Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1601: Weird spider silk

Xiao Yi's hand moved uncontrollably.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, secretly surprised.

"Huh? It's spider silk."

Xiao Yi's cold eyes suddenly saw that on his arm, there were a few tiny white silk threads that were hard to see with the naked eye.


Xiao Yi was secretly horrified.

When did the poison robe wrap the spider silk around his arm?

"At that time..." Xiao Yi reacted almost instantly.

It was the moment when he looked away from the poison robe and used the purple flame dragon to blast away the layers of poisonous fog in the sky, sending the people of the Tianzang Academy to leave.

"Damn, so much strength." Xiao Yi clenched his fists and tried to resist.

The whole arm trembled violently.

But the arm, after all, involuntarily got closer and closer to his eyes, resting on the mask.


Xiao Yi's other hand slammed his arm.

"Huh?" A few steps away, the poison robe narrowed his eyes.

"Some skills, at least this strength is quite strong."


There was a hiss in the air.

Several spider silks entangled Xiao Yi's other arm silently.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's hands are entangled.

"Take it off." The tone of the poison robe was still light.

"I want to see what you look like, a young man who dared to provoke Evil Monarch Mansion."

The palm of the poison robe stretched out the black robe slightly.

The dry but slender fingers moved lightly.

Xiao Yi's palm became more uncontrollable, and he put it on the mask.


A flame condenses.

Xiao Yi tried to condense flames and burn these spider silks.

However, there was a puff.

The flames that had just condensed dissipated instantly.

"My strength..." Xiao Yi was shocked again.

He condenses the flames, it takes a lot of energy.

But just now, the control of the body's vitality and oneself was cut off instantly.

"Heh." The poison robe's fingers moved again, "You are my spider silk, can you only control your body?"

"No, your body, mind, body, vitality, everything is under my control."

"You can't even mobilize half a cent."

"Taking off the mask obediently, and when the old man sees the appearance, he will send you to the Yellow Spring. Isn't it a relief?"

"Good control." Xiao Yi was secretly horrified.

He found that his own vitality couldn't be mobilized at all.

The palm of the hand is on the mask.

But Xiao Yi's hand still trembled violently, struggling.

Not taking off the mask is another matter.

Allow him to be out of control, like a puppet, he would never allow it.

"It's useless, why struggle." The poison robe sneered.

Xiao Yi ignored it, and instantly looked inside.

Sure enough, in the small world, at some point, a few tiny spider silks appeared, interspersed with his Qiquan Yuanli.

It was the interspersed of these spider silks that made him unable to move the vitality in the Qi Spring.


A flame condensed again in Xiao Yi's hand.

"I'm not interested in watching you do these meaningless things." The hand of the poison robe moved lightly again.

The flame in Xiao Yi's hand slowly disappeared.

But at this time.

Xiao Yi's body qi spring's vitality suddenly twisted violently.

Under the distortion, it was forcibly turned into a whirlpool, surging constantly.

The spider silk in the qi spring was instantly twisted under this reincarnation-like vortex, and was completely torn off.


Xiao Yi resumed Yuanli's control, and the flames in his hand condensed violently before an instant explosion.

Under the violent explosion sound, a huge flame erupted.

The shocking force blasted Xiao Yi's body severely.

Normally, this impact force is enough to fly Xiao Yi more than tens of meters.

But Xiao Yi's arm was still entwined with spider silk at this moment.

Therefore, his body was blasted back, but his arms were entangled in place.

The body, just being blasted for a few steps, was pulled by the arm and forcibly stopped.

But because of this, Xiao Yi's palm completely left the scope of the mask.

"Ahem." Xiao Yi couldn't help coughing twice.

The flames exploded at close range in front of his face just now, causing him to become ashamed.

The forehead and hair above the mask were directly blackened.

Xiao Yi never expected that when fighting against this poisonous robe was just a face-to-face encounter, he would be so embarrassed.

However, that's all.

Want him to be manipulated and take off the mask himself? That is impossible.


At this time, Xiao Yi's fist cracked.

The spider silk in his body's qi spring has been torn to pieces.

But the spider silks on his hands were still entwined.

Xiao Yi tried to forcibly break free, but with his physical strength and boxing power, he couldn't break free.

Bang... bang...

Two flames erupted from the palm of the hand, and then spread to the entire arm.

The terrifying amethyst spirit flame instantly burned on the spider silk.

However, the spider silk showed no signs of burning.

No, there is, but it is extremely slow.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Amethyst Lingyan has the effect of burning everything, and nothing can be stopped.

Generally, if this happens, it means that this kind of thing itself contains extremely strong power, and it is extremely strange and difficult to burn.

Or, the enemy who used this method, the strength and cultivation base far exceeded him.

Yes, there are two possibilities.

But Xiao Yi prefers that the two possibilities exist together.

The Poison Robe's cultivation base, strength and methods are all strong enough to criticize.

"If you keep burning your spider silk, let you let go." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

The arm shook, and the amethyst spirit flame spread out along the spider silk instantly.

Zi Yan's speed was extremely fast, along the spider silk, drew a line of fire in the air, and instantly came to the palm of the poison robe.


The flame broke out instantly.

The poison robe didn't stop, instead, black energy surged in his palm.

Layers of poisonous fog confronted Zi Yan.

In other words, before the black gas and poisonous mist was burned out, Amethyst Lingyan had no chance to burn his palm.

Zi Zi Zi...

In the air and on the silk thread, there was a piercing sound.

"It can actually burn my poisonous mist. It is indeed an amethyst spirit flame with the effect of burning all things."

"Unfortunately, your cultivation base is too low."

The poison robe smiled lightly, his fingers moved again.

Xiao Yi's hand was raised uncontrollably again.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

The confrontation between the two actually started early in the morning.

It's just that the poison robe hasn't made any movement, just standing freely, moving his fingers.

As for Xiao Yi, almost all his methods were used, and he was already extremely embarrassed.

The two are not at the same level at all.

The weird spider silk, under the burning of the amethyst spirit flame, has not had any effect.



In the air, there was a crisp sound.

Not the sound of swords, but some kind of crisp cracking sound.

In the air, a thin white line suddenly flew up.

The spider silk entwined on Xiao Yi's left hand was broken.

His arms and palms did not know when they rose and changed.

Become pitch black, covered with scale armor.

That is a ferocious animal hand.

Qiang... In the air, there was another crisp cracking sound.

Xiao Yi's left hand stretched out, the sharp beast claws lightly stroked.

In the air, a cold light flashed.

The spider silk on his right hand broke instantly.


Second more.

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