the body circulates completely within a full day at an extremely slow circulation speed.

Xiao Yi clenched his fists, only to feel full of power.

Between the gestures, flames entangled, burning space.

Xiao Yi felt the changes in his body, and gradually realized, "It turns out that this is the power of the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art."

Xiao Yi clearly felt that the small world in his body formed a system of Yuanli, exactly the same as the circle of flame circulating.

At this time, the flame circle is considered to be a perfect fit with itself.

The vitality of the body can be mobilized in a more convenient way.

When controlling the fire, almost within a single thought, the vitality in the body can reach any part of the body, any meridian, so that it can control the flame more conveniently.


Xiao Yi tried, Yuan Li flooded his body.

The flame, instantly spilled over the whole body.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure flashed and burst out.

The figure underneath the flame, like a stream of flame, shuttles between heaven and earth.

"Fast speed." Xiao Yi was taken aback.

Almost a few breaths, you can fly back and forth within a thousand miles.

"Drink." Xiao Yi punched out.

On the wrist, the flame circle circulated rapidly.

A sea of ​​purple flames burned a large area in front of him.

Boom...a kick.

A golden flame burst out.

Xiao Yi clearly felt that the control of the six flames was more precise and perfect.

Any part of the body can perfectly control any kind of flame.

Boom... Xiao Yi tried the effect of boiling demon fire.

The fire-controlling beast in the body did not move, and did not exert the effect of the boiling demon fire.

But the vitality of the small world in the body was fully mobilized in an instant.

It was more direct than before, mobilized faster, and exploded more shockingly.

"I understand." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, looking at the flame ring on his wrist.

In the past, he controlled six powerful flames.

It itself absorbs these flames through the fire control beast.

In other words, it is the fire-controlling beast that controls these flames, so he has the ability to control these six flames.

Six kinds of flames have different effects.

But now, the effects of the six flames are all integrated in the flame circle.

You don't need to go through the spirit of martial arts, as if you are instinctive, you can use these six flame abilities most directly.

The circulation of flames greatly amplifies these six abilities, allowing them to exert greater power.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

The figure flashed and returned to the cave.


Second more.

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