Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1602: In the clouds, control the ghost silk

Xiao Yi didn't know the method of the poison robe, or to be precise, did not know what the spirit of the poison robe was.

Because he clearly felt that there was spirit power on those spider silks.

This means that it is Wuhun means.

But even if you don't know, even so.

The poison robe was just a spider silk, which made him exhausted.

The spider silk silently enters the martial artist's qi spring, entwining the vitality.

If he hadn't cultivated the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, and the six flames were fused, and he had the means of reincarnation with the original power, he really didn't know how to deal with that spider silk.

And the spider silk entwining the arm outside the body, so strong, so hard to burn.

Obviously it was just a tiny spider silk that was hard to see with the naked eye, but even the world's powerful flame amethyst spirit flame could not do anything in a short time.

The poison robe, now only moved his fingers, only a spider silk.

But with this hand alone, he is afraid that he can easily control the lives of others, even if this person is a peerless powerhouse.

No wonder the name of the poison robe is so terrible.

No wonder the word "poison robe" is so fearful that even some overlord forces have heard of it.

The guardian of the Evil Monarch Mansion is really an extraordinary figure.

"In the clouds and mist." The poison robe spit out three words indifferently.


Suddenly, layers of poisonous fog in the forest raged away instantly.

The poisonous fog can cover the entire vast monster beast forest at will, and the cultivation base and methods of the poisonous robe can be imagined.


Xiao Yi flicked his left hand and flames rushed out.

Above the left hand, the beast hand covers it.

It was obviously a pair of animal hands, but it was covered, but it was not obtrusive at all. On the contrary, it was completely branded on the skin.

Xiao Yi didn't know how to describe it. It wasn't like wearing sacred artifacts or gloves in his hands, which had a covering feeling; it was more like an arm that grew out of himself.

The hand of the beast, covering the skin, was not at all uncomfortable at all, on the contrary, it was as easy as one's own hand.

The flame blasted out from his left hand, and the poisonous mist that hit was instantly dispersed.

Xiao Yi's fire control ability soared at this moment.

No, even the feeling of controlling fire is different.

Xiao Yi, although a fire control fighter, is extremely confident in his fire control ability.

However, fire is ultimately a foreign object; when it is used by itself, it is ultimately controlled.

But now when the beast hand is covered, the feeling of manipulation has disappeared.

Instead, it is a kind of instinctive control, even more subtle, but more powerful.

The accuracy, perfection, explosiveness, and power of controlling fire far surpassed the blood of the Huo clan, which is known as the darling of flames between heaven and earth.

Or, for the animal hand, no amount of description is as accurate as one word, this word is... powerful!


The black gas and poisonous mist swiftly hit from all directions.

Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed.

There was too much poisonous fog, too fast.

A beast hand alone cannot completely block it.

Xiao Yi's right hand was clenched, and the beast hand condensed again, covering it.


Xiao Yi put out his hands together, and the two beast hands shot out pillars of fire.

The pillar of fire immediately blocked the black gas and poisonous mist.

"Control ghost silk." Poison robe spit out three words again indifferently.

The black gas and poisonous fog had already filled the entire forest.

But their attack is more like an infinite and aimless attack.

But at this time, the hands of the poison robe were completely stretched out of the black robe.

Hands shaking quickly.

In the air, spider silks move densely.

Poisonous fog is an ethereal and empty thing.

But these weird spider silks easily pierce and entangle them.

Dense spider silk, hundreds.

At the end of each spider silk, there must be a thick poisonous mist.

The fingers of the poison robe moved lightly, and hundreds of spider silks came all through the air.

Hundreds of poisonous mists, as if they were ‘spiritual’ in an instant, spread all over the sky.

Xiao Yi put out his hands together, and shot out pillars of fire, and the pillars of fire gradually became a sea of ​​flames.

A large sea of ​​fire, ready to block these poisonous fog.

However, the original poisonous mist came from drifting and impacting.

But now the spider silk was entangled, but it came through the air.

The impact of the latter is obviously more amazing.

Groups of poisonous fog broke through the sea of ​​flames instantly, and came straight toward Xiao Yi.

"In the mist, control the ghost silk." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "What a weird and amazing method."


Suddenly, a thunderous dragon roared out.

Xiao Yi's hands were in claws, and Zi Yan shot out in an instant.

Ziyan instantly turned into a dragon.

The huge flame wandered around the dragon and gave out a roar of shaking to the sky.

If you say that Xiao Yi used to control Ziyan Youlong to kill the enemy.

Then, under the hands of the two beasts, it is completely control the purple flame roaming dragon.

These are two completely different levels.

The spider silk was entwined with the poisonous mist that struck, extremely fast and extremely precise.

But Ziyan swims the dragon, also extremely fast and extremely accurate.

Two huge purple flame swimming dragons, swimming between their bodies, easily blocked all the poisonous mist.

Above the body, the flames boiled.

"Sure enough, some ability." The poison robe squinted his eyes for the first time.

The finger moved again, but more quickly.

Hiss... Hiss... Hiss...

In the air, more and more spider silk appeared.

More and more poisonous mist is entangled.

But for a moment, thousands of poisonous atomization groups have arrived.

Xiao Yi's brows furrowed tightly, and several purple flame swimming dragons came out again.

Under the two beasts, it is easy to control.

Compared with the previous ones, only purple inflammation was condensed, and the dragon was manipulated, with dozens or hundreds of them at every turn.

Nowadays, just under the hand of the beast, driving several purple flame dragons, on the contrary, seems to be more stressful.

That kind of control is not a small consumption to Xiao Yi Yuanli and his mind.

However, there are a few Ziyan Wandering Dragons in this area, but they are easier to play than before, and then dozens or hundreds of Ziyan Wandering Dragons are controlled more powerfully.

If you really want to make a difference, then it is the several Purple Flame Wandering Dragons currently under your control, which seem to be real and more spiritual.

Smart, wild and fierce, while watching the world.

Bang... bang... bang...

Under the control of Xiao Yi's hands, several flames were added again.

Earth veins golden fire, star fire, ten worlds extinction and fire.

The three-color flames instantly merged into several purple flames swimming dragons.

The flame swimming dragon now has four colors of light.

No matter how powerful the spider silk poisonous mist hits, it can't help it.

See it more seriously, the fingers of the poison robe moved more violently and faster.

Thousands of spider silks are entwined with poisonous fog, like clusters of poisonous fog ghosts around them.

At the same time controlling so many spider silks and poisonous robe fingers, there is no confusion at all.

Thousands of ghosts and ghosts of poisonous fog, like spreading teeth and dancing claws, constituted a ghostly dance of cold and murderous intent.

The several four-color wandering dragons controlled by Xiao Yi's hands were also impervious to defense.

The four-color roaming dragon, meandering and swinging, is like a few giants roaming around in the poisonous fog; and like a dragon roaring between the clouds and the wind and the cloud.

"That's all about the vulture tricks, break it for me." The poison robe showed a slightly ugly face for the first time.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly.

Under the spider silk, the dance of ghosts and charms became more turbulent and dense.

However, the four-color wandering dragon rises like a Qianlong, with nothing to do.

The confrontation between the two suddenly broke out to the extreme at this moment.



Two violent shouts, while drinking from the mouth of the poison robe and Xiao Yi.

The poisonous fog ghost under the control of spider silk, the purple flame swimming dragon under the control of Xiao Yi.

Both broke out at the same time.


It was also at this moment, the whole world, suddenly white.

The confrontation between poisonous and flame swept the entire sky visible to the naked eye.

When the poison and the flame dissipated at the same time, the entire monster forest was razed to the ground.


Third more.

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