Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1660: Sandian Commander

The two main hall masters watched the movement in the picture, and their faces became more shocked.

Xiao Yi looked at the picture with a shock in his heart.

Looking back in time, he had heard of this method, but it was the first time I saw him.

Moreover, looking at the scene in front of him, the main hall master of the Hunting Demon Palace moved the palm of his hand to control the speed, freeze, etc. of the picture at will.

To put it more simply, the backtracking, flow, and freeze of time are all within his thoughts.

You know, even those who have a deep cultivation base can only look back in time, and then go back fast and slow.

But in the hands of the main hall master, it is fast or slow, and even freezes at will, the whole time is back like an arm, and the control is incisive.

The head of the Demon Hunting Palace is indeed a legend in the world, really powerful.

Of course, Xiao Yi was also lucky.

He has always been cautious, even if he enters the retreat room of the Eight Halls, such an absolutely safe place, he always lays down barriers first.

But now it seems that in front of those true legends, especially the current legends like the Lord of the Three Halls, his barriers are just a joke.

Fortunately, he was very cautious and did not relax and take off his mask.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome at this time.

A few minutes later.

The head of the Demon Hunting Palace waved his hand, dispelling the illusory picture.

At this time, the three main hall masters looked at Xiao Yi at the same time.

In the three pairs of old eyes, hot eyes burst out at the same time.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, his heart a little hairy.

The more contact with these master hall masters, the more shocked Xiao Yi was at their methods.

The feeling of being stared at by such three current legends, I am afraid that those who are waiting for a moment will directly be unable to bear it.

However, Xiao Yi was also puzzled at the same time.

The three main hall masters, what is going on with such changes in expression?

Taking 10,000 steps back, those three rewards belong to him. Whether he refines the light or absorbs the light is also his business.

The three masters, what are they nervous about?

It doesn't matter if he really absorbs it, or if he doesn't absorb it, he just lied or talked casually. This is all his business.

The three main hall masters, there is no need to intervene.

Xiao Yi felt more and more bad in his heart.

He didn't know what the three main hall masters had chatted in the hall before.

But he seems to have some guesses.

At this time, the three main hall masters just stared at Xiao Yi and didn't say anything.

But their faces were filled with surprise without hesitation.

In fact, it's no wonder they were so surprised before, and even directly concluded that Xiao Yi was lying.

A few hours ago, they saw Xiao Yi for the first time, and then sent Xiao Yi to the retreat room.

But a few hours later, Xiao Yi returned.

What is this concept?

Their discussions in the hall hadn't ended yet, Xiao Yi had already ended the retreat and reappeared.

The three main hall masters gathered together, naturally there were many things to discuss.

Originally, they planned to return to the main hall after the discussion.

After waiting a few days, or even longer, it is not too late to come back to the main hall of the Demon Hunting Palace and wait for Xiao Yi to leave the pass.

But now, just a few hours, and their discussions have not ended yet, Xiao Yi has already left the customs?

Others retreat, which is not for half a month, months, or even longer.

No matter how terrifying Tianjiao enchanting evildoer, he still stays in seclusion for a few days.

Now, it just ends in a few hours?

No wonder the three masters were so surprised, and even directly concluded that Xiao Yi was lying.

"Um." At this time, Xiao Yi still broke the silence first.

"The three main hall masters, I don't know why Yi is here?"

"Naturally, something is going on." The head of the Hunting Demon Palace smiled admiringly.

"Haha." The head of the Yaozun Palace smiled.

The head of the Yandian Temple nodded gently and cheerfully.

"Boy, come back to the Yandian with me. Within a few years, I promise you can step into the legend with the fire control."

"Hey." The master of the Yaozun Palace waved his hand, "Follow me back to the Yaozun Hall first. Within three years, I promise you to become the youngest legendary alchemist in the mainland.

Legendary fire fighter?

Legendary Alchemist?

The master of the Demon Hunting Palace glanced at the two of them, "Did you two forget, this is the master hall of the Demon Hunting Palace?"

Xiao Yi frowned and said in a deep voice, "The three main hall masters, call Yimou, if you have something, you might as well speak up."

The head of the Demon Hunting Palace took a step forward and said, "Have you heard of the tomb of the ancient emperor?"

"I know." Xiao Yi nodded, "The tomb of the ancient emperor is one of the most grand events in the mainland."

"Calculating the time, it will start in about two months."

Although I don't know what the Chief Palace Master asked this for, Xiao Yi answered truthfully.

"Yeah." The head of the Hunting Demon Hall nodded, took out a token, and said, "This is the token of my Hunting Demon Hall."

"If you hold it, you will be considered to have a place in our Demon Hunting Palace."

"Two months later, go to the tomb of the ancient emperor with the token to participate in the event."

"Also..." The head of the Yaozun Hall planned to interrupt.

The head of the Demon Hunting Hall glanced, smiled, and said, "Also, the places for Yaozun Hall and Yan Hall are also given to you."

"You already have the identity of the Three Halls, and now you represent the Three Halls to participate in the opening of the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"This..." Xiao Yi frowned.

"This is the task that the main hall master gave me?"

The main hall master said before that he didn't have to rush to go, first go to retreat, and then there will be a task for him.

Is it about the opening of the tomb of the ancient emperor?

However, he was going to represent the Shura Temple, how could he take up this task again?

"Shu Yimou refused." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"I am not interested in the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"The main hall master should know that Yi Mou is more willing to kill Xie Xiu or kill monsters."

It is impossible to represent the Sandian to participate in the grand event of the tomb of the ancient emperor.

As for the excuse, it is a good one now.

To the demon hunter, the demon hunting is a bounden duty.

Xiao Yi used this excuse and should be able to quit this task.

The head of the Demon Hunting Hall heard the words, but didn't mind, instead he nodded and smiled.

"good very good."

"In the tomb of the ancient emperor, all the heavenly arrogances and evildoers flock to them, trying to gain the inheritance of the treasures inside."

"For each of the places, Gengfang has been arguing and even killing frequently."

"Well, you didn't take this matter to your heart at all; don't be moved by fame and fortune, don't be shaken by vanity, and keep your heart in mind, and would rather kill evil cultivators."

"Very good, very good." The head of the Demon Hunting Palace said two ‘very good’ in a row.

"This kid, the character is really good." The head of the Yandian Palace, for the first time recognized the matter of'xinxing'.

"The matter of the tomb of the ancient emperor, let's stop here." The head of the Demon Hunting Hall smiled.

"Anyway, that's just a cutscene, you can pick up the token first."

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded, took a step forward, and reached out to take the token.

The main hall master is so easy to talk, it is naturally the best.

Although I was a little bit confused about the phrase ‘just go to the scene’, as long as he was not asked to go to the tomb of the ancient emperor on behalf of the Sandian, other things would be easy to talk about.

Unexpectedly, just at this moment, the main hall master smiled and said, "After a few months, when the main hall is ready, you will be ready to come back to participate in the ceremony."

"Ritual?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Yeah." The head of the main hall nodded, "After the ceremony, you will start to contact the affairs of the main hall of the three halls. Our three old guys sharpen you, and then you can officially take over as the head of the main hall."

"Take over as the head of the main hall?" Xiao Yi was taken aback first, then startled.

The hand that had stretched out to the token was quickly withdrawn.


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