Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1704: ; I believe them


In the air, there was only a sound of "chirp".

Jin Juexuan's body was divided into two halves and fell.

In the air, only thunder and lightning remained.

Xiao Yi stood in front of the place where Jin Juexuan originally floated.

"It's so fast, this kid is much stronger." Palace Master Chengfeng and Palace Master Hengtian both looked shocked.

Xiao Yi just now was just a flashback, and his speed was extremely fast.

Jin Juexuan, the main hall master, one of the ten main hall masters of the Heavenly Ji Palace, died before he could react.

Originally, Jin Juexuan stood beside the vice president.

So now, it was Xiao Yi who was standing next to the deputy dean.

"Xiao Yi, you..." The deputy dean's expression changed.

Xiao Yi ignored it, but turned around and glanced at the woman, "Senior Jian Ji, but everyone here participated in the siege?"

Senior Jian Ji nodded, and pointed to the disciples of Heiyun Xuejiao, "Those yellow-haired boys can't hurt me."

"It was just a fight with Lin Jin and the others."

"There are also those two boys." Senior Jian Ji pointed to the Master of Chengfeng and the Master of Hengtian.

"These two boys didn't participate in the siege before. They just laid out this formation for most of the day and trapped us."

"But it didn't make a move."

The Lord Chengfeng and Temple Lord Hengtian couldn't help but draw their faces when they heard the words, especially when they heard the words "two boys".

But looking at Xiao Yi's awe-inspiring eyes, frowned again.

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Heiyun learned and taught, leave within ten breaths, I haven't seen you."

Xiao Yi looked at Tong Ye and others.

"Okay." Tong Ye and others nodded, turned and left.

On the side, a middle-aged man looked furious, "Dare you?"

"This time, Heiyun Xuejiao took over the task and came to kill the wanted."

"If you dare to leave without authorization, just wait for your learning to go down."

"Elder Chen." Tong Ye sneered, "It's not your turn to take care of us."

"Elder Chen?" Xiao Yi frowned.

He used to study in Heiyun, but he had never seen this elder.

Tong Ye looked at Xiao Yi and replied, "A new elder who came to learn a few days ago is just a villain."

Xiao Yi nodded indifferently.

Elder Chen looked angry, "What are you talking about? Dare to slander the elder?"

"Eight halls are strong here, are you afraid that a Xiao Yi thief will not succeed?"

Tong Ye shook his head, "I'm not afraid."

"It's that when Xiao Yi fought side by side with us, you, Elder Chen, don't know where you are. We don't need to listen to you."

"Heiyun learning belongs to, follow me."

"Deputy Dean." Elder Chen quickly looked at the Deputy Dean.

The vice president frowned.

Tong Ye preemptively said, "If the deputy dean wants us all to get away from education, we don't care."

The voice fell.

Tong Ye and his party, Yukong flew away.

At this time, Xiao Yi's gaze looked at everyone around him, and the purple light in his hand tightened again.

This time, Palace Master Chengfeng and Palace Master Hengtian reacted instantly.

"Xiao Yi, don't be impulsive." Palace Master Chengfeng yelled instantly.

"You are helping now, but a bunch of wanted criminals."

"Furthermore, you have already killed an Eighth Hall Master in public for the purpose of the Eighth Hall's wanted criminal, if you are..."

"You think Xiao Yi is a fool?" Xiao Yi interrupted coldly.

"I have read the information."

"The wanted order above and the follow-up all the way afterwards are clearly written."

"But the reason for the first wanted was vaguely mentioned."

"First, Yaozun Hall issued the wanted order, and then the halls issued it immediately."

"The main hall of the Yaozun Hall said that a batch of rare heavenly materials and earth treasures were looted."

"A group of treasures of heaven and earth are just a few of them, worthy of a wanted order for all the eight halls, or are you all the masters of the main hall, the masters of the main hall shooting?"

"Today, if I don't have a reasonable explanation, you don't even want to leave alive."

Xiao Yi's gaze scanned the surrounding Eight Palace Warriors.

Including the two masters of Palace Chengfeng, they were also shocked.

Because they clearly felt that Xiao Yi's killing intent was even included in the two of them just now.

In other words, Xiao Yi at this moment would really kill someone if he didn't agree with him.

Just now Jin Jue Xuan is an example.

But at this time, there was still an untimely sound.

"Tsk tusk, no one wants to leave alive." Jing Wu sneered.

"It really deserves to be the fierce little thief Xiao Yi, who has disappeared for more than half a year. He just started to speak harshly."

"However, you still can't threaten our Eight Temple Warriors..."


Jing Wu's words could not be finished either.

Because, together with the Purple Lightning Divine Sword, it has instantly fallen over his head.

Jing Wu had been prepared early, so he reacted extremely quickly and quickly blocked.


High in the sky, there was a loud noise.

Jing Wu's voice was directly hit the ground heavily in the sky.

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough just now, he would have died like Jin Juexuan now if he had ended up.

"Little thief Xiao Yi, you..." On the other side, Bai Yue, Jiang Liuhuo and the others were angry.

But their words did not go on.

They had already fully reacted. The boy in front of him holding a purple sword, although his body was indifferent, but his strength was amazing, but he was a **** of murderer who even dared to slaughter the sword repairers in the world.

"Maybe there is some misunderstanding." Palace Master Chengfeng, unable to sit still anymore, spoke directly.

"If the friends behind you didn't commit heinous crimes, or even murder the Badian warriors, Badian will never issue a wanted warrant."

"If you really do, then, Xiao Yi kid...sorry." Palace Master Chengfeng squinted.

The hall rule is the hall rule, he is the main hall master, he will never cover up, and he can only take action.

"No misunderstanding." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Smelly boy, you don't have to ask, you know that there is no misunderstanding?" Hengtian Hall master showed dissatisfaction.

"If you were deceived by an adulterer..."

"I believe them." Xiao Yi interrupted coldly.

Yes, Xiao Yi believed them.

He is not a fool either.

That piece of information is definitely problematic.

However, Xiao Yi didn't care about who the problem was.

He didn't even ask Senior Jian Ji, Lin Jin and others if they had any misunderstandings, because that was trust.

These elders and friends who had accompanied him from birth to death, he trusted him very much.

If Badian relied on the vague information, he would issue a wanted order and pursue the killing. He wouldn't mind being an enemy of Badian, so he had a good time today.

The Lord Chengfeng was shocked when he heard the words.

He suddenly remembered that when Xiao Yi said the phrase ‘Never want to leave alive’ just now, his tone was full of incomparable confidence.

"Hengtian, go to the nearby main hall to use the sacred artifacts to check the dossier of the main hall and find out what's going on." The main hall of Chengfeng said in a deep voice.

"Yeah." Hengtian Hall Master nodded, a flash of body, has disappeared into the distance.

"Little Xiao Yi, wait for a while." Palace Master Chengfeng said solemnly.

"If there is a misunderstanding, I will give you justice."

"But if not, then...don't blame the old man."

Xiao Yi ignored it.

In the crowd of martial artists in the Eight Palaces, the vice president's expression suddenly flickered.

"Senior Jian Ji." Xiao Yi returned to the woman's side, "You are also injured, I will stabilize it for you first."

"It doesn't matter." The woman waved her hand.


After only ten minutes, the Lord of Hengtian Temple flashed back.

At his speed, I am afraid that it will take a while to go to the nearby main hall.

"How?" Palace Master Chengfeng frowned and asked, a trace of anxiety flashed in his heart.

If he wants to make a move, he really does not know how to face Xiao Yi.

"There is a problem." Hengtian Hall frowned, "The first wanted order was not issued by Yaozun Hall, but..."

The Lord Hengtian looked at the deputy dean, "Heiyun learns and teaches."

"Including the wanted orders for the other halls, they are all issued by Heiyun Xuejiao and issued by the main halls at the same time."

"A wanted order issued by Heiyun Xuejiao?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes and looked directly at the deputy dean.

"When did Heiyun Xuejiao have the right to issue wanted orders for each hall?"


Third more.

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