Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1665: Yaozi, Hua Ruo Lian

Three young people.

The one standing in the middle was dressed in a strong suit, and his face was full of jealousy.

The person on the left is the bald young man with a slightly burly body and his face full of anger.

And the one on the right is a young man in a gorgeous black robe, with a handsome face and a handsome young man.

However, this person's face is also full of arrogance.

"Are you Ziyan Yi Xiao?"

The one in the middle opened his mouth first.

Xiao Yi nodded, "You are?"

"The first cloud."

"Eldest Sun Chilie."

The young man with strong outfit, and the bald young man, replied arrogantly.

The young man in the gorgeous black robe smiled faintly, "If you have heard the names of both of them, you should also know the names of this young man."

Xiao Yi glanced at the black-robed young man and nodded.

These three reported their names, but he recognized the identities of these three.

The first cloud is that young man in strong costume, the deputy head of the Demon Hunting Palace.

The name of First Cloud, looking at Zhongyu, is afraid that few people don't know it.

A well-known young Tianjiao in the Hunting Demon Palace, and also the kind of peerless evildoer who, like Xiao Yi, walks all year round in various dangerous places, with a task completion rate of 100%.

At the same time, he also set the record of being the first to enter the main hall and obtain the title of deputy hall master in the Hunting Demon Palace.

From his fame, to fame, and then to enter the main hall and rank as the deputy head of the hall, it took only 15 years.

This person, who debuted at the age of 11, walked around as a demon hunter.

So far, 26 years old.

The various titles of deacon, chief deacon, and sub-temple master here in the middle domain are extremely difficult to obtain and require a lot of merit.

If it is an ordinary demon hunter, it may be difficult for him to obtain the title of deacon in his entire life.

Even some Tianjiao, within a few decades, would never want to save enough feats to obtain the title above the sub-temple master.

But the first cloud, it goes all the way from the deacon, the chief deacon, the sub-temple master, the ordinary master-temple master, and then enters the master-temple, and then obtains the status of deputy master.

It's almost flat.

Speaking of which, in terms of the speed of hunting monsters alone, Xiao Yi could not match this person.

Comparing with the first Yun obtaining these titles step by step, Xiao Yi had directly passed the following titles from the title of the head of the branch hall and directly obtained the title of the deputy head of the main hall.

Naturally, only talking about the hunting of monsters, Xiao Yi is also ashamed.

When there were other regions in Fangcun City, Xiao Yi had personally experienced how difficult it was to obtain a title.

As for the grandson Chilie, it was the bald young man, the deputy head of the Yandian Hall.

Its reputation is no less than the first cloud.

Then, the identity of the third person, the gorgeous black-robed young man, is already ready to be revealed.

"Hua Ruo Lian." Xiao Yi looked at the gorgeous black robe young man.

"The first person in the Yaozun Hall of the younger generation, Master Yao, Hua Ruo Lian."

The first cloud, Changsun Chilie, Hua Ruo Lian.

Once upon a time, these three people were once hailed as the most promising to take over the posts of the next head of the Hall of Hunting Demon, Hall of Flame, and Hall of Medicine.

"Oh, you have some eyesight." The gorgeous black robe young man, Hua Ruopian, sneered.

Xiao Yi flicked his arm, dissipating the flame on his arm.

In fact, after recognizing the identities of these three people, he already knew the purpose of the three.

Therefore, he was too lazy to fight.


First Yun took a step forward and asked in a cold voice, "Yi Xiao, I heard that the main hall master gave you all the tokens of the three halls main hall."

"Even the quota for participating in the tomb of the ancient emperor is also given to you."

"Not bad." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Huh." Changsun Chilie coldly snorted, "Yi Xiao, you always want everything in the Three Halls? You have such a big appetite."

Hua Ruo Lian sneered, "Think of me Hua Ruo Lian, and ask myself, among the evil evildoers, who can compare with me, but Fan Ji."

"Buddhism, refining medicine together, are both unique."

"But even so, I dare not covet the identity of the successor to the Three Halls at the same time."

"Tsk tsk, Zi Yan Yi Xiao, how arrogant are you?"

Xiao Yi shrugged, "I am not interested in arguing with you, I have to hurry."

"The three of you came here to stop me. To put it bluntly, it is for the Three Halls General Order."

"Three broken tokens, if you want, I will give it to you."

Yes, in Xiao Yi's eyes, that was just three broken tokens.

Throw it out earlier and skim the trouble earlier.

He was still thinking about how to solve this trouble in the future.

It's okay now, these three guys came together and threw the token to solve the trouble.

Unexpectedly, when the three of them heard the words, their faces were indeed furious.

"Well, you Ziyan Yi Xiao, it's as arrogant as the rumors are."

"You know that since the three main hall masters gave you the main hall token, outsiders can't take it, and it's a capital crime to take it."

"Still pretending and pretending?"

"Broken token?" Changsun Chilie gritted his teeth.

"If you really break the token, why should you please the three main hall masters at the same time?"

"Hmph, since the main hall of the Demon Hunting Hall returned to the Hall of Flames, the main hall master has praised and praised them all day long."


In Xiao Yi's eyes, that was three broken tokens.

But such words, heard in the ears of Changsun Chilie and others, are tantamount to Xiao Yi's naked humiliation.

What that means is that the things that you three regard as treasures and can't ask for are in my Yi Xiao's eyes, but if they are broken, they are at your fingertips.

"Go ahead." Changsun Chilie yelled coldly.

"I will prove it to the Chief Hall Master that you, Yi Xiao, are far inferior to my eldest grandson Chilie."

Xiao Yi frowned, "I'll just say it once, Yi has no time to waste you."

"Token, you want it, don't, then get out of it."

"It's a big tone." Changsun Chilie shot instantly.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, "Yi's road is not so easy to stop."


A flame burst from Xiao Yi's hands.

"Peerless 9991 Dao." Xiao Yi saw Changsun Chilie's cultivation at a glance.

This level of cultivation is already quite remarkable.

Take Gu Feifei, who he met a few months ago, as the chief of the Tianzang Academy, the first arrogant one is nothing but martial arts power.

It is conceivable that the talents of the trio of Sun Chilie are really amazing.

However, since these three people wanted to block the way, Xiao Yi would not be polite with them.

Changsun Chilie, a punch came.

Fist out, the sea of ​​fire, breaking through the air.

But in a blink of an eye, Xiao Yi has been surrounded by a sea of ​​fire.

"Burn Lianhai, eat." Changsun Chilie put out his hands together and shouted violently.

The moment the voice fell, the sea of ​​flames suddenly went violently, and then it completely swallowed Xiao Yi inside.

"Huh?" Only a second later, Changsun Chilie frowned.

As a fire control warrior, he naturally knows the situation within the flames he controls.

Within the monstrous sea of ​​flames, the flames boiled violently, but the flames were all frozen before they approached Xiao Yi a few meters.

In the sea of ​​fire, an indifferent word slowly spread.

"Yanlong fire fighting technique, really powerful."

"But you are too weak."


Seeing no action by Xiao Yi, the fire dissipated instantly.


Third more.

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