Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1607: Detox Robe

Half a day.

It is unknown how much distance the two had crossed between chasing.

Poison robe, chasing at full speed.

Xiao Yi stretched the distance with all his strength, delaying time.

But obviously, with the strength of the two, they must have leaped an extremely long distance.

Ahead, Xiao Yinei smiled satisfied as he watched the circulation of vitality in his body.

The trend of reincarnation has become a reality.

The five-color ring under the fusion of five flames is not unusual.

But when the six flames merge, they become reincarnation by themselves.

With the combination of the vitality in the body, Xiao Yi's entire body will be able to exert the true power of the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art.

Although it is troublesome.

But under the fusion of the six flames and the harmony of the original force, it must be a qualitative leap.

Under the six-color flame circle, he will surely reach the peerless level of 9,998.


Ahead, the flames gleamed and stopped suddenly.

Under the original violent speed, a large scorching air wave broke out in an instant.

In the rear, the black cloud mist also stopped immediately.

Large swaths of poisonous gas have no partial spills, and have never even caused half-waves in the air. ‘

It is conceivable that Poison Robe has control of Yuanli and its own means, reaching an extremely perfect level.

"Don't run away?" Poison robe sneered.

"The sky and the earth."

Countless spider silks instantly blocked the surrounding area.

Above the spider silk, black energy surged, and poisonous insects climbed.

This time, he wouldn't let Xiao Yi have a half chance to escape.

"I always run away, don't you find it boring?" Xiao Yi's tone was cold.

"Death or boring, which one do you choose?" Poison Robe Yin Sting asked.

"I choose interesting." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently.

interesting? This is not among the two choices given by the poison robe.

"What is interesting?" Poison Robe asked subconsciously.

"It's very simple." Xiao Yi paused and was silent for a moment, then faded out three words indifferently, "Kill you."

Hearing the words, the poison robe narrowed his eyes.

Xiao Yi's words are very simple, but a few words.

But he knew that the simpler the words, the more they represented Xiao Yi's killing intent.

Poison Robe shook his head, "I really don't understand, when our Evil Monarch Mansion provoked you Ziyan Yi Xiao."

"Of course, what I don't understand is, where did you come from... overwhelmingly!"

The voice fell.


The figure in the poison robe instantly turned into countless poisonous insects.

At the same time, within a hundred miles, spider silk surging.

Under the spider silk, countless rich and amazing poison gas filled the world at an extremely fast speed.

It is one of the methods of poison robe, ‘drug famine’.

Within the famine, poisonous gas is permeated.

The vision of the warrior has greatly decreased.

If it is changed to another warrior, even if it is a peerless, I am afraid that it will only disappear in the sight, no direction, and then panic and wait for death within the highly poisonous.

Just being highly toxic is enough to turn a peerless strong man into a pool of blood.

Even a slightly stronger peerless powerhouse can support within this highly toxic range.

But the poison robe is just moving your fingers and grabbing some spider silk, which can also be easily killed.

As for the current methods of poison robe, poisonous insects are densely covered in the poisonous famine, and it is probably the most frightening method of poison robe.

I am afraid that people like Sect Master Qi Sect are all left dead.

Even Lin Xiao and other peerless swordsmen, if they were not in the sword domain, they would not be able to match this poisonous robe.

However, Xiao Yi today is not afraid of it.

"The same method is like a joke in my eyes." Xiao Yi's eyes were indifferent and disdainful.


Xiao Yi's figure moved instantly.

He didn't care about the poisonous surroundings, didn't care about the sight diminished, didn't care about the dense poisonous insects.

Under the hands of the two beasts, both hands were raised.

In the hand of the left-handed beast, between the wrists, a ring of six-color flames turned amazingly.

At the same time, the huge vitality in the body was also spinning rapidly.

Roar... roar... roar...

Several flame swimming dragons rushed out between Xiao Yi's hands.

With a roar like a dragon, it shook the world.

Within the rich and poisonous, the cold voice of the poison robe rang out instantly.

"Aren't you using the same method?"

"In the eyes of the old man, your methods are even more unbearable..."

The words of the poison robe had just sounded, and had been drowned out by the sky-shaking roar.

Several flames roamed the dragon, winding and rushing, all the poison was washed away.

The black energy that was originally astonishingly strong and poisonous was dissipated at this moment, and most of it dissipated in an instant.

The flame swims around the dragon, exuding six colors of light.

Between the little purple awns, the temperature of the flame is terrifying, as if everything is burning.

During the wandering, it was as violent as a volcanic eruption, as fast as a meteor falling, and even with boiling madness.

In the little green light, his body wandered, like life is nothingness, devouring everything.

Several flames swim dragons, colliding and winding; wherever they pass, the ferocious poisonous insects are either burned into nothingness, or turned into corpses, or frozen under the flames, and then turned into ashes.

High temperature, violent, rapid, boiling, freezing, extinction...

The six-color light keeps flowing.

Under the six earth-shaking effects, it is like reincarnation, born of dying.

Just a few breathing rooms.

Tens of thousands of ferocious and poisonous insects, as well as the virulent poison that filled the world, disappeared under several roaming dragons.

The whole world has returned to normal.

The whole world, the fire blazed into the sky. ‘

There are only six wild and fierce wandering dragons, soaring in the sky, in their proud heads and indifferent eyes, they seem to look down on the common people, looking down at the world.

Six pairs of big eyes, staring straight at the same figure...poisonous robe.

The poison robe looked at the six wandering dragons high in the sky, and a strange color flashed in Yinzhe's eyes for the first time.

He even felt that the six wandering dragons in the sky were six fierce beasts that actually existed, and they wanted to swallow him up.

A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of the mouth of the poison robe.

This is also his first injury.

"You are defeated." Xiao Yi's eyes were indifferent, "Damn it too."

Under the fusion of the six flames, there is this six-color flame circle.

The huge vitality in the body, under its own reincarnation, can explode even more amazing power; its effect even exceeds the eruption of the existence of the ‘iceberg and sea of ​​fire’.

In this state, he is enough to be invincible at the 9998 Dao peerless level, crushing all 9998 Dao peerless powerhouses, including the poison robe.

The surrounding poisonous insects and highly poisonous have long since disappeared.

Poison robe, blood spilling from his mouth, standing high in the air.

The poison robe, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked straight at Xiao Yi with his eyes.

"The old man still has that problem, my Evil Monarch Mansion, when did you offend Zi Yan Yi Xiao?"

Xiao Yi frowned upon hearing this.

He knew that the tone of the poison robe was definitely not begging for mercy.

Poison Robe shook his head, "My Evil Monarch Mansion, you have detailed information about Ziyan Yi Xiao, and the level of detail is no less than that of Fengchadian."

"You, Ziyan Yixiao, suddenly rose; from an unknown junior, you have grown into a shocking Zhongyu, a hot evildoer."

"In your information record, you have no relatives and no reason, you are alone."

"No one knows where you come from, and no one knows what's behind you."

"I only know that you act decisively and vigorously, and you are quite famous in the three halls of the Hunting Demon Hall, the Flame Hall, and the Yaozun Hall."

"You even have a 100% mission rate. Wherever you go, there is no grass, and none of the monsters or the wanted can escape in your hands."

"Actually, a arrogant man like you, my Evil Monarch Mansion, was originally very interested..."

The words of the poison robe suddenly paused.

"It's a pity, now, that interest is gone."

The eyes of the poison robe suddenly became cold.

On the forehead, the small two-finger long and wide scar suddenly cracked.

A small red thing suddenly stretched out its small claws and crawled out slowly.

To be more serious, it is a spider...

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, and after waiting to see the appearance of what was crawling out, his body trembled suddenly.

That was the first time he was shaking like this.


Second more.

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