Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1664: Flame Dragon Imperial Fire

Woman, walk off the cyan Luan bird.

"Don't be polite."

The soft voice came out slowly.

Bai Ze's arm stretched out a little from the cuff, and he gently made a movement of ‘raising his hand’.

Between the white and tender palms, the slender fingers, even if only a little glimpse, has made people dazzled for a while.

It is not difficult to imagine that the owner of the arm must be a peerless beauty.

Sure enough, looking up from the palm of his hand, it was a beautiful face.

I'm afraid that the world's men can hardly extricate themselves with just one glance, and can hardly forget this face every night.

On the face, in the delicate and beautiful face, there was a little softness and pleasantness.

It's just that the grace and nobleness of the woman's gestures, and the indifference of her nobility that she is like thousands of miles away, all tell outsiders that this woman's identity is extremely noble.

Especially on the gorgeous robe, the white moon pattern is to reflect the nobleness of this woman to the extreme.

"Your Excellency, the Great Elder of Xiadonglijian Palace." The old man arched his hands.

"Yeah." The woman nodded and asked lightly, "How long is that competition?"

The woman's voice is very light and very low.

Although not deliberately cold words, but for some reason, it is enough to make people's hearts tremble.

The old man bowed his hands and said respectfully, "Calculating the time, the competition of the major forces will begin in half a month."

"After that, one more month will be the opening of the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"We left the sword palace and learned that the Holy Woman had come in person. We had already arranged everything."

"Your Honor, just wait for the tomb of the ancient emperor to open with peace of mind."

"Yeah." The woman nodded lightly.

The old man said respectfully, "In the palace, we have arranged a place to stay for Her Excellency, please here."

The old man, stepped forward and made a ‘please’ gesture.

It's just that the footsteps just moved.

"Tweet" a clear but ethereal chirp sounded instantly.

On the old man, the cold and white fire suddenly mastered.

"Ah." The old man screamed in an instant.

"Huanyue, don't be rude." The woman glanced at Xuanyue Tianluan and let out a soft beating.

The cold white flame on the old man dissipated instantly.

It's just that the old man at this moment, in this short moment, has been burned torn with his clothes and beard black, so embarrassed.

"Elder Sword Palace, is there a serious problem?" the woman asked softly.

" problem." The old man waved his hand again and again, "My Excellency Saint, please here."

The old man quickly led the way, but he didn't dare to approach the woman within five steps.

Around, the rest of the sword palace elders stood on the spot, watching the woman and the group leave, their eyes filled with respect and awe.


Outside the hunting demon area.

A flame hurried across the sky.

Counting it all, the journey from the Demon Hunting area to the Far East is not close.

A few days ago, he was closer to the Liulong region.

After all, he had been going east all the way before, and the Hengyuan area, Huoya area, etc. that he passed through were all areas in the east.

Especially after he reached the Liulong region, which area was already the center of the eastern area.

Therefore, if you rush from the Liulong region to the Far East, the journey is much closer.

But now, he was led by Moxibustion from the Liulong region to the Demon Hunting region.

That is to say, he is now going back to the original road.

However, Moxibustion is a character who has stepped into the realm of legend, and his speed is nowhere comparable.

Even if his speed is full, it is still much slower than moxibustion.

Moreover, after all, he couldn't have condensed the five-color circle all the time, and sacrificed the beast claws to increase his speed.

Therefore, he is afraid that moxibustion will take seven or eight days to travel for a day and a half.

Counting from the Liulong region to the Far East, half a month should be about the same, and it is still more than relaxed.

If it is more compact, he will fly at full speed every second, and it is estimated that he will be able to arrive in about twelve or three days.

"Time is enough." Xiao Yi nodded.


Five days later.

Xiao Yi had already flown far away from the demon hunting area, and almost returned to the vicinity of Hengyuan area.

He predicted that there would still be one or two days left, so he was not in a hurry.


Ahead, three figures rose from the sky, blocking their way instantly.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned and stopped.

"The three are?"

The three are three young people.

The man in the middle, in a strong suit, did not speak, but shot instantly.

The movements are clean and tidy, and they are extremely powerful.

Xiao Yi's flame condensed, covering his hands, gently blocking.

Snap... a loud sound.

The fast punch from the young man with strong outfit was instantly blocked.

But this young man obviously had a good fighting skill. The moment he received a punch, he turned over and swept out a heavy leg in the air.

Heavy legs, swift and fierce, came straight towards Xiao Yi's head.

Xiao Yi took a step back slightly, moved his head back, and easily escaped.

The fists of young people followed one after another.

A punch and a kick, seemingly common, but fluent and connected.

In just a few seconds, Xiao Yi was actually forced to retreat ten steps.

Between the young man's fists and feet, relying solely on his palms and legs, he actually sealed off all areas of Xiao Yi except behind.


At this moment, the flames in Xiao Yi's hand condensed more fiercely, and under his arm, he shook the young man back several steps.

"Oh? Six elephant diamond palms and Liuyun Hexuan legs. You are from the Demon Hunting Palace."

Xiao Yi looked directly at the young man in front of him.


Suddenly, a firelight burst into the sky.

Xiao Yi frowned, moved his fingertips lightly, and then uttered a low voice, "Disperse."

The fire that struck, dissipated instantly.

In the flames, a bald young man's face was startled, "Suppress and dissipate my flame in an instant?"

"Huh, it's not over yet."

The bald young man gave a cold snort.

Roar... roar... roar...

Several flames roamed the dragons, roaring in the sky, and then came violently.

A fiery blade blasted out of Xiao Yi's hand.

The blade of fire is like a broken bamboo.

Almost the moment the Fire Blade flashed past, several flames wandered around the dragon and were split apart.

"Yanlong Yuhuoshu? Are you from Yandian?"

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the bald young man in the distance.

Yanlong fire fighting technique, but Yandian does not teach it.

Rumor has it that this technique was created by one of the strongest fire fighters when the Ancient Flame Palace was founded.

At that time, this exercise was already famous in the mainland, ranking first in the Yandian.

This is the Yanlong Continent, and as the first technique of the Yandian, the strongest fire fighter was named after the word'Yanlong'.

So far, after tens of thousands of years, there is still no fire attribute technique that can compare to the Yanlong Fire Control Technique.

Therefore, the Yanlong Royal Fire technique is only available in the Yandian main hall, and even the waiting master hall masters in the main hall may not have the authority to read it.

The importance of this technique is even higher than that of the ancient flame halls such as the Huo Crow Array.

"Are you from the Yandian Main Hall?" Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the bald young man.


Second more.

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