Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1708: Experience of a group of people

Flying sub-sacred weapon, on that huge ship.

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged, and healed the wound left by the soul-breaking needle on his arm for Senior Jian Ji.

On one side, he scanned the familiar figures around him.

Lin Jin, Tie Niu, Qin Feiyang, Shangguan Xiyue, Ling Yu, Ye Ming, etc...

He knows everyone here.

Except that Senior Sword Ji is his senior elder, the rest are all friends who have experienced life and death with him.

Lin Jin and others were even close friends on his growth path.

These figures have not changed much in their faces.

It's just a comparison of the immaturity of the past, and now each one has matured a lot.

Although everyone had blood stains on their bodies, Xiao Yi had sensed their breath and it was already calm.

With his pharmacist skills, as well as pill, it is not difficult to help them heal.

From the very beginning, he flew from far away from the sky and saw Senior Jian Ji and a group of friends. He was surprised at first, and then was angry at seeing everyone injured. Until now, he was slightly calm.

Everyone is fine, he doesn't need to worry.

Next, I just asked why Senior Jian Ji and everyone else came to Zhongyu.

After all, he knew that there was a trace of martial arts missing from the Eastern Region, and no one could break through the celestial realm.

After all, he personally passed through the turbulence of that space, knowing the danger inside.

Without the strength of the Celestial Realm, it would be impossible to pass through that turbulent flow and arrive at the Central Region.

"Senior Jian Ji, why are you here?"

Xiao Yi asked through a voice while healed Senior Jian Ji's injuries.

Things in the Eastern Region are naturally hard to explain, so they can only talk through voice.

Xiao Yi cautiously laid a barrier silently.

The barrier is connected with the aura of the purple electric divine sword on the side.

Xiao Yi even set up a formation to be safe.

Under such barriers, there is another voice transmission conversation, even the Palace Master Chengfeng would never want to snoop.

Even if Palace Master Chengfeng intends to spy, Xiao Yi will instantly notice.

It's not that you can't believe in the Lord Chengfeng, but that some things are worse than less.

Senior Jian Ji, apparently also aware of Xiao Yi's worries, also responded via voice transmission.

"I broke through the celestial realm in the Eastern Region, so I came over."

"In the turbulent flow of space, although it did not die, it did experience ups and downs."

"It is conceivable that your kid was alone back then, and set off only in the extreme conditions, how difficult it was."

While talking, Senior Jian Ji smiled, showing appreciation.

"Break through the celestial pole?" Xiao Yi was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Senior Jian Ji, continue to answer by voice transmission.

After a long while, Senior Jian Ji explained it roughly, and Xiao Yi probably understood it.

Knowing that Senior Jian Ji was on the Eastern Territory, and that the martial arts of heaven and earth were missing a bit, he could break through the celestial pole in one fell swoop, Xiao Yi was really surprised.

But at the same time, he secretly marveled at the talent of Senior Sword Ji, it was amazing.

Recalling that when he was in the Eastern Region, Senior Sword Ji was the fastest person to reach the extreme in history.

When he reached the extreme, he was only 23 years old.

Later, even when he reached the extreme state, although he was faster than Jian Ji's predecessor, it was not much faster, at most half a year, less than a year.

It is conceivable that Senior Sword Ji's talent is amazing.

In addition, Senior Jian Ji, with the help of this sub-sacred artifact in the Yanwu Master Hall, actually brought everyone from the Eastern Region to the Central Region long ago.

Calculating time, it was probably less than two years after he had left that year, Senior Jian Ji and his party had already set off.

So Jian Ji-senpai and others have actually been to Zhongyu for several years.

However, here in the middle area, there are dangers everywhere, and killings everywhere.

Although Jian Ji's predecessor is a bit mischievous, she is naturally not an ordinary person.

So after I came, I always acted low-key.

After all, besides herself, she also had to take care of a large group of Eastern Tianjiao.

They didn't even join any of the Eight Halls, they just managed and practiced alone to improve their cultivation as soon as possible.

Therefore, they were above the middle domain, and they did not have much reputation, nor did they cause much trouble.

Naturally, in a huge Zhongyu, Xiao Yi didn't even know they were coming.

Had it not been for Mo You this time to make such a big disturbance, Xiao Yi would not know how long it would take before he met everyone.

However, Xiao Yi remembered that when he was in the Eastern Region, Senior Jian Ji was messing around.

After coming to Zhongyu, he actually kept a low profile.

If it was changed before, if you met someone like Mo You, with the character of Senior Jian Ji, I was afraid that after a lesson, she would have to steal all of her universe ring and the treasures on her body.

But after coming to Zhongyu, it was just a lesson.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi smiled unconsciously.

But at the same time, he could also know that Senior Jian Ji and many others must have had a bad life these years.

In the middle domain, such killings are commonplace, and if there is no big power behind them, it is really difficult to move.

It is not difficult to imagine that in these years, Senior Jian Ji, in order to protect everyone, must not be easy.

"What are you laughing at?" At this moment, Senior Jian Ji didn't speak any more, but asked directly.

"Uh." Xiao Yi touched his nose awkwardly, and couldn't directly say that Senior Jian Ji, you didn't make a fool of yourself. It really surprised me.

Therefore, Xiao Yi replied, "It's nothing, but I think that Senior Jian Ji's Saint Emperor Stage peak cultivation level will have peerless combat power, really powerful."

Yes, at this moment, Senior Jian Ji, his cultivation reached the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm.

Her talent is already extremely strong.

Just talking about qualifications, comprehension, etc., I am afraid that it is not much weaker than Xiao Yi.

In fact, she came to Zhongyu only two years later than Xiao Yi.

And her own Qi fountain and small world were normal in size, not the small world that was terribly big like Xiao Yi's.

Therefore, it is normal for her to follow Xiao Yi in her cultivation.

Xiao Yi's current cultivation base is nothing more than martial arts power.

And speaking of combat power, for a peerless Tianjiao like Sky Splitting Sword Fairy, it is also not surprising that he has such an amazing leapfrog fighting ability.

Although I don't know what tactics Senior Jian Ji used.

But intuition tells Xiao Yi that this is related to the martial arts practiced by Jian Ji senior.

Because, he can obviously feel that the martial arts aura in Senior Jian Ji's body is far beyond the peak of the ordinary Saint Emperor.

Xiao Yi's judgment cannot be wrong.

In his eyes, Senior Jian Ji, undoubtedly possessed peerless strength.

Of course, Senior Jian Ji had cultivated Frost Ice Swordsmanship before, but what kind of martial arts he would cultivate later, Xiao Yi was not very clear, and did not ask much.

However, when Senior Jian Ji was in the Eastern Region, she was able to forcibly create the last trace of martial arts and step into the celestial pole, in fact, one can imagine her power.

Xiao Yi's gaze turned to Lin Jin, Ling Yu and others.

He felt it, and nodded slightly.

The cultivation base of everyone is not too high, mostly around the peak of the Saint King Realm.

If placed here in the middle domain, it would also be a first-class Tianjiao level.

Compared with the real top talents, it is quite weak.

However, this does not mean that their future achievements will be weak.

Compared with the top Tianjiao in the Middle Territory, they started later, and the Tianjiao on the Middle Territory side was also stronger.

They have come to Zhongyu now, and given time, they may not be as good as others.

Although their martial arts are weak, they are the standard for judging the talents of martial artists, but they have never been the only standard.

What they lack is just enough time and enough tempering.

The current cultivation base is low, and the martial soul is weak, and it is not possible to determine 100% of what will happen in the future.

Xiao Yi was full of expectations for them.


Fourth more. (burst)

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