Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1701: Eight Temples Wanted

9,500 Dao, the reason is the martial arts power.

It is because of the great power of martial arts, one of the realms of cultivation.

In addition, it is because controlling 9,500 complete martial arts, which is equivalent to the extremely high level of martial arts.

Compared with ordinary martial artists, this is already a knowledgeable existence of martial arts, so it is called great power.

The martial arts power, in fact, already has the qualifications to start a school.

Although it can't reach the level of the five university palaces.

However, some ordinary academies and sects are enough to be established, and they have the ability to teach ordinary Tianjiao.

This is the power of martial arts.


Ziyan fire wings flicked, Xiao Yi Yukong flew away.

Leaving the place, hundreds of thousands of miles away, Xiao Yi stopped again.

Finding an old forest deep in the mountains, Xiao Yi hit the barrier.

Afterwards, he took off the ghost mask and got out of his outfit.

Changed back to a male costume.

Yes, next, he will walk with his true identity as Xiao Yi.

As a result, the main hall masters of the Hunting Demon Hall and the third hall were so "calculating," he really couldn't figure out how to deal with it.

However, this does not mean that he is helpless.

No matter what the three main hall masters did, he could not refuse the successor of the three halls.

But, if you can't find his person, what can you do?

The ghost mask was taken off, and he changed back to a young man's suit to restore Xiao Yi's identity.

Under the world, who can find him?

Nowadays, no matter how prosperous the three main hall masters are, they favor him.

However, as long as he does not go back to take over for a day, the matter is not serious.

Even if his identity is revealed in the future, he will eventually be the post of the deputy head of the three halls.

Such consequences are not too serious.

The Eight Palaces, after all, are strict rules, all iron rules have not changed for thousands of years.

And the rule after that is that warriors are not allowed to join the alliance of each ancient temple at the same time.

Therefore, Xiao Yi would not be so stupid to return to the main hall of the Demon Hunting Palace.

If he really couldn't find a way to deal with it afterwards, he had a big deal with Xiao Yi's identity and went to the three main hall masters to explain clearly.

It's better than being chased by Sandian.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

Of course, these are all things after, and what is more important now is the tomb of the ancient emperor.

He changed back to Xiao Yi's identity, and secondly, he wanted to fulfill the lie that he had told in front of the main hall of Shura that day.

Therefore, to go to the tomb of the ancient emperor, he can only go with his true identity as Xiao Yi.


Xiao Yi sacrificed the purple electric sword and flew directly with the sword.

His kendo strength is now far inferior to the strength of the fire control team.

Therefore, the flight speed should be far inferior.

However, the Purple Lightning Sword is a high-grade pinnacle holy artifact, with a tremendous increase.

Therefore, his current flying sword is also extremely fast, although it is not as fast as the Purple Flame Fire Wing, it is not much slower.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yi left the extreme east and spanned several regions.

Then, it fell in a relatively large and prosperous area nearby.

For more than half a year, he has been acting as Yi Xiao, and hasn't appeared in his true identity for a long time.

Therefore, he has to go to Fengchadian to see if there is any information or incidents happening recently.

The domain is too big.

A martial artist, if there is not enough information, is really deaf and blind.

Xiao Yi directly fell under the main hall of this area.

Entering the main hall of the Fengsha Temple, Xiao Yi took out the token and prepared to go to the file room to read some information.

With his current authority, with the exception of the main hall, the main halls of the central regions, he can look up information at will.

However, the file is indoor.

He has just begun to check information.

An old man came in a hurry.

"Vice Hall Master Xiao Yi, you can be considered as showing up." The old man saw Xiao Yi and after confirming Xiao Yi's face, he breathed a sigh of relief, then his face was overjoyed.

"Are you?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"Oh." The old man said, arching his hands, "The old man is the person in charge of this wind brake hall."

"Although it is the position of the main hall master, but you are the deputy hall master of the main hall, so you and I are equal."

"Are you looking for me?" Xiao Yi nodded, then asked.

The main hall master rushed to find him, thinking that something was going on.

"Yes." The old man nodded and said, "Here are two copies of your letter and urgent order from Deputy Hall Master Xiao Yi."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was slightly puzzled.

He is a warrior of Fengchadian and the deputy master of the main hall.

Therefore, if it is a messenger and urgent order about him, it can be found in the main halls and branch halls of the Central Territory to find information to coexist in order to call up these files.

He walked in the Middle Territory, no matter which region he reached, as long as there is a place where there is a wind brake temple, he can find these letters and urgent orders.

Of course, there are iron rules in the wind brake temple. If it is some confidential information, even the person in charge of the wind brake temple has no right to check it.

He needs his own token to retrieve it.

"Is it a secret message?" Xiao Yi asked.

"It should not be." The old man replied, "Send the letter, it's in the dossier room, and Vice Palace Master Xiao Yi can take out the token and call it out."

Xiao Yi nodded, took out the token, and read out two files.

Open the first copy.

Xiao Yi glanced a few times, and his face was dazed.

This is a letter sent by the kid Ye Liu in the main hall of Fengchadian. The content is naturally to find him to Ye Shengfu.

This is just ordinary messaging.

The second copy, on the dossier, is obviously prohibited.

Xiao Yi broke the prohibition, and then, a series of pictures appeared out of thin air.

In the picture, the face of Palace Master Chengfeng was anxious and corrupt.

"Boy, no matter you run to the ends of the world, you are limited to rush back to the main hall within one month, otherwise, I will catch you back myself."

Next came a bunch of threatening words of anger.

Xiao Yi curled his lips.

The old man on the side looked straight and smiled.

"I just want to go back to the main hall." Xiao Yi shook his head and put away the file.

"But the time to count this urgent order, one month has passed."

"Where is Palace Master Chengfeng?"

The old man replied, "Vice Hall Master Xiao Yi, the old man is here to tell you that the main hall is looking for you."

"Hall Master Chengfeng, has announced the news of seeking you in the main halls of the Central Region."

"As soon as I see you appear, I will send your information back to the main hall."

"It seems that the general palace is more anxious to find you."

"As for the Master of Chengfeng, he passed by the main hall a few days ago and gave me special instructions."

"Listening to his tone, it seems that he is going to the Far East."

"However, it seemed that there was some other task later, and temporarily changed the direction with the Hengtian Hall Master and left."

"Temporary task? What's the matter?" Xiao Yi asked.

"I don't know about that." The old man shook his head, "However, there should have been information coming back to the main hall here recently."

"I haven't had time to look up all the information. Vice-Hall Master Xiao Yi can check it in the file room."

"Okay, I have work." Xiao Yi bowed his hands.

"You are polite." The old man arched his hands and turned to leave. "If Vice-Hallmaster Xiao Yi has something to order, just come and find the old man."

Xiao Yi nodded and continued to look up the file.

Half an hour later, he roughly checked the events of the past few months.

Later, out of curiosity, he also checked the incident of the two of Palace Master Zha Chengfeng who left temporarily.

"Huh? This dossier was passed back a long time ago?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Open the intelligence and glanced at it.

"Wanted? And the Eight Temple Warriors wanted at the same time?"

Even the Lord Chengfeng and Temple Lord Hengtian left temporarily and joined them?


Third more.

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