Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1703: Jin Jue Hyun

"Little Xiao Yi?"

Outside the Shura Locking Heaven Array, the Master of Chengfeng and the Master of Hengtian were in line.

And they obviously recognized Xiao Yi instantly.

Of course, I also saw the middle-aged man banging towards Xiao Yi.

"Asshole, Jin Juexuan, do you dare?" Hengtian Hall master shouted violently.

However, the speed of purple thunder light was faster than his voice.


Just listen to a scoff.

The palm of the middle-aged man was pierced instantly, dripping with blood.

"Get off." Xiao Yi yelled coldly.

The middle-aged man was shaken back 100 meters in an instant.

"Little Xiao Yi?" The figure in white clothes saw Xiao Yi with the same shock.

Xiao Yi smiled and bowed slightly.

He would never admit his mistakes or forget this beautiful face.

Yes, the figure in white clothes is exactly the Sky Splitting Sword Fairy who was originally in the Eastern Region.

However, the smile on Xiao Yi's face disappeared in a flash.

Instead, there was an amazing coldness.

His eyes looked not far away, high in the sky, there was still fighting.

He also knew the figure in the battle.

One is Lin Jin and the other is Ling Yu.

He also knew the other two people who fought with these two.

One is Tong Ye and the other is Qin Yi.

Not far away, on both sides of the battle, they naturally noticed the sudden appearance of purple lightning, as well as a terrorist aura.

"Brother Xiao Yi?"

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi?"

"Xiao Yi?"

It was Lin Jin who called Brother Xiao Yi, and it was Ling Yu who called Brother Xiao Yi.

Those who called "Xiao Yi" were in unison, and it was Tong Ye and Qin Yi.


Lin Jin and Ling Yu flashed over in an instant.

Tong Ye and Qin Yi were about to flash away when they saw that Lin Jin and Lin Jin arrived first, so they frowned and stood still.

"Brother Xiao Yi."

Lin Jin's face was full of surprises, even ecstasy.

It was the joy of reunion after a long absence.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi." Ling Yu shouted with a smile.

Star Shadow Sword Ling Yu, just as he did in the past, is uncommon and personable.

On the contrary, Lin Jin, although his face has not changed much, compared to his previous immaturity, he is now full of determination and calmness.

It's just that the two of them were obviously covered in blood at the moment, and were extremely embarrassed.

"I'll talk about it later." Xiao Yi gave a rare knowing smile.

But the smile appeared for less than a second.

His gaze was on the giant flying sub-sacred vessel below.

There, a group of figures, all wounded.

There, one after another, he knew everyone.

Afterwards, his gaze fixed on the two figures lying on the splint on the ship.


Xiao Yi fell instantly and came to the side of the two figures.

"Flying, Tie Niu."

Xiao Yi's hands quickly played pure and pure vitality.

The two of them, at this moment, are actually like gossamer, with several shocking wounds on their bodies, blood flowing.

Xiao Yi's fingertips easily stopped the blood for the two as Yuan Li wandered.

"It's so yin and cold, is this the Black Demon Hall's Black Demon's chain aura hurt?"

The chain of Xuan Sha is a weapon used by the law enforcement team of the Black Demon Temple.

If you are **** and injured, the wound will be like a maggot attached to the bone, which is extremely difficult to recover.

But for Xiao Yi's medicine refining skills, it was nothing.

"Little Xiao Yi?"

"Brother Xiao Yi?"

It was Qin Feiyang who called the boy, and Tie Niu was the one who called "Brother Xiao Yi" with a simple voice.

The two were seriously injured and fainted.

Seeing Xiao Yi at this moment, the same eyes were overjoyed.

"Don't talk first." Xiao Yi smiled slightly, took out two pills, and took them for them.

"Did they hurt you?" Xiao Yi glanced at the Eight Temple Martial Artists surrounding him and asked easily.

The two nodded.

"Girl Xiyue is here too?" Xiao Yi looked at an embarrassed shadow not far away.

With blood hanging on the corner of Qianying's mouth, she was obviously injured, but it was not serious.

A light flashed in Xiao Yi's hand and he took out a bottle of pill.

"Girl Xiyue will take care of everyone for me first." Xiao Yi said, then his figure flashed and returned to the sky.

At this moment, there is no smile on his face, only a touch of coldness.

At this moment, the middle-aged man who had been blasted back had a gloomy face and looked directly at Xiao Yi.

"Smelly boy, who are you? Dare to stop Badian and kill the wanted criminal?"

"Jin Juexuan, isn't it?" Xiao Yi glanced at the middle-aged man, "Hallmaster of the Hall of Heavenly Secrets in the Black Cloud Region."

Xiao Yi's gaze then looked at the middle-aged man, where there was an old man.

The old man, he also knows, the deputy dean of Heiyun Learning.

Behind the vice president, there were dozens of young people standing, all elite disciples of Heiyun learning, Tong Ye and Qin Yi were among them.

Xiao Yi continued to scan the Eight Temple Martial Artists around him.

The Lord Chengfeng and the Lord Hengtian need not say much.

And the other half...

"Xu Heyan, the head of the main hall of the Black Cloud Region Yaozun Hall, once served in the main hall."

"Jiang Liuhuo, Lord of the Hall of Flames in the Six Dragon Region."

"Jing Wu, the deputy head of the main hall of the Black Demon Palace."

"Baiyue, the deputy head of the main hall of the soul hall, with outstanding achievements, in charge of the eight elite law enforcement teams of the main hall."


He knew almost all the Eight Temple Warriors surrounded by him.

They are all famous strong men in the Eight Palaces, and even in the middle domain.

After Xiao Yi's gaze scanned everyone, his voice was as cold as frost.

"The eight halls are wanted, the leader, the hall master of one of the ten main halls, the deputy hall masters of the main hall, and even the famous veteran strong."

"Badian, what a big battle."

Xiao Yi's voice fell, and his eyes were already extremely cold.

Around, none of the people present are fools.

Seeing Xiao Yi's actions, they knew that Xiao Yi knew these "wanted people".

At the same time, the Eight Temple Martial Artists who didn't know Xiao Yi's identity originally heard the words "Xiao Yi Kid" in the two populations of Temple Lord Chengfeng and Temple Lord Hengtian, which naturally reflected who came.

It was Xiao Yi, the peerless kendo genius who shocked Zhongyu more than half a year ago!

"Humph." Only at this time, Jin Juexuan snorted coldly, "I don't care who you are and what status you are. It is a capital crime to dare to prevent Badian from killing the wanted criminal."

"Give you ten breaths, get out of it immediately."

"Otherwise, die."

"Dead? Haha, a big tone." Palace Master Chengfeng sneered suddenly.

"Jin Juexuan, I'll give you a chance, do you try it again?" Hengtian Hall Master smiled.

"Kill me, Fengcha and Shura, the two halls of Tianjiao?"

Jin Juexuan's expression changed, "Hallmaster of Chengfeng and Hengtian, you should know the rules of the palace."

"Xiao Yi is the master of your two halls, so you should understand the rules of the hall better."

"Jin Jue Xuan..." Hengtian Hall master narrowed his eyes.

Xiao Yi interrupted the two people's words indifferently, "Jin Juexuan, do you think I am going to talk to you about palace rules?"

Zi Zi Zi...

Xiao Yi already held Zidian in his hand, and lightning surged on the sword.

"Just now, you were going to kill my senior?"

Xiao Yi only asked indifferently.

"Nonsense." Jin Juexuan sneered, "They are wanted in the Eight Palaces..."


In the air, only a purple thunder flashed.

Jin Juexuan's words could not be finished.

High in the sky, Jin Juexuan's body instantly split into two halves, unable to fall.

Xiao Yi stood indifferently in front of Jin Juexuan.

Divide the body with one sword.


Second more.

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