Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1661: Shu Yi Mou refused

"doing what?"

The head of the Hunting Demon Palace frowned as he watched Xiao Yi's movements.

"Take over the post of the head of the three halls? Is the head of the hall joking?" Xiao Yi was stunned.

"Presumptuous." The head of the Demon Hunting Hall shouted coldly, "How can there be any jokes about the position of the head of the Three Halls."

"Don't dare." Xiao Yi repeatedly arched his hands.

"Don't dare, don't you take the order soon?" The head of the Hunting Demon Palace had a serious face.

"This..." Xiao Yi glanced at the solemn expression of the main hall master, frowning, but at the same time, his heart burst.

"I don't understand the meaning of the three main hall masters."

"Haha." The head of the Hunting Demon Palace smiled kindly, "What do you mean? What do you mean?"

"Whether it is your mind, temperament, or talent, you are good enough, even exceeding the expectations of the three of us."

"You are a young Tianjiao, and the three of us are the main hall masters."

"What do you mean by us?"

On the side, the head of the Yaozun Hall smiled, "Boy, take the token."

"The meaning of the three of us is naturally that you will be appointed as the successor and will take over the third hall in the future."

"Forgive me to refuse." Xiao Yi put down his hand, straightened his body, and shook his head.

"Asshole, what are you rejecting?" The head of the Yandian Palace, stood up against the case, showing an angry expression.

Xiao Yi frowned.

The head of the Demon Hunting Hall waved his hand, stopped the words of the head of the Yandian Hall, and then looked directly at Xiao Yi.

"Yi Xiao, but things are too sudden, you are not mentally prepared?"

"You don't have to worry, even if the three of us decide you now, we still need to hold a ceremony, then sharpen and so on."

"Wait for you to take over, at least half a year later."

"First take the token."

Xiao Yi frowned, did not take the order, but asked, "Dare to ask the main hall master, this main hall token, but only the successor of the main hall master can take it?"

"Of course." The head of the Hunting Demon Palace nodded.

"There are only two tokens of the main hall."

"One, on the main hall master; one, as a deputy order, only the successor of the main hall master can carry it."

"The person holding the deputy order has authority, even above the top ten hall masters, second only to the main hall master."

"So only the successor can take the order. This is the iron rule of the Eight Temples."

The main hall master carefully explained, of course, he also told Xiao Yi the benefits of taking orders.

When Xiao Yi heard the words, he remembered something in his heart, and was shocked again, but still did not take the order.

"The three main hall masters are so kind, and they are leading in the heart." Xiao Yi saluted the three.

"What do you mean, you want to refuse to take over as the head of the Three Halls?" The head of the Hunting Demon Palace narrowed his eyes.

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded affirmatively.

"Can you tell the old man the reason?" the head of the Hunting Demon Palace asked.

"No reason, just don't want to." Xiao Yi shook his head.

Xiao Yi wasn't interested in the position of the chief palace master.

Being in a high position is more troublesome.

Moreover, his true identity is a warrior in the Asura Hall and Fengsha Hall.

The eight ancient palaces have long since fallen apart, each forming an alliance.

In the respective alliances, warriors are also prohibited from joining at the same time.

If anyone dared to violate it, it would be a capital crime.

Today, Yi Xiao's identity is just a deputy hall master, and it's just a small matter.

If you are the successor of the Three Halls, if you reveal your identity in the future, I am afraid that these three main hall masters will not be able to spare him.

Anyway, he was not interested in the position of the chief palace master.

Now, of course, I just refused.

"The old man doesn't believe you will have no reason." The tone of the head of the Hunting Demon Palace has become extremely heavy.

"But do you have any unspeakable concealment, or is there any trouble behind it?"

The head of the Yaozun Hall also said solemnly, "Boy, you might as well speak up if you have something."

"The three of me are willing to recognize you as their successor, and trust you."

"No matter what trouble you have behind your back, the three of me will solve it for you."

"There is no trouble, and there is no unspeakable concealment." Xiao Yi shook his head and looked at the head of the Demon Hunting Palace.

These three main hall masters, especially the main hall master of the Hunting Demon Palace, are by no means an ordinary generation.

Xiao Yi no longer intends to make other excuses.

He knew very well that the head of the Hunting Demon Palace must also be astonishing.

There is no way to hide ordinary excuses.

Then, we can only...

"Instead of taking over as the master of the three halls, I will handle affairs in the main hall all day long."

"Yi is more willing to walk outside, slay monsters, and kill Xie Xiu." Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

The head of the Demon Hunting Hall said in a deep voice, "Even if you become the head of the Hall, you can still walk outside, slay monsters, and kill Xie Xiu."

"Unwilling is unwilling." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"If the three main hall masters have nothing else to do, Yi Mou will leave."

After that, Xiao Yi bowed, turned and left.

In fact, he had some guesses before.

And what he fears the most, and also the most worried, is this.

Instead of entangled here, it is better to leave soon.

The more the entanglement continued, Xiao Yi was afraid of any accidents.

"Stop." Yandian's main hall master, once again slapped the case.

"Asshole thing, do you think this is where you want to come and go whenever you want?"

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered, "Speaking of arrogance, I can't hold Yimou in a small palace."

"The sky is big and the earth is big, you can leave as long as you want, you still can't control it."

"Bastard thing." The head of the Yan Palace, instantly furious.

The head of the Yandian Palace disappeared instantly.

Xiao Yi only noticed that his eyes flashed, his chest hurt, and he was blasted out of the door.


After Xiao Yi was blasted into the air, he didn't even have a chance to stand still, and he lay directly on the ground, spouting blood.

"Old Yan, you..." The other two chief hall masters frowned.

The head of the Yandian Palace still showed anger on his face, "This kid is so defiant, arrogant and domineering. If he doesn't teach him a lesson, he will not know how rampant he is in the future."

The sudden roar outside the hall immediately attracted the surrounding warriors from the Demon Hunting Palace.

"The main hall master, this..." The main hall master and deputy hall masters all around, all showed doubts.

Most of the doubtful eyes looked at Xiao Yi.

In their impression, the main hall master has always favored Ziyan Yi Xiao, so why did he suddenly start fighting?

"It's nothing." The main hall master waved his hand, "all retreat, it's just that the deputy hall master Yi Xiao discussed with us."

"Yes." The people in the hall surrounded by them immediately retreated.

On the ground, Xiao Yi slowly got up and sneered.

"What made Yimou take over as his successor, haha, it seems just a joke."

"Farewell next."


Suddenly, a force of heaven and earth descended suddenly.

Xiao Yi's movements were immediately imprisoned.

With his current strength, he couldn't even shake the imprisonment.

"Haha." The head of the Hunting Demon Palace smiled, "Boy, when I don't know your thoughts?"

"Go, you can't go."

"If you are locked into Wanyan Space, you will always be softened."


Second more.

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