Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1594: Tianzang Nine Profound Pill

"Huh." Xiao Yi let out a turbid breath and sat down cross-legged.

He understood the effect of the flame circle.

One is to let the abilities and effects of the six flames more directly condense in the hands.

The second is the fusion of the six flames, which makes the abilities and effects of various flames stronger, and the strength is not sporadic.

However, he remembered that when he condensed the flame circle a month ago, there were no such abnormalities.

Perhaps, because of the addition of the sixth flame, the cultivation level of the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art is several points higher.

In addition, in the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, this ring of flame calls the Nine Suns Reincarnation.

However, Xiao Yi always felt that there seemed to be a lot of things missing.

Perhaps it is because the flame of the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art is not enough.

The Nine Suns Reincarnation Secret Art requires absorption and control, and fusion of nine powerful flames in the world to achieve success.

Today, I only control six of them, and the remaining three are still far away.

"Forget it, it's useless to think more." Xiao Yi shrugged.

The cultivation of the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art is here temporarily.

After all, his six powerful flames have all merged.

The next thorough cultivation, as well as the level increase, had to wait until the seventh powerful flame was found.

It is the vortex of vitality in the small world in the body.

As long as there is enough training, the body can bear the discomfort more and more.

This time, it would take a full day for the inner strength of the small world to fit in.

Next, be more proficient, and gradually increase the speed of Yuanli circulation.

With Bingluan sword martial spirit suppressing, there is no need to worry about the situation that the body will run away and the body will not be able to bear it.

What is missing is just a period of familiarity and training.


After dissipating the flame circle in his hand, Xiao Yi flashed a light in his hand, and took out a bottle of monster blood from the universe ring.

This is a large amount of monster spirit blood obtained from Firefang Sect.

I have to say that the harvest this time is quite generous.

Needless to say, this super-large branch of the Firefang Sect, there are also those evil cultivators who came from hundreds of areas around, and they also have a lot of monster blood.

The evil cultivation of the evil monarch's mansion, there are not many other things, but some evil things and a lot of monster blood.

Xiao Yi absorbed them one by one.

Until all the blood of the monsters and beasts has been absorbed, the physical strength will break through the seventh layer of the Saint Emperor Realm.

It seems that it has only broken through one level, but in fact, this is the gap between the late and mid-term.

The seventh stage of the Holy Emperor Realm, which happens to be the first stage of the late stage of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Physical strength is different from ordinary cultivation.

But body cultivation originally belongs to the martial arts cultivation system.

Naturally, physical training is also divided into front, middle and later stages, which are very different from each other.

Another point is that the Asura battle body now cultivates to the highest level of the Saint Emperor Realm, it is naturally the blood of the monsters of the Emperor Realm rank, and the effect is the greatest.

However, the Firefang Division, even though it was a super large division, did not contain too much blood from the emperor realm monsters.

Take the harvest this time as an example, only about 20% of the blood of the monsters and beasts in it is at the emperor level, and the rest are mostly at the holy king level.

It's not that the Huofang branch is weak, but that the monster beasts in the holy emperor realm in a monster beast forest, just like that.

Even if all of them are killed, the blood of the holy emperor level monster beasts that can be collected is very limited.

Of course, this so-called finite is only relative to Xiao Yi.

For others, or other evil cultivators, the amount of monster blood is already an astronomical figure.

But to Xiao Yi, it still doesn't look enough.

The Shura battle body is a cultivation technique against the celestial body, and the monster blood needed is really huge.

Normally, even a dominant force cannot afford it.

Thanks to the evil spirits who carried a lot of monster blood, it was cheaper for Xiao Yi.

This time, it only seemed to have increased physical strength.

But this is much faster than hunting monsters and collecting monster blood.

Take Xiao Yi himself, if he collects it himself, if he wants to break through the Seventh Layer of the Saint Emperor Realm of physical strength, it may take several months to collect enough blood of the beast.

It is obviously much faster to kill these evil repairs directly.

Xiao Yi sensed physical strength.

The large pile of monsters and spirit blood just absorbed one by one, and his physical strength at the moment should be above the seventh level of the Holy Emperor, and it is not far from the eighth level of the Holy Emperor.

Killing the Ban Yue Xie Xiu branch again should be almost enough for the blood of the monster beast to break through the eight-fold physical power of the Holy Emperor Realm.


The cultivation of physical power has also come to an end temporarily.

Next, is the cultivation of cultivation base.

From the Huoya branch, and from the body of the Wanxiexiu, he also obtained a lot of cultivation things.

However, these monsters are much less than the large amount of monster blood.

The cultivation of these evil cultivations seems to have little demand for normal cultivation objects; on the contrary, there is a greater demand for some evil things, poisons, and some qi and blood things.

Therefore, they have a large amount of monster blood, but compared to normal martial artists, they have much less cultivation items.

Xiao Yi took out the Bahuang furnace and began to refine medicine.

After an hour, all the materials are refined.

In front of him, a hill of medicine pills had appeared.

Xiao Yi frowned, this pill should not be enough to make him break through.

Frowning halfway, Xiao Yi took out a vermilion fruit from Qiankun Ring.

Above Zhu Guo, the nine layers of profound energy were surging and astonishing.

It is the Nine Profound Fruits of Heaven.

Seeing this Nine Profound Fruit in the Sky, the indifference in Xiao Yi's eyes can't help but relax a bit.

Thinking of it, Qinglin was lucky at the beginning, and he was afraid that more than half of the rare heaven and earth treasures in the Tianzang Secret Realm were picked by him.

Almost everyone of the 50 disciples who went to the Tianzang Academy to participate in the Hundred-Academy Controversy was given a precious treasure.

Mo You, Qin Yi, Tong Ye, and his Xiao Yi, etc., all have one.

And the most precious of them is the Nine Profound Fruit in the Sky in his hand.

The Nine Profound Fruits of the Sky Store are the number one treasure in the Sky Store secret realm.

Even in places such as the Secret Realm of Heaven, it is rare for thousands of years, let alone outside.

This kind of Zhu Guo contains extremely surging power, which is extremely effective for martial arts cultivation.

It even has the title of the king of vermillion fruit.

This Zhu Guo was a gift from Qing Lin, and Xiao Yi had never used it lightly before.

Even if you really use it, you need to let this vermilion fruit have a real effect, not use it randomly.

Naturally, the way to make Tiancai Dibao play a real effect is to refine medicine.


Xiao Yi shot a flame again in his hand.

With a move of the palm, the sky hid the nine profound fruits and entered the eight waste furnace.

At the same time, in the hands of Xiao Yi, a portion of the same precious treasures of heaven and material were thrown into the furnace.

After half an hour.

Xiao Yi dissipated the flame, and a pill fragrant spread out from the eight waste furnace.

"Tianzang Nine Profound Pill, it is finished." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.


Third more.

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