Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1702: Kill the palm

Xiao Yi frowned slightly while holding the file information in his hand.

At the same time, he also remembered the words of the main hall master just now.

Palace Master Chengfeng and Palace Master Hengtian, were you going to the Far East before?

As far as he knew, nothing unusual happened in the Far East these days.

The only thing that attracted the attention of the outside world was the competition for quota held in Donglijian Palace.

"Aren't they here to find me?" Xiao Yi was taken aback by his own thoughts.

But think about it, I was in Dongli Sword Palace as Yi Xiao at that time, Moxibustion went to look for him.

Xiao Yi denied this idea.

Afterwards, continue to watch the intelligence.

Eight halls are wanted at the same time, which is not unusual.

The Eight Halls have long since formed an alliance, each in its own right.

The only things that can allow the Eight Palaces to issue a wanted order at the same time are those that are extremely harmful.

Like Xie Xiu, there is no mutual ward among the alliance halls, but they all reached the wanted order by appointment.

Or, it is just some extremely vicious and evil people, and their hands are covered with a lot of blood of the Eight Palaces Warriors, this will make the Eight Palaces all want to order.

This time, even the Master of Chengfeng and the Master of Hengtian were both on the wanted list?

"Huh?" Xiao Yi said suddenly.

According to the intelligence, the wanted is a group of mysterious warriors.

This group of warriors, their origins are unknown, and they are extremely low-key, and there is not much information and information about them in the Fengsha Temple.

And the most amazing thing is that these warriors are all handsome men and beautiful women, and all of them are young, but they are amazingly talented.

It is normal that one or two Tianjiao evildoers gather in a group.

It is unusual to gather with a group of Tianjiao evildoers and act low-key.

Half a month ago, the main hall of Yaozun Hall was the first to be wanted.

The reason is not recorded in detail, but it seems to be because a large number of extremely rare heaven and earth treasures were looted.

Later, the Demon Hunting Palace and Yandian Palace also placed wanted orders one after another.

Ten days ago.

The three halls, including the Black Demon Palace and the Heavenly Ji Palace, have also issued wanted orders one after another.

The law enforcement teams of the six main halls, along with dozens of demon hunting teams, flame division teams, and dark devil teams, who have had a reputation in the Chinese domain, pursued together.

Until three days ago, even the Asura Hall and Fengcha Hall were also wanted.

So far, Badian wanted orders have been issued one after another.

The halls of issuing orders are all the ten main halls, assisted by the common main halls of the Central Region.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly when he saw this, somewhat understanding, but at the same time slightly surprised.

"The six halls are all one of their ten main halls."

"The six halls work together, and with the assistance of countless ordinary main halls in the Central Territory, why can't this group of wanted people be helped?"

Until three days ago, even Shura Hall and Fengcha Hall had joined them.

As we all know, among the Eight Halls, Fengsha Hall has the strongest intelligence ability.

As for the Asura Hall, among the Eight Halls, the martial artist has the strongest ability to walk alone.

In terms of fighting alone, personal ability, the Shura warriors in the Shura Hall are naturally the strongest.

Today, half a day ago, this information was sent back to the main hall nearby.

The wanted person was stopped and surrounded.

This information was sent back to this main hall half a day ago.

The windshield of the wind brake temple has always had the habit and process of organizing information.

Therefore, this information includes information from half a day ago to half a month ago.

Xiao Yi probably understood it too.

"Where are so many Tianjiao evildoers popping up?" Xiao Yi frowned.

If it is those who are famous and strong.

But now, just a group of young Tianjiao has made Liudian Wanted helpless, and it was not until the Eighth Hall wanted order came out that they were stopped and surrounded.

"Somewhat interesting." Xiao Yi put down the file and smiled.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, exiting the main hall of the Fengsha Palace, and flew away directly from the sky.

The records on the intelligence are fairly detailed.

The battle location is not far from here, but it is not close either.

Just go there and see what's going on.

After that, you can return to the main hall of Fengchadian with the master of Chengfeng Hall.

Since Temple Master Chengfeng and Temple Master Hengtian were looking for him in such a hurry, they even sent orders to the branch halls of the main halls of the Central Region. If they want to come, it should be something important.

Just then you can follow these two people back to the main hall to see what happened to him.

After that, you can directly retreat in the main hall for a period of time, and participate in the opening of the tomb of the ancient emperor in the best state.

Anyway, he was going to the tomb of the ancient emperor with his true identity as Xiao Yi.

Thinking like this, Xiao Yi hurried away from the sky.

Stepping on the purple electricity, its speed in the air is amazing.


An hour later.

Xiao Yi flew quickly and almost came to the battle site.

"Huh? Shura locks the sky formation?"

From a distance, Xiao Yi saw that a huge Shura Lock Sky Formation was laid in the distance.

Around, a large group of warriors surrounded.

Looking at the costumes of these warriors, they should be the warriors of the Eight Palaces.

Ten seconds later.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned again.

Flying closer, it is obvious that within the huge Shura lock sky formation, a huge flying sub-sacred vessel is floating in it.

And above this, a figure in white clothes is fighting fiercely.

The figure, a snow-white sword in his hand, with heavy sword light, was actually one's own power, which prevented the siege of the Eight Halls.

"What a great kendo attainment." Xiao Yi was startled.

However, it is difficult to stop the siege after all.

Obviously, you can see that the figure is wearing white clothes, with blood stains.

Fly closer and see more clearly.

Xiao Yi suddenly shrank his pupils.

High in the sky, within Shura's lock sky formation, the figure is graceful and graceful, white clothes wins the snow, although it is slightly downwind, but the sword intent is overwhelming.

As the sword intent wandered, it was shocked, and heavy snow fell.

The thin figure in the snow, one man with one sword, crushed the eight palaces to besiege the martial artist.

Just at this time.

Shura locked the sky outside, a loud shout rang out, "A bunch of trash, so many people can't help but besiege, let me come."

In the voice, killing intent was awe-inspiring.

The shot was a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man, with a palm blast, actually blasted most of the wind and snow.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man took the white clothes and walked away.

"Not good." A clear voice came from the figure.

Obviously, the figure is a woman.


Suddenly, in the distance, there was a shocking explosion.

A flash of purple lightning came through the air.

"Huh? What a terrifying breath, what a fast speed." The middle-aged man was suddenly startled.

"Another strong man?" The white figure had an ugly expression, but looking at the severely wounded figures on the Flying Subsacred Artifact, their eyes became cold.

"Is it true that the sky is going to perish my Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect?" A trace of sorrow flashed across the figure and heart.

The sword in his hand was held very tightly, and a trace of death was flashing across his firm face.

At the same time, the middle-aged man's sharp and murderous palm had already hit.

But... the purple lightning in the distance is obviously faster.


With a loud bang, the purple lightning flashed past, and then disappeared instantly.

A figure steadily fell in front of the white figure.

"Senior Jian Ji." Xiao Yi said in surprise.

At this time, the palm of the middle-aged man was worthy of a fight.

"Huh? The killing palm of the Palace of Heavenly Mystery? Overestimated." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.


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