Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1608: One of the ten wild beasts, the wild shadow spider

Xiao Yi stared at the forehead of the poison robe.

That tiny thing was obviously a red spider.

The claws of the red spider, clutching the poison robe between the forehead, slowly came out.

The first thing that was exposed was the tiny head with a pair of thin fleshy wings inserted above the head.

Until the whole red spider crawls out...

Xiao Yi completely recognized and completely determined what this monster beast was.

Red spiders have seven legs, four on the left and three on the right.

Poison robe, talking slowly.

"Originally, with your enchanting capital, and that extraordinary method."

"My Evil Monarch Mansion, even if I pay a high price, I am willing to invite you into his command."

"But now, that interest is gone, and I have changed my mind."

"The amazing killing intent in your eyes means that you will only be the enemy of our Evil Monarch Mansion, and you can only die."

The words of the poison robe fell.

The red spider in the forehead had fangs bursting out, and bit the poisonous robe in the forehead.

The face of the poison robe suddenly twisted and suddenly became unbearable.

It seemed to be a terrible torture.

The dark face of the poison robe was full of pain.

"Ah..." The poison robe even let out a few roars.

In the roar, the red spider suddenly submerged in the skin of the poison robe again.

The body of the poison robe changed abruptly under his painful expression.

Behind, Qijiao was born suddenly.

Those are seven huge spider legs, also four on the left and three on the right.

In the double rooms of the poison robe, a pair of wings that are as thin as a cicada, but huge.

The poison robe has become a monster.

The pain on his face is still intense.

"In fact, the old man, it hasn't been a long time to kill someone like this." The poison robe gritted his teeth.

"The old man still remembers that the only one who can survive in my state is the legend."

Yes, in the record of poison robe, he escaped safely in the hands of a legendary powerhouse.

But outside of this time, he has almost no defeat.

Xiao Yi's eyes shrank suddenly.

He already recognized what the scarlet spider was.

"One of the ten wild beasts, the Wild Shadow Spider, it turns out that this is your martial soul."

Xiao Yi's tone was extremely solemn.

He finally understood why the methods of the poison robe were so amazing.

Why are those spider silks so powerful that even the mighty flames in the world can't do it easily.

This is the ability of the Wild Shadow Spider.

Desolate Shadow Spider, there is no name that is too domineering or too amazing.

But the three words Huangying Spider are enough to represent everything.

The ten wild beasts are the most primitive ten monster beasts that were born when the heaven and earth were born and when the wild was born.

Except for the legendary Yanlong, the ten wild beasts, almost above all monsters, none of them.

These ten monsters that were born first in the world are almost the most perfect monsters in the world.

Yes, the most perfect, but only almost.

Because they are always under the rules of heaven and earth, there is a trace of imperfection.

Like the Wild Shadow Spider, it has only seven legs, four from the left, three from the right, and one leg is missing.

According to the rumors, Yanlong's eight dragon flames breathed out, and the ten wild beasts were extinct.

For thousands of years, there have been no such monsters.

Of course, these are the oldest deeds in the mainland.

The Yanlong Continent has left countless appalling deeds for thousands of years.

Whether it is true or false, no one knows.

This continent has existed for countless times, and it is also countless secrets.

In the Demon Hunting Palace, there is no detailed information on the Ten Wild Animals.

Some are just a few portraits recorded in the ancient archives.

Xiao Yi couldn't believe it when he first saw the red spider in the forehead of the poison robe.

It wasn't until this scarlet spider actually appeared that Xiao Yi completely remembered it.

No wonder the Poison Robe's methods are so amazing and the strength is so powerful, even 9998 peerless, they dare to assassinate the legendary figure, and finally escape safely.

"As expected of the genius demon hunter in the Demon Hunting Palace, he can recognize the Wild Shadow Spider, Jie Jie." The poison robe Jie Jie sneered.

Until this time, the poison robe showed a sneer.

Before, he was just like a fierce warrior, his face and tone were all normal.

Until this moment, the piercing and stinging sound of jealousy had just told everyone that he was an evil cultivator.

However, his phrase "Genius Demon Hunter" is more like a satire.

Because, to be able to awaken the spirit of one of the ten wild beasts, his talent is definitely the best in the world.

No, compared with him, I am afraid that he is the chief of the Five University Palace.

Mo You, who got the origin of the sword emperor, awakened the most perfect martial soul for the second time, was comparable to him.

When it comes to the beast spirit, the spirit of the poison robe is the best in the world.

"Let's do it." Xiao Yi, although frightened, only spit out these three words.

No matter who is in front of him or what martial spirit the person in front of him awakens, he only knows that what is in front of him is an enemy.

As long as it is an enemy, there is a battle.

The most important thing is that he is Xie Xiu, a member of Xie Monarch Mansion.

So, he is already Xiao Yi's target.

If such characters do not die, Xiao Yi's heart will be uneasy.


Poison Robe, no, maybe it should be called a monster.

The figure in the poison robe disappeared instantly.

The seven spider feet behind him are obviously explosive.

Xiao Yi only felt that there was a flower in front of him, a huge spider's foot, had burst through the air.

Spider feet, stout; toes, extreme sharpness.

Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly and hurriedly blasted out a punch.

Under the beast hand, Xiao Yi was not afraid of it.


The tips of the spider's feet and the scales of the beast hand on Xiao Yi's fist instantly touched each other.

In the air, there was a clang.

Next second.


The center where the two touched suddenly burst out with a shocking roar.


Seven feet behind Poison Robe continued to attack.

Xiao Yi's double fists are also continuous fists, constantly blasting.

Every time the two collide, there is almost a huge roar.

The violent roar, in the confrontation between the two, constantly produced.

Around the two, within a hundred miles, they turned into dusty powder under the prestige.


Suddenly, seven spider legs were extremely flexible, one passed through the layers of Xiao Yi's fist shadow, and instantly penetrated Xiao Yi's lower abdomen.

But because of this, Xiao Yi blasted out a punch and slammed heavily on the door of the poison robe.


Xiao Yi was directly bombarded for a hundred meters; along the way, a huge crack was wiped out on the ground.

There was blood flowing in the lower abdomen.

Xiao Yi is not afraid of those highly poisonous.

The Jin Yan torch inside his body quickly repaired his injuries.

The poison robe was also blasted a hundred meters away. Along the way, seven spider feet cut seven bottomless cracks on the ground.

Above the door of the poison robe, there was a trace of scorched flames, blood overflowing.


Xiao Yi's figure moved again in an instant.

The figure in the poison robe also moved again.

The two are in instant contact.

Sneer...A spider foot penetrated Xiao Yi's shoulder blade in an instant.

But under the impact of Xiao Yi's flame burst, he instantly pressed the monster.

Punch... Boom...

The head of the poison robe plunged directly into the ground.

Punch... Boom...

Thousands of meters of ground instantly cracked and turned into dust.

Punch... Boom...

A spider's foot was distorted by the shock of life.


At the same time, another spider foot penetrated Xiao Yi's other shoulder blade.

Xiao Yi, seemingly unconscious of pain, fisted again.

The mask concealed his face.

But those eyes showed that he was already crazy.


The penetration of the spider's feet made him dripping with blood, as if he had become a blood man.

But his fist didn't stop for a moment.

With a roar, the five spider feet of the poison robe were all smashed and twisted.

Blood was constantly overflowing from the mouth of the poison robe, which was obviously seriously injured.

A bone, I'm afraid it will be smashed to pieces.

"Lunatic." The poison robe gritted his teeth and spit out two words.

In Xiao Yi's eyes, only ferocious remained.

"You don't die, I'm upset."


The fist continued to drop.


Third more.

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